Porcelain Veneers – Best Solution for Whiter Teeth

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Porcelain Veneers – Best Solution for Whiter Teeth

When you meet with someone you’ve never met before, do you give them a big smile? Or do you tend to smile with your lips tightly closed? If you are not happy with the appearance of your teeth, you will tend to hide your smile. This might make you seem unapproachable. Even just a small chip on your teeth can ruin your smile and make you feel self-conscious. However, the good news is that modern dentistry now offers excellent solutions for enhancing the appearance of your smile. Porcelain veneers are among the best solutions to correct any defect in your teeth and enhance your smile.

Getting porcelain veneers is a cosmetic procedure that involves the application of porcelain shells over the surface of your teeth to mask any defects. These defects include misaligned, chipped or discoloured teeth. The procedure of installing porcelain veneers involves shredding off some of your outer layer of the enamel and filling it with a porcelain veneer. The entire process usually takes two dental visits. This article is going to take a deeper look at porcelain veneers and how they can make your teeth whiter.

What are Dental Veneers?

The word veneer comes from a French word ‘fournir’ which means to furnish. Just as you can furnish your home to make it appear good, you can also furnish your teeth to improve their appearance. A dental veneer is an ultra-thin shell of the tooth-coloured composite or porcelain that is cemented over the surface of the teeth to correct a myriad of dental issues. Such dental issues include tooth discolouration, worn tooth enamel, and chips or cracks. As much as dental veneers fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry since they help with a smile makeover, they also boost protection of the teeth. They help in eliminating the need for any extensive dental treatment in the future.

Dental veneers can be used on a single tooth or several of them. The dentist can also apply a full set of dental veneers on all the visible front teeth if needed. Veneers are made in a way that resembles the shade of your existing tooth colour. Veneers are made from a very strong material that can last for years. They have no restrictions in terms of the type of food or drinks you can take when they are fitted.

Type of Dental Veneers

Composite Veneers

Composite veneer is one of the most common dental veneer. They are applied and sculpted during your appointment with your dentist. Typically, composite veneers are used to correct dental cosmetic issues such as cracked, chipped and slightly crooked teeth. They can also be used to fill small gaps between the front teeth.

Composite veneers are way cheaper compared to other types of veneers such as porcelain veneers. Their treatment also takes a shorter period. The entire treatment can be completed in just a single dental appointment,but it might take longer than normal.

The main disadvantage of this type of veneers is that you will not be able to get the same value as you would from porcelain veneers. They are also not resistant to discolouration and staining. However, regular polishing can keep them looking good. If you maintain proper dental hygiene, they should last you longer.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are usually the most expensive option, but the transformative action they will have on you is well worth the investment. Installation of this kind of veneers will require multiple dental appointments. Porcelain veneers are custom made for your own unique set of teeth. They are also tailored to resemble the colour and shape of your teeth. This type of veneers is resistant to staining and discolouration. They are the ideal solution for severely discoloured teeth. They are much durable than any other type of veneers.

The downside of porcelain veneers is that they are much costly compared to other types of veneers. They also require a lot of time during the initial preparatory work. Repairing damaged porcelain veneers is also more expensive and time-consuming than other types of veneers.

Instant Veneers

Instant veneers involve the dentist applying pre-made dental veneers on your teeth rather than custom-made one. Instant veneers come in different shades and styles based on the commonly accepted best look for teeth. Your dentist will match the available options with your teeth and help you come up with the best ones that most resemble your natural teeth.

The treatment is very affordable since it has eliminated lab fees. The entire process of installing this kind of veneers can be done in just a single appointment. Pre-made veneers also mean that you are not relying on your dentist expertise to custom make veneers that resemble your teeth.

The downside of this kind of veneers is that you will not get the same kind of aesthetic results as you would do with porcelain veneers. Instant veneers are also not as resistant to stain and discolouration as porcelain veneers.

When Can You Use Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers can be used to achieve several results. Here are some of them:

– Change Tooth Colour

Sometimes teeth can be stained or discoloured and assume a dull or yellowish colour. This can occur naturally or due to different lifestyle choices such as smoking, taking wine or coffee. Tooth discolouration can also result from repeated medications (for example a high dose of antibiotics as a child). It can also be due to trauma which results in the killing of the nerves inside the tooth. Using traditional teeth whitening procedures to whiten your teeth, sometimes may fail to yield the intended results. Some people have very sensitive teeth to undergo teeth whitening procedures. In such cases, porcelain veneers come in handy to help patients whiten their teeth.

– Corrects the Shape of the Teeth

Some people teeth can be too short or too small making them self-conscious about their smile. Porcelain veneers help them to remodel the shape of their teeth and brighten their smile.

– Replace Worn Down Teeth

If you fail to practice proper dental hygiene, your teeth enamel will wear done over time. Worn down tooth enamel does not look aesthetically appealing. They can also become too sensitive to hot or cold foods and beverages. Porcelain veneers can give you a beautiful and straight smile within no time.

– Improve Teeth Alignment

People who are looking for straight teeth without going through the process of wearing braces or Invisalign may consider using porcelain veneers. Patients can use them to correct misaligned teeth or reduce gaps between the teeth. However, this alternative is not recommended for younger patients since it involves removing too much of natural tooth structure and the process can’t be reversed.

– Repair Damage Caused by Bruxism

Bruxism is a condition where the patients grind, clench and gnash over their teeth. If you are suffering from bruxism, you may clench your teeth when you are asleep or unconsciously during the day. People who suffered from this condition in the past may have ground off the enamel of their teeth. Using veneers not only restores patients’ cosmetic appearance but also reduces sensitivity to hot or cold.

How Do Porcelain Veneers Work? 

While installing porcelain veneers, different dentists will take different approaches depending on your desired results and the material used. If all you need is a simple change of the tooth colour, then the process will be relatively simple and straightforward. Such a procedure can be completed in two or three stages.

More complex procedures such as covering chipped tooth or correcting misalignment may need more planning and testing. This is necessary to ensure that the outcome is what was intended. The dentist will create a different mask of the veneers to come up with a solution that the patient will be impressed with. Porcelain veneers need a skilled lab technician who can come up with custom-made veneers that will impress the patient.

Before undertaking the procedure, it is very important to go over everything with the dentist. He/she should provide you with full details of the entire procedure, including the steps and the expected results. As much as you will be required to use some money in the process, installing porcelain veneers is still far much affordable than other dental procedures such as dental implants and crowns. The process is also less invasive and quicker.

The procedure of getting a porcelain veneer

– First, your dentist will examine your teeth

Just like any other dental procedure, the first step involves an examination and consultation process by your dentist. This allows the dentist to get a closer understanding of what you need and what the treatment options are available. This step is considered as the most vital part of the whole procedure as it allows your dentist to discuss any concerns you may have. Also, your dentist may take x-rays and perform a visual examination. If you are eligible for the procedure, you can review your dentist’s porcelain veneers before and after pictures to see if your expectations were met. Your dentist will also explain to you clearly about the treatment process and give you the precise guide as to the possible cost of your whole procedure.

– Preparing for the procedure

During your next appointment, your dentist will start by preparing your teeth for the dental veneers. For the porcelain veneers to perfectly fit your teeth, your dentist will need to lightly grind down about a half millimeter of the enamel from the tooth surface. The half-millimeter is nearly equal to the thickness of the porcelain veneer to be added to your tooth surface. Your dentist will give you an anesthetic to prevent you from feeling any pain during this procedure. Next, your teeth impressions will be taken to enable the lab to create your custom dental veneers accurately. You will be required to bite down on a gel-like material to get the impression or model of your teeth for the lab. This impression is taken to the dental laboratory to ensure that you get an accurate, personalised fit for your veneers. Usually, it takes about 2-4 weeks for your dentist to get the veneers back from the laboratory. Therefore, you will get some temporary dental veneers to protect your prepared teeth as you wait for your actual veneers to be fabricated.

– Fitting

Once your dentist receives your dental veneers from the laboratory, your next appointment will be fitting the veneers on your teeth. Before the porcelain veneers are permanently placed to your teeth, your dentist will temporarily place it on the teeth to ensure that its fit and colour is perfect. If the fit and colour are not as good as expected, the dentist will trim the veneer as required and adjust the colour with the shade of cement to be used. Afterwards, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned, polished and etched. This procedure roughens the teeth to allow a strong bonding process. Each tooth is then attached to your tooth surface with a special cement. Once the veneer is properly placed on the teeth, your dentist will have you sit in front of the ultraviolet light. This light activates chemicals in the cement making it cure and firmly secure the dental veneer in place. Your dentist will then remove any excess cement, examine your bite and make any final adjustments if necessary.

– Recheck

Your dentist will need you to go back for a follow-up appointment after a week or two to examine the veneer’s placement and how the gums have responded to the presence of your veneer. You will also get the chance to ask any question and discuss issues that you may have experienced after your dental veneers installation.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

People with great smiles are the most confident ones. They tend to feel good about themselves because they know they can confidently smile in front of people. Apart from that, a bright smile is a big deal for anyone else because it’s an indication that they take care of their oral hygiene. The main benefit of using porcelain veneers is enhancing one’s smile. However, it comes with tones of other benefits. Here are some of them:

– Porcelain Veneers offer Natural Looking Results

Porcelain veneers provide a very natural looking appearance. They are created based on an impression that your dentist takes from your natural teeth. This means that you can expect the natural colour and contouring of porcelain shell to mimic your natural teeth. Not only do they look natural, but they also feel natural. Once you have them, you can still talk and eat in a normal way without experiencing any problems.

Once your porcelain veneers are out of the lab, your dentist can make some minor changes such as reshaping some of the edges or adjusting the shade to match your natural teeth enamel shade. In other words, your dentist will customise the veneers in a way that they will look and feel natural.

– Durable and Stain Resistant

Porcelain veneers can resist stain and discolouration better than the natural teeth. This is because they are non-porous. When veneers are well taken care of, you can expect them to last for 10 to 15 years. As much as porcelain veneers are stain resistant and durable, you will still be required to provide proper dental care to them just as you do with your natural teeth.

If you take excessive wine, coffee or any other staining agent, you will end up staining your veneer. Also, if you use your veneers to bite hard foods such as ice, you may end up chipping them. As long as you take proper care of your veneers, they will last for years to come.

– Very Easy to Maintain

There is no special attention required while you are taking care of your veneers. Take care of them just the same way you do to your natural teeth. This involves brushing them at least twice a day and flossing at least once to remove any plaque and tartar build-up. Moreover, make sure that you schedule regular check-ups with your dentist.
This simple oral hygiene measures will help your veneers keep the natural white shine so that you can enjoy a bright and healthy smile.

– The Process is Minimally Invasive

The process of installing porcelain veneers is minimally invasive compared to other alternatives such as dental crowns. Your dentist will require only to take ½ millimetres of your enamel structure to create room for the veneer. While this may seem like a lot, dental crowns require more filing since the crown has to fit over the entire tooth. Porcelain veneers only require the front part of the tooth that is visible to people.

How to Take Care of Porcelain Veneers

How long porcelain veneers last depends on how well you take good care of them. The porcelain material itself wears as well, but it is much better than your natural teeth. The bond between your tooth and the laminate is very strong. Also, the porcelain is resistant to tooth decay. However, the part of the tooth that is not covered is still prone to decay. This means that you can get dental cavities with porcelain veneers. If you do not brush and floss diligently or you tend to consume starches frequently between meals, then you have a greater chance of getting cavities. As part of our service to you, we have compiled a list of how to take care of porcelain veneers to make sure they last a long time.

– Switch to a whitening toothpaste

When you get your first porcelain veneers, your dentist will match your natural teeth colour to the veneer colour. To prevent the veneers from being stained or discoloured it is recommended that you brush with a whitening toothpaste. Always go for toothpaste with a natural whitener such as a baking soda or a non-abrasive toothpaste.

– Practice proper oral hygiene

The best thing you can do to keep your veneers looking flawless for many years is to practice proper oral hygiene. Not only will this increase the durability of your veneers but also keep your mouth healthy. As much as porcelain veneers do not decay there are still uncovered parts of the teeth that can be on the risk of decaying. It is recommended to floss once and brush twice a day to keep your veneers in good shape.

– Eat wisely

One of the finest ways of damaging your porcelain veneers is biting on hard objects. Opening metal caps and biting on hard shells such as walnuts with veneers on is not advisable. Such actions can lead to chipping of the outer coating and damage your teeth. Also, do not consume foods that contain a lot of sugar, acidic or starchy as it may lead to tooth decay. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid foods and drinks such as red wine, coffee, tea, aerated drinks and berries since they can lead to staining of the clean white texture of veneers.

– Address teeth grinding

Teeth grinding cause not only damage to your natural teeth but also your veneers, and it should be stopped immediately. I know stopping the grinding may be easier said than done, especially if grinding happens while sleeping. If you have an issue with teeth grinding, our dentists will help you find a solution for protecting your teeth.

– Choose your toothbrush

Brushing your teeth is essential for your oral health and your veneers’ durability, but this is if only you use the right toothbrush. Choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles as this will not scratch your veneers.

– Floss with caution to prevent breakage

Your dentist will advise you on how to properly brush and floss your teeth to prevent exerting too much pressure on the veneer. Putting too much pressure while brushing or flossing can lead to chipping and cracking of the veneer. Consult your dentist on the best method of brushing and flossing your teeth.

– Get your veneers polished

Your dentist can help you preserve the life of your porcelain veneers by polishing them. Polishing can be done once every three months. Your dentist will use specialised equipment and solutions to make sure that your veneers and natural teeth are completely cleaned. However, this does not mean that you do not take care of your own oral hygiene. Frequent teeth brushing, and flossing will increase the durability of your veneers,and it allows you to go longer periods before going for another polishing session.

Bottom Line

If you’ve been wondering how to get a bright and flawless smile, you now know it takes more than homemade bleaching remedies and a few whitening treatments. In fact, most of the bright smile you see with celebrities all over the world, are enhanced using one of the well-kept secrets- porcelain veneers.

As you can see from the article, porcelain veneers come with endless benefits. They provide the level of confidence for most people that far outweigh the cost of the procedure. They are also very easy to maintain. Now that you are well informed, you need to make a choice, visit your dentist for porcelain veneers and achieve that whiter and brighter smile you’ve always dreamt of.


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