Effective Ways To Care For Your Veneers


Effective Ways To Care For Your Veneers

Are you unhappy with the current appearance of your teeth? If you are, you can consider trying out dental veneers. These are thin shells of material that look just like natural teeth created to enhance your overall appearance. Dental veneers have the ability to change the shape, size, colourand length of your teeth. Patients who have broken, chipped, discoloured, gaps or any other flaws in their teeth can use dental veneers to enhance their smile and confidence.

Dental veneers were first introduced in 1928. By then, they were primarily used by Hollywood actors to brighten their smile. The process was perfected as years passed and by 1982, veneers could be permanently bonded to the teeth. Today the art has improved in that your dentist can now revamp your smile using this incredible technology on just two visits. However, a common concern among most people with dental veneers is learning how to care and maintain them to ensure that they last for years. As much as the material used to make the dental veneers is not prone to tooth decay, the uncovered part of your teeth is still susceptible. This means that you can still get cavities with veneers. This article will talk more about dental veneers and how you can effectively care for them to ensure that they last for many years.

What is a Dental Veneer?

A dental veneer is a thin layer of material moulded on the surface of the tooth to correct a crack, chip, or enhance the cosmetic appearance. Dental veneers are made out of porcelain or composite material such as polymethyl methacrylate or acrylic polymer. These materials are mostly used because of their ability to bond with the tooth and their resemblance to the natural teeth. Veneers can be placed directly on the tooth from the dentist office, or they can be fabricated off-site in a dental laboratory.

Types of Dental Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are usually the most costly option, though the transformative effect they will have on your smile is well worth the investment. The treatment will require several dental appointments, with the initial preparation plans being done by your dentist. Creation of these veneers will take place in the dental laboratory. When having porcelain veneers, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth to ensure that the veneers are custom-made specifically for you. This will help in achieving a perfect fit for your existing dental structure. Typically, the dentist will apply temporary veneers which will be later replaced with permanent ones during your next visit.

During the preparation stage of your teeth to receive porcelain veneers, the dentist will grind your teeth so that the veneers won’t feel bulky. Once the veneers are applied, you will achieve a beautiful smile that everyone will admire. The good thing about porcelain veneers is that they don’t easily stain. They are also more severe to chips, cracks or discolouration, and they generally last longer compared to all other types. With proper care and maintenance, they can last up to 15 years. The downside with this type of veneers is that they require much time during the initial treatment. This is because they will need some drilling and reshaping of your original teeth. It can also be time-consuming to repair a damaged porcelain veneers. They are also the most expensive option compared to all others. Though regardless of the downsides, porcelain veneers will give you the most beautiful smile.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers, also known as bonded veneers are among the most common treatment options to enhance your smile. They are applied and sculpted during your appointment with your dentist. Composite veneers are substantially pocket-friendly, less destructive and involve a far much shorter period compared to other types of veneers. The treatment can be completed in just a single visit to the dentist, though the appointment may be a little bit longer than normal. They are smoothed and polished to achieve the look and feel of a natural tooth. Composite veneers can last up to ten years if you provide proper care to them. The main disadvantage with composite veneers is that they are not as resistant to staining as porcelain veneers and they are more prone to chipping. As much as this is a huge disadvantage, composite veneers can be easily repaired. Regular polishing can help them look great.

Instant Veneers

Instant veneers lie somewhere between porcelain and composite veneers. They simply involve the dentist applying an already made veneer rather than having a custom made one. There are many different colours, sizes and shapes. The dentist will match the style and shade that resembles your natural teeth. Instant veneers are affordable since they can be completed in just a single visit. They also don’t attract any lab cost. The pre-made veneers also mean that you won’t be relying on your dentist’s ability to sculpt the tooth like it’s the case with composites.

The only downside you are going to get with this type of veneers is that you are not actually getting veneers that are custom made specifically for you. However, for the most part of aesthetics, they are pretty much the same. Instant veneers are fairly resistant to staining though you will not get the same results as you would with porcelain veneers.

Removable Veneers
The last option is the removable veneers. These type of veneers are relatively new and are sometimes referred to as snap on smile. They are made of dental resin. The dentist will use the dental resin to come up with a thin but very strong cover which you are supposed to wear over your existing teeth to achieve a brighter smile. You can do all your normal activities such as eating and drinking and later remove them for cleaning. During the treatment of these veneers, the dentist will take an impression of your existing teeth. You will choose the look and shade according to your own preference. The dentist will then custom made for you the veneers to achieve a perfect fit for your existing dental structure. Removable veneers are a perfect solution for patients who cannot afford extensive cosmetic treatment or are not good candidates for veneers or implants.

While they look fairly good and less costly, they are by no means a long-term alternative to existing dental issues. If you have some dental issues such as chipped or cracked teeth, or discolouration issues, then you will require proper dental work to fix the problem.

Effective Ways to Care for Your Veneers

For you to ensure that your veneers have lasted for a long time, you must provide the correct care to them. Here are some effective ways to care for your veneers.

Brush At Least Twice a Day

You should take care of your veneers just as you do to your natural teeth by brushing at least twice a. The goal is to eliminate plaque, which is the soft, sticky substance made of food particles, saliva and bacteria that attaches to your teeth. The bacteria in plaque produce an acid which attacks the enamel thus forming cavities. Plaque can also cause inflammation of the gum, gingivitis and it can also result in tartar build-up if left to stay on the enamel for a long time. While the veneers themselves will not succumb to decay, the enamel underneath can decay and discolour thus affecting the look of the veneer. Use proper technique while brushing to ensure maximum removal of plaque without damaging your gums. Make sure the bristles are at an angle of 45 degrees with the gums and use acircular motion to brush. Most people are fond of using back and forth motion. Thisis not recommended since it has a high likelihood of damaging your gums over time.

– Use the Right Toothbrush

What you choose to use as your toothbrush is very important. Make sure that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush. They have been proven to be just as effective in removing plaque as film or mild toothbrush. When you use a hard-bristled toothbrush, the chances are that you might damage the thin layer around the neck of your teeth. This makes the gums to recede thus increasing the likelihood of the veneers being exposed. The most recommended toothbrush is electric toothbrush since the pressure you use while brushing is already regulated. This means that it will do a good job of cleaning your teeth and veneers and will also not exert too much pressure on your gums. However, regardless of the toothbrush, you will be using, don’t be in a hurry to brush. Take at least two minutes.

Ensure that you develop a routine of covering your entire mouth while brushing. For example, you can first cover the upper left back side of your mouth on the outer part, then work towards the front part of the mouth. Repeat the same with the inner part and then go to the right side and do the same. Repeat the same technique on the lower side of your mouth.

Floss At Least Once a Day

It is recommended that you floss daily to keep the edges of the veneers clean in between your teeth. Regular waxed nylon floss is an effective cleaner,but it may be a bit difficult to slide between tight contacts of your teeth because of the thick wax. Nylon that has no wax can floss easily but is prone to shredding. The best flossing material is polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) floss. This type of floss uses the same material that is used in thehigh-tech Gore-Tex fabric. It slides easily between your teeth,and it’s less likely to shred. Also, proper technique is also very important when it comes to flossing. Don’t just slide the floss up and down. This does not clean the sides also known as proximal properly. Place your dental floss between your teeth and gently slide it on the sides of your teeth. Now wrap the floss on one tooth forming a C-shape and slide your floss up and down being sure that you scrap the sides properly. Do this up to under the gums where theplaque is not easily visible. Now without removing the flossfrom the tooth, slide it over to the adjacent tooth and repeat the same process.

Select an Appropriate Toothpaste

Some toothpaste contains harmful abrasives that can damage the highly polished surface of dental veneers. Such toothpaste can make veneers appear dull. These brands of toothpaste are primarily made to make your teeth appear whiter than normal,but they are not good for veneers. Avoid toothpaste that has baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate as one of the components as they are aform of abrasive. Your dentist will recommend for you the best type of toothpaste to use on veneers.

Use Mouthwash

A majority of people like using mouthwash since it makes their mouth feel fresh. Fluoride mouthwash can be beneficial to your veneers but don’t use it as a substitute for brushing and flossing. When choosing your mouthwash, make sure that you avoid the ones that have alcohol. Alcohol can dry your mouth reducing saliva flow. Saliva has many beneficial functions in the mouth that include washing away plaque and bacteria. The enzymes present in saliva also help in lowering acidity in your mouth that can lead to the formation of acavity. However, if you naturally have dry mouth, you can chew gum or mint to stimulate saliva formation. But be sure not to take gum or mint with sugar since it can be harmful to your teeth. Sugarless mint and gum containing xylitol have antimicrobial properties,and they have been proven to reduce cavities.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

The food you eat and the liquids you drink have a huge impact on the health of your natural teeth and longevity of your veneers. Of course, everyone knows that candy has lots of sugar and it’s not good for teeth. Also, most processed foods have high sugar content,so it’s advisable that you read labels on such foods to know the amount of sugar they contain. A majority of people often assume that their diet is okay only to realise that their diet has been putting their teeth at therisk of decay. Avoid food which high level of acidity such as citrus fruits. Exposing your teeth to high acidity for a period of time can start eating away the enamel. Many fruits and juices have both high acidic level and sugar level. That does not mean that you should not eat fruits. Eat them since they are beneficial to our body but make sure you brush your teeth immediately after eating to remove the acidity. Also, drink the juices in moderation.

Avoid drinks such as soda. Not only are sodas bad for your health but they are also bad for your teeth. They expose your teeth to high sugar levels and acidity as well. If it is possible, eliminate soda from your diet or limit its intake. If you choose to limit it, remember to brush your teeth immediately afterwards. Studies show that excessive intake of some juices and soda can make the body to produce unhealthy insulin. This creates unstable glucose level in the bloodstream thus subjecting the body to unnecessary stress.

Avoid Hard Foods

It’s a general rule of thumb that teeth are only used for eating. Don’t use your teeth as a tool for opening things like bottle tops. Such activities are not only harmful to your teeth but also to your veneers. Hard substances such as bottle top can not only break or chip your teeth but also your veneers. If you are usedto biting hard things such as pencil, pens or even ice randomly, it’s best if you can apply measures to minimise the habit.

As much as veneers are made out strong material, you should take some certain precautions to protect them. Your teeth are designed in a way that the front teeth are meant for tearing while the backs ones are designed for crushing and chewing. Avoid tearing hard food with front teeth especially if you have veneers. Granola, hard candy, pizza crust or hard bread should be eaten with a lot of caution.

Limit Exposure to Tooth Staining Food and Drinks

Coffee, tea, wine and other tooth-staining foods should be kept a minimum. If you have the habit of consuming such foods, be sure always to brush your teeth soon afterwards. If you are not in a position of brushing them, then rinse using clean water or mouthwash. Tooth staining foods and drinks will stain your veneers and make them lose their brightness.

Wear a Mouthguard

If you enjoy participating in sports, its best to wear a mouth guard. You will never know when an opponent will accidentally hit you or when you will be hit by the ball destroying your beautiful veneers. Wear a mouth guard any time you engage in sports such as boxing, wrestling, taekwondo or martial arts. This will help protect your veneersin the event that they are exposed to physical trauma. Generic mouth guards can be purchased from a local sporting goods store. Though you can consider visiting your dentist to have a mouth guard that will be custom made to fit you.

Limit Alcohol Intake

Taking too much alcohol will soften the bonding composite that is in between the veneers and your teeth. While this may not make the veneers to become loose, it will make the bonding line more susceptible to damage, deterioration, and stains. Apart from alcoholic beverages, stay away from foods that contain alcoholic ingredients. Also, when you are buying your toothpaste or mouthwash, make sure that you have checked the ingredients to ensure that they don’t contain alcohol. Products that have alcohol as an ingredient have the same damaging effect as the liquor itself.

Avoid Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding also known as bruxism can be a problem to some people,and they can’t help it. If you are among such people, see your dentist and he will be able to help you manage the issue. You will not suddenly stop grinding your teeth,so it’s important to apply themeasure to protect your precious appliances. Though you can be aware while you grind your teeth during the day, it can be quite tricky to know it during the night. The most suitable way to address this problem is to wear a mouth guard when you are sleeping. Needless to say, teeth grinding contributes to damaging veneers, so ensuring that you’ve tackled the problem will go a long way to saving your veneers.

Avoid Cigarettes and Tobacco products

If you want your veneers to last for a long time and maintain their brightness, you should consider quitting cigarettes and any tobacco products. Cigarettes reduce the lifespan and beauty of your veneers. It can cause them to become stained and discoloured. Cigarettes and tobacco products contain nicotine that could easily turn white veneers to yellow.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Visiting your dentist for regular check-ups is not only beneficial for your veneers but also for your oral health. Your dentist will help you avoid any instances of gum disease and mouth infections that can negatively affect your veneers. He or she will help in addressing any simple problems to your veneers before they can worsen. Such problems include chips, cracks or deteriorating bonds between your veneers and the teeth.

Also, once you have received your veneers, schedule a follow-up meeting with your dentist for evaluation. The primary purpose of this appointment is for the dentist to examine the placement of the veneers and how your gums have reacted. There instances where gums can have a bad response to the veneers. Moreover, this visit is the best to ask any questions to your dentist about veneers after you have experienced being with them for some few days. Ask about the necessary measures you should take to ensure they are clean and last for a long time.

Bottom Line

Now that you’ve learnt how to provide care to your veneers, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge to test. If you follow the tips provided above, your transition should be easy. With just some minor adjustments to your daily oral hygiene routine, you can provide your dental veneers with the necessary care they need. With just some little help from your dentist, your dental veneers should last up to 15 years.


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