Effective Treatment for Your Gummy Smile

Gummy Smile

Effective Treatment for Your Gummy Smile

A gummy smile also referred to as an excessive gingival display by the doctors, is when you smile, and too much gum tissue appear above your upper teeth. Patients who have gummy smiles often say it makes them feel self-conscious or that their smile appears less attractive. Well, fortunately, a gummy smile can be fixed. However, the type of treatment depends on the cause of the excessive gingival display. Once the doctors identify that cause of your gummy smile, they can work on creating an amazing, healthy grin.

What is a Gummy Smile?

Surprisingly, there is no clear set definition of a gummy smile, and it is mainly based on perception. You are most likely to know a gummy smile when you see one. There have been researching studies done to determine what people consider as an excessive gingival display. In most cases, people rated smiles as attractive when two millimeters less of gum tissue were exposed. In cases where the smile was three millimeters or more, the smile was considered as a gummy smile. Amusingly, the gummy smiles were found more in women than men. Experts predict that about 7% of men and 14% of women have an excessive gingival display.

Causes of a Gummy Smile

There are some different elements that can lead to someone to have a gummy smile. While one patient may have an excessive gingival display from birth, another one may develop it over time. Some of the most common backing factors of a gummy smile include:

– Neurological Changes

The muscles controlling the upper lip movements can become hyperactive. When this occurs, your upper lip can start to rise higher than normal, thus exposing more of your gum tissue underneath. Therefore, your gums will become more noticeable and give you the appearance of a gummy smile even though there might be no more gum tissue than normal.

– Genetics

If your parents or grandparents have a gummy smile, particularly short teeth or similar issues high possibilities are that you do too. Also, there is a high chance that any children you have could develop the same issue.

– Too Much Gum Tissue

Some patients have more gum tissue than others. In some cases, teeth seem short since they did not emerge from the gums completely and are still partially covered by the gum tissues. Also, gum tissue can grow over teeth due to a condition is known as gingival hypertrophy.

– Overgrowth of the upper jaw

Overgrowth of the upper jaw also referred to vertical maxillary excess can make the gums bulge out and the upper lip to thin. The condition can make your smile appear gummy than what is considered normal.

– Teeth that have failed to erupt

Permanent teeth begin to grow in around the age of 5-6 years. However, this process can continue well into the teenage years. In case your teeth do not fail to emerge from the gum properly, they can remain partially covered by the gums resulting in an increased amount of gum tissue on display when you smile.

– Short or Worn Teeth

You may look as if you have a gummy smile when your teeth appear to be small in comparison with the gums if they are naturally shorter than normal or they have been worn down.

– Gingival Recessions

Receding gums or gingival recessions is a common condition that leads to a gummy smile. The condition is often related to an altered passive eruption of teeth due to genetic or developmental factors that may result in persistence of excessive soft tissue amount over the enamel surface.

– A Hyperactive or Short Upper Lip

When your upper lip appears to be too short, it can reveal more of your gums when you smile. In other instances, your upper lip may be of normal length, but it lifts too high when smiling thereby exposing the gums.

Treatment for a Gummy Smile

Luckily, you don’t have to live with a smile that you are not happy to share. Several cosmetic treatments can address various aspects of your teeth, including correcting the appearance of your gummy smile. Before the treatment, your dentist will classify the extent of your condition using a gummy smile scale. The scale will measure the amount of gum tissue that is exposed as a percentage of tooth height. Therefore, this means that gummy smiles are classified depending on the amount of gum tissue exposed about how much tooth structure is displayed when a patient smiles. Gummy smiles can be categorised as mild, moderate, advanced or severe.

Here is a keen look at what these classifications mean.

Mild gummy smile

If the amount of gum tissue that is exposed when the patient smiles is less than 25% of the length of tooth structure, then that is a mild gummy smile.

Moderate gummy smile

If the amount of gum tissues displayed when the patient smiles are above 25% and below 50% of the length of the teeth, they have a moderate gummy smile.

Advanced gummy smile

An advanced gummy smile exists when the amount of gum tissue revealed is between 50% and 100% the length of the tooth structure.

Severe gummy smile

When the amount of gum tissue revealed is more than 100% the length of the teeth when the patient smiles, then their gummy smile is considered as severe.

Surgical Treatments

Some surgeries used to fix gummy smiles are more invasive than others, and treatment recommendations depend on how serious the gums are and the type of a gummy smile. Also, it is common for the dentists to combine different types of treatment to help achieve the best outcome.

– Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is among the most popular treatments for a gummy smile. The procedure is designed to reshape the gum tissue and bone so that more of the natural tooth is exposed and less fleshy gum is on display. It is performed under local anaesthesia, and you can also be sedated if you are particularly nervous and anxious about the procedure. Crown lengthening can be done by hand. However, most dentists are now offering laser crown lengthening. The procedure is done as usual, but instead of using sharp instruments and tools by hand, the cutting and contouring are done using laser technology. Laser crown lengthening offers several benefits such as greater precision, minimal bleeding after and a reduced risk of human error.

Some of the advantages of laser crown lengthening include:

  • It is effective when a patient fears traditional periodontal surgery.
  • When a patient is looking for a less invasive treatment method for treating periodontal disease.
  • When a patient searching for a holistic and biological approach to treating periodontal disease.
  • When a patient has a medical condition that does not allow them to have traditional periodontal surgery.
  • When a patient has a recurrent gum infection and recurrent periodontal disease.

– Lip Repositioning

Lip repositioning involves making a small cut along the gum tissue to separate the inner part of the upper lip from where it connects with the gum line and repositioning it. Therefore, this will reduce the retracting movement of the lip allowing it to take a lower place over the gums and keep closer to the teeth when you smile. The procedure offers permanent results with faster healing time and minimal after-surgery discomfort.

Advantages of Lip Repositioning

  • It gives the top lip a fuller and more aesthetically pleasing look.
  • It improves the appearance of a gummy smile immediately.
  • It requires only local anaesthesia.
  • It creates a proportionate amount of teeth, lip,and gum.
  • It does not result in external scarring.
  • Fast recovery in a short period.

– Vertical Maxillary Impaction

This procedure is a form of corrective jaw surgery whereby the entire upper jaw is repositioned upwards. This procedure is unsurprisingly, much more invasive than the crown lengthening procedure, and it also requires a longer recovery period. It involves removal of the bone segment that is of uneven height at the front and back, allowing the repositioning of the maxilla by moving it backward. Also, it helps in changing the shape of the face so that it seems less long.

– Frenulum Attachment

When you lift your upper lip, you will notice that there is an extended tissue that connects the inside of your upper lip to the gums. The extended tissue is known as the frenulum, and it requires a surgical procedure using local anaesthesia to cut and lengthen or release the tissue so that your upper lip can cover your gums more.

– Orthodontics

In some cases, the dentist may suggest that you have your teeth moved into a more suitable position to help correct the problem of your gummy smile. When this is the case, you may be referred to an orthodontist for the treatment. It involves wearing braces over your teeth to adjust them over time to bring them and the jaw into a better position. Orthodontic treatment offers various benefits to your oral health and the appearance of your smile.

– Veneers

Other than focusing on the gums, you can decide on applying the veneers or dental crowns in an attempt to elongate your teeth so that they are proportional to the gum size. For patients with a gummy smile that has been attributed to genetics or wear, then veneers or dental crowns can be a great option. They also one of the most painless treatment options available.

– Gum Contouring

This procedure involves removal of the extra gum tissue and reshaping of the remaining gum tissue. A gum contouring is performed by a periodontist, and the expected results are more exposed teeth.

Advantages of Contouring the Gum

  • Used to remove excess amounts of gum tissue

Patients who tend to have excess gum tissues that extend down to their teeth, this is the ideal treatment for them. The dentist will safely ablate the gum tissue to expose more of the tooth’s surface, giving the impression of being longer and more proportional to the smile and other facial features.

  • It is permanent

Once the excess gum tissue is removed, they do not regenerate. When patients undertake this procedure, they can expect that their gums, maintain the new shape. However, patients should be committed to maintaining proper oral care to keep their teeth and gums clean to prevent them from losing their gum tissue to periodontal disease.

  • Can be used to form a smooth and even gum line

Patients who have a rough and uneven gum line, this procedure can be used to even out their gum lines. Uneven gum line can detract your beautiful smile and make your teeth appear more unhealthy and crooked. By reshaping your gummy smile, the dentist can reinvent your affected smile.

  • It is safe

As much as there is some degree of risk when it comes to surgery, gum contouring has a very low risk of infections and bleeding. The recovery period should be quick and safe as long as the patient is willing and able to follow all the after surgery instructions provided by the dentist. The patients must also be free from gum disease before they can undergo this procedure.


– Botox

Botox injections are a simple and temporary treatment that is non-invasive and allows you to get the results before trying surgery. Botox comprises of the botulinum toxin type A, and when used for cosmetic purposes, the injectable helps to weaken tissues of the upper lip to control the amount of lip retraction that is causing a gummy smile. The number of injections that you receive is based on how strong the muscles are and in some cases, the muscles are too strong, or the gummy condition is too extensive for any effective results. However, this treatment option is only temporary and should be repeated every 3-6 months to maintain your new smile.

Factors to Consider when choosing a Dentist for your Gummy Smile

– Patients Review

First, start by compiling a comprehensive list of all the dentists that you know. To make your work easier, you can try asking your friends, family members and other healthcare providers for any recommendations and their opinions. Take enough time to evaluate and carefully research their experience and credentials both online and any related sources that may be helpful. Also, as you go through each dentist’s detail, make sure that your request for a consultation appointment. A scheduled appointment will help you to meet, interview and analyse the dentist in question.

– Quality of Services

The quality of services that the dentist offers should be among your top most priorities. There is no better way to establish the facts other than getting to know what other patients say about that particular dentist. You can always check what the patients are saying about the quality of services on the dentist’s website. Also, if you may want to consider the quality of their customer service. If you want a flexible dental care service make sure that you choose a dentist with flexible operating hours. Therefore, you will be able to conveniently drive in for your treatment or check-ups before or even after work. Some dentists may even be flexible enough to provide late evening or early morning services.

– Emergency Care

Dental emergencies can occur once you get your gummy smile surgery. Damaged restorations such as the dental crowns or veneers and oral trauma can strike at any time. So, it is essential to know the kind of recourse the dental practice or dentist offers in case of an emergency. For instance, some dental offices offer flexible after hours and weekend appointments while others have limited flexibility.

– Up-to-date Technology

Over the past decades, dentistry has experienced a proliferation of digital technologies which have greatly improved the quality of dental care. This is particularly significant for laser crown lengthening, orthodontics, and dental x-rays.

– Experience of the Dentist

Experience of the dentist is an important factor to consider, and it matters most when it comes to not only gummy smile treatments but all other oral health conditions as well. The more experienced a dental practitioner is with a procedure or condition, the better the results will likely to be. It is important that you do a follow up on the dentist’s patients that have a similar condition to know how the condition was treated. Also, if you happen to know the type of procedure that you need, you can ask your dentist how many such procedures he or she has performed and find out the levels of risk complications the dentist has encountered.

– Location and Accessibility

The nearer the dental office location is in your home the better. However, it is always essential to be quite flexible regarding the distance because you may find that the dentist who makes you the most comfortable is a little far away. And that is a trade-off that only you can decide on. Also, if you are looking for a dentist for an older person or someone with some disabilities, make sure that the dental office is accessible and has special features to cater for such people. For example, if the office is located on the third or fourth floor than a wheelchair stairway lift or an elevator should be available to enable them to reach the office easily.

– Friendly and Responsive Staff

Visiting the dental office is not always high on most patient’s list of their favourite activities. And since you cannot always determine the type of treatment you will receive in advance; you can determine the quality of dental staff experience. This can be done by choosing a clinic that offers streamlined appointment process, a billing process which accepts most insurance plans and pleasant interaction.

– Consider Gender

Similar to any other medical procedures, gummy smile surgeries may sometimes require that you openly talk about your personal information to your dentist. Therefore, it is crucial that you are comfortable and at ease with your dentist’s gender. When you are free with your dentist, you will be able to talk about anything that is affecting your oral health and social life.

Dental Insurance and Gummy Smile Treatment

In most cases, dental insurance does not cover gummy smile treatment because the nature of this treatment is cosmetic. Similar to most cosmetic solutions, dental insurance does not cover the costs. However, if your self-confidence and esteem are suffering due to a gummy smile, then insurance is not relevant. Having a gummy smile fixed and gaining your confidence back is more important even if it means using some of your money.

Gummy Smile Treatment Improves your Oral Health

Having a gummy smile correction greatly improves your oral health because sometimes plaque and bacteria use your gummy smile to stay untouched. Therefore, when you have your gummy smile corrected, then your gums will be exposed, revealing the hidden plaque and bacteria. You will be able to clean out more of your teeth when you brush or floss allowing your mouth to stay clean and healthy. At the end of the day, the state of your oral health has a lot to do with your overall body health.

Bottom Line

A majority of people form their first impression of you based on the appearance of your smile. That is because our teeth are generally the most noticeable part of our smiles. However, if you have a lot of gum tissue, you may want to hide your smile instead. A wide range of cosmetic treatments is available to you and at an affordable price. If you are struggling with a gummy smile or uneven gum line you can consider the treatments as mentioned earlier to help correct and improve your smile. Getting rid of the excess gum tissue allows your pearly whites to be seen and this minor change can have a major effect on your life. It will make you less self-conscious while interacting with other people and you can be more relaxed in professional meetings. When you are in love with your smile, you are more likely to share it with others. Most people find that correcting their gummy smiles is all they needed to feel better about their smiles.

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