5 Things to expect when getting a Denture


5 Things to expect when getting a Denture

Dentures are the best non-invasive replacement for your fallen teeth. If you happen to lose your teeth due to some unfavourable conditions, then your dentist will place an artificial tooth to replace the natural one. With today’s advancement of technology in dentistry, dentures can be made to look, feel and function just like natural teeth. However, there is still not a substitute for healthy, natural teeth and cannot be able to perform to the same standards as natural teeth.

When you receive your new dentures, your speech will be altered and you might experience some difficulties in eating. Involuntary actions such as yawning, sneezing and coughing might unseat your dentures. You will require some patience and learning so that you can be able to effectively use them. Here are some few things that will help you know what to expect when you receive your dentures.

1. Speaking

Speaking may appear strange to you and even sometimes prove difficult. This is because your tongue has to learn exactly where the teeth are. To help you adjust, try and read aloud to yourself during the first days. Make sure you occasionally take some sips of water as you read aloud as this may make your mouth dry. Don’t feel embarrassed while talking in front of people as most of them will not notice any difference with your speech. As you continue practising, your tongue will adjust and you will start speaking normally.

2. You Will Develop Some Sore Spots

You may find that your mouth develops some sore spots during your first days of wearing dentures. This is a very common occurrence. The main reason behind this is that your new dentures will settle into your gums and will need some time to reshape into the shape of the new dentures. Normally, this process takes about seven to fourteen days. Visit your dentist once you form a sore spot for adjustments. Make sure you continue wearing the dentures even if you feel the soreness so that the dentist can know where to adjust.

3. You Might Temporary Lose the Sense of Taste

Most patients report that their sense of taste has been affected after wearing dentures for the first time. Most people think it’s because the palate has been covered by the dentures. However, this is not the case, in fact, the taste buds are not located on the palate but on the tongue. The main reason why some people experience this is because the feeling of food been squashed on the palate is no more. The other reason is that as much as the taste buds are fully functional, the message they send to the brain is interrupted by other messages from sensory nerves notifying the brain that there is a strange thing in the mouth.

4. Certain Foods Restriction

You will be restricted on eating some certain types of foods while wearing dentures. During the first days, you will only be required to take soft foods such as mashed potatoes and pudding. Such foods are gentle to your gums and will not exert much pressure on them.

5. You Will Need to Clean Your Dentures on a Daily Basis

To avoid build-up of stain and other materials, you will need to clean your dentures. Be sure to use a soft toothbrush instead of a hard-bristled because it can damage your dentures. Also, use non-abrasive toothpaste as recommended by your dentist.

Bottom Line

Whether you are receiving full or partial dentures, replacing your teeth is of utmost importance. After all, your facial muscles will begin to sag without teeth. Schedule an appointment with us at Carrum Downs Dental Clinic if you are considering to have dentures as your preferred tooth replacement option. After receiving them, you will need to schedule aregular dental appointment for realignment and adjustment after at least six months.


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