Benefits Of Cloves For Toothaches

Different Ways To Use Cloves For Toothaches

Cloves are a common spice that comes from a clove tree. They are mainly used in tea and mulled drinks. They are also used as a component in gingerbread. However, above and beyond this, cloves work as an anti-fungal, and antiviral. This is why cloves are used to cure different health problems such as a toothache, cough, sore gums, indigestion, asthma, mouth ulcers, and stress.

Cloves contain a strong anaesthetic known as eugenol which similarly works as an antiseptic to fight bacteria that may cause infections. That is why cloves are so effective at fighting cavities and are often added to oral products such as toothpaste and mouthwash. Additionally, dentists mix clove oil with zinc oxide to create a temporary filling to calm the sensitive tooth nerves.

Here are different ways to use cloves for toothaches.

– A Simple Clove Remedy

This simple remedy involves placing a few whole cloves in your mouth, moistening and softening them with your saliva then crushing them with the non-painful molars until you release their pain-relieving oil. Once you have done this, hold the crushed cloves against your aching tooth for about 30 minutes before spitting them out and repeat the process once more.

– Ground Cloves

Ground cloves work well too and preparing them is simple. First, you need to ground the cloves normally and then add a quarter teaspoon of olive oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly before dipping a cotton swab and apply it to the inflamed area in your mouth. Leave the cotton swab on the aching tooth for about 30 minutes and then spit it out and rinse your mouth with some warm salty water.

– Cloves and Cayenne Pepper

When whole cloves and cayenne pepper are mixed, they create an effective toothache remedy. Though when this mixture is applied, it may cause a burning sensation for a few minutes which is perfectly normal. Using a small mixing bowl, crush a few cloves with equal parts of cayenne pepper powder. Add a few drops of water to create a thick paste and then roll a cotton swab into the mixture to coat the surface thoroughly. Place the coated cotton swab directly onto the aching tooth to relieve the pain. The treatment may cause gum irritation, so try to keep the cotton off your gums.

– Clove Tea

Clove tea has a spicy aroma and a rich flavour. And most importantly, is that it can help to cure your toothache. Although there is no specific dose of clove tea that is recommended to cure a toothache, you can use a teaspoon of clove in 500ml of hot water. However, it is advisable that you do not consume the tea in a large amount because clove might have anticoagulant effects. This means that it can thin your blood, which in some way is good, but not always.

Bottom Line

While cloves can be used to treat a toothache, remember that pain is a warning sign that something is wrong with your oral health. Using cloves can make the pain go away, but there is danger in treating pain without knowing the cause. It is always best to seek dental advice to ensure that there are no serious oral problems. Schedule an appointment with us at Carrum Downs Dental Clinic or call us today if you are experiencing any tooth pain to receive the best treatment.

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