Get the Whiter Brighter Smile with Pola Whitening

Pola Whitening Treatment
Pola Whitening

Get the Whiter Brighter Smile with Pola Whitening

Tooth discolouration and staining is no rare thing. In fact, millions of people across the world have permanent marks and stains on their teeth, as a result of wear and tear. Teeth discolouration is one thing that even those patients who maintain excellent dental hygiene are prone to face due to a thousand different factors that can discolour the enamel.

Over time, human teeth begin to show their age. They tend to become yellow due to wear and tear of the enamel. Also, they lose strength and take in stains from different factors such as foods and drinks more easily. For a majority of people, tooth discolouration is not something they are always proud of. They always feel like it is something to be concealed and hidden. Dental discoloration can destroy self-confidence and ruin an attractive smile, so it is definitely a problem.

Fortunately, the good news is that teeth whitening is readily available and it is one of the most common dental procedures. Actually, the treatment does not have to be done in a dentist office or use any surgical methods. You can simply buy a bleaching agent from your dentist or drug store and apply it at home. Due to the popularity of teeth whitening treatment, there are thousands of methods that promises you to deliver results within a short period. However, a good number of these methods never live up to their promise and only leaves you frustrated after spending your hard earned money to treatments that yield no results.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Pola whitening is an advanced teeth whitening method that is sure to work within a short period of time. This article will take a comprehensive look at the pola teeth whitening method.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a dental treatment procedure that involves lightening the teeth enamel as well as removing stains and discolouration. This dental procedure has significantly grown in popularity within the last few years. People across the world are always looking to have their teeth whiten so as to achieve a brighter smile. According to Australian Dental Association, teeth whitening is one of the most requested dental procedures. Most people who approach the dentist for the first time always do so with teeth whitening request. A good number of these people are looking to accrue some of the benefits that come with teeth whitening such as improved self-confidence, self-image and improved quality of life.


There are virtually no risks associated with teeth whitening, so a majority of people always qualify for the procedure. However, as much as the procedure is effective, it cannot perform miracles. Teeth whitening offers the best result to patients with mild to moderate stains. Your dentist will be in a position to advice you if this treatment is best for you or you will have to undergo further dental procedures to achieve a brighter smile. There are some people that teeth whitening is not recommend for them. They include:

– Patients with Fabrications or Restorations.

Patients with fabrications or restorations on their front teeth cannot undergo teeth whitening. Such fabrications and restorations include dental crowns, porcelain veneers or dental bonding. These kind of material does not react with the bleaching compounds present in the whitening agent. If you decide to go ahead with the procedure, your teeth may end up being of different colour from the restorations. You will probably be forced to change them to a whiter option after the treatment. This is the primary reason why dentist discourage their patients from undergoing through teeth whitening treatment if they have such restorations.

– Patients with Intrinsic Stains

In the event that your teeth are having intrinsic stains or white spots which are mainly caused by dead tooth, teeth whitening may not be the right treatment for you. Intrinsic stains affect the deeper part of the tooth and can be quite difficult to remove. Your dentist is likely to discourage you from teeth whitening treatment especially if he thinks that the treatment will not yield any noticeable results.

– Patients With Very Sensitive Teeth

Another group of patients that are discouraged from teeth whitening treatment are patients with extremely sensitive teeth. This is because teeth whitening may intensify the sensitivity.

– Patients with Bruxism and Tempo Mandibular Joint Disorder

Teeth whitening is not a good option for people with such conditions. The treatment may worsen their symptoms and lead to further complications. So patients suffering from such conditions should visit their doctors for alternative whitening options such as veneers.

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Pola Teeth Whitening

Pola whitening is one of the latest teeth whitening procedures that can help you achieve a brighter smile. This method is said to be the world’s most fastest and effective whitening treatment. Pola technology delivers results in just under 30 minutes. This means that you will have minimal chair time in your dentist office. Less chair time means increased patient’s satisfaction and comfort. This incredible teeth whitening method can help you achieve the smile you’ve always yearned for. Pola technology can remove tooth discoloration up to eight shades. This means that you are sure to achieve the level of whiteness you’re looking for. Pola whitening can remove a broad range of dental discoloration including those that have been caused by tobacco, red wine, injury, coloured food and medical treatment.

The pola teeth whitening procedure was introduced approximately a year ago and since then it has become the leading teeth whitening method in the world. A majority of patients prefer it due to its effectiveness compared to other whitening methods. The technology has now grown in that it can accommodate different types of patients depending on their specific needs.

Pola Advanced Tooth Whitening Products

The pola whitening method offers five different products to best suit the lifestyle of different patients looking to whiten their teeth. Here are the products:

– Pola Office +

Pola office + is the fastest and most effective way of whitening your teeth. This method is performed on the dentist chair. During the treatment, the pola teeth whitening gel will be changed six times leading to up to six shades of whitening. This method can be used without the bleaching light since it does not require activation from the light. The dentist can use any heat-emitting light during the procedure thus eliminating the need for special and expensive lights. With the pola technology done in the office also known as pola office, you don’t require any trays or mixing.

– Pola Day

Pola day is the whitening method that will allow you to whiten your teeth at home. The dentist will make some custom fitted trays that will help you carry out the treatment. Pola day requires that you apply the treatment 30 minutes a day for 5 to 10 days. Pola day has Pola Desensitizing Technology (PDT) and re-mineralizes your teeth. The treatment come with different levels of hydrogen peroxide concentration depending on what you are looking to achieve.

– Pola Night

Pola night is a method that allows you to whiten your teeth at home with the help of custom made trays. You will have to wear the trays for 5 to 10 nights while you sleep. Just like Pola Day, Pola night also contains the desensitizing technology which helps in protecting the nerves ending and the gums. Pola night enable you to whiten your teeth while you are sleeping.

– Pola Zing

Pola zing is applied in the dentist office but only for 2 to 3 shades. It is then supplemented using the Pola Day or Pola Night.

– Pola Paint

Pola paint is technology that is used to recharge the already whitened teeth. It contains fluoride that helps in restoring minerals on the teeth and thus leading to an even brighter smile.

How Does Pola Whitening Work?

Pola whitening is a bleaching process that lightens the dentine as well as the enamel. The gel contains 25% hydrogen peroxide which is the main ingredient in the whitening gel. Once the gel has been applied on the surface of the teeth, the hydrogen peroxide breaks down into tiny oxygen bubbles. It’s the bubbles that helps in eliminating the staining and discolouration on the surface of the teeth.

The dentist uses a mercury metal halide light to activate the whitening gel as well as speed the process. This light is special in that it contains an infrared filter that helps reduce the amount of heat that may result into sensitivity during the procedure. The best thing about this procedure is that the internal part of the tooth will remain healthy and intact during and after the procedure.

As it is with any other dental procedure, aftercare procedure will vary depending on the degree of staining and the condition of your teeth after the treatment. During the initial consultation with your dentist, you will be informed about the likely outcome depending on the condition of your teeth. So, the initial condition of the teeth will also determine the aftercare procedure. However, your dentist will only carry out the process if you have healthy teeth and gums. In the event that your teeth had some issues such as tooth decay and gum disease, such issues need to be treated before the procedure can be performed.

How is Pola Whitening Performed?

Before you can commence with the treatment, you will need to have an initial consultation with the dentist. During this visit, your dentist will conduct an extensive examination on your teeth to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. He will check issues such as tooth decay, cracked or chipped tooth or presence of fabrications and restorations. If you will be having any such issues you will be advised accordingly about the way forward. During the initial consultation, your dentist will also take the opportunity to explain to you about what will happen during the entire treatment. This will help you ease any anxiety you may have and become comfortable about undertaking the procedure.

During the actual treatment day, your dentist will first perform a deep cleaning. This will help to get rid of any food debris and plaque present on the surface of the teeth. Your dentist will then provide you with a special eyewear to protect the eyes from the halide light. He will also provide you with splash guards to protect your clothes from the bleaching agent.

What Happens After the Treatment?

The same staining agents that discoloured your teeth can easily discolour them again if you don’t take proper care of your teeth. For this reason, it is recommended that you floss your teeth once a day. You should also brush your teeth twice a day with anti-sensitivity toothpaste. You should also visit your dentist occasionally for dental examination and pola whitening treatment. These measures will ensure that you teeth remain white for a very long time.

Benefits of Pola Teeth Whitening

– A Thorough Whitening

Teeth whitening agents bought from the drug store are made in a way that they can fit teeth of all types. Unfortunately, when it comes to dental treatment, every patient has their different dental needs. This means that no effective treatment can be universally made for everyone. The whitening strips sold at the drugstore may work for one person but then fail to the other one. This shows that such treatments offer uneven results.

However, this is not the case with professional pola whitening. Before the treatment could start, the dentist will take a look at your teeth to know exactly how to apply the treatment. The treatment will be evenly applied to each tooth.

– Professional Strength

Whitening agents found in the drug stores contain a small percentage amount of whitening agents. Most of them have only 3% of hydrogen peroxide which can only work for patients with mild discolouration. However, people with moderate to deep stains cannot gain much from such a treatment. Pola treatment offered by a professional dentist can contain up to 38% peroxide strength. Such level of whitening agent can be able to remove some of the most stubborn stains.

– The Treatment is Comfortable

A majority of patients who have used over the counter drugs and other methods to whiten their teeth have reported teeth sensitivity and pain. This may be because of the hydrogen ions that penetrates tooth’s surface or that make contact with the gums and lips. It can also be due to incorrectly sized strips or trays.

– Designed Especially for You

Whitening strips and strays as well as many other methods come in one size that is assumed that will fit everyone. However, in reality, these trays and strips never fit a majority of people because everyone’s smile has a different shape and size. Ill-fitting trays and strips are the biggest reason why most people using them experience uneven whitening as well as sensitivity in the teeth and gums.

For pola whitening done by your dentist, the treatment goes onto each tooth, thus providing an even coverage of all teeth. Also, with pola technology, the dentist can create a custom fit tray that you can comfortably use at home.

– Quick Treatment

The whitening products you get from your local store may help you achieve a brighter smile. However, you may be forced to use it for weeks before you can experience any positive change. With some products, you may never even live to see the results you are looking for.

Pola whitening provides a quick treatment that is done in under an hour. Also, the method is sure to provide quality results within the period. You will achieve your desired result an hour after walking into your dentist office.

– Pick a Shade

When you use other whitening methods, you have no control of how white you want your teeth to become. Typically, such treatments provide varying results for each user. On the other hand, the dentist can apply varying strengths of pola whitening so that you can receive the level of whitening you are looking for. All what the patient need to do is to tell the dentist if they need a single shade or they should go for two shades of whiteness.

– Expert Advice

One of the biggest advantages of having teeth whitening from the dentist office is the expert information you receive. The dentist is likely to have been in the field for a long time and thus can give some valuable information about teeth whitening. He will let you know some of the staining agents you should avoid after having a teeth whitening treatment so that your teeth can remain whiter for longer. Also, before the procedure, the dentist will examine you and let you know if pola whitening is the best method for you.

The dentist can see the extrinsic discolouration mostly caused by the food we consume and the lifestyle as well as environmental factors. Sometimes he can find that a patient is suffering from intrinsic discolouration that cannot be simply removed by teeth whitening. In such cases, you will be advised accordingly on the best methods you can use.

– Long-Lasting Results

Unlike other whitening methods, pola whitening delivers results that are going to last for a long time. The dentist can also give you a take home kit that you can use at home to maintain your white teeth. The kit contains a customised tray as well as whitening gel that you can use at home if at all you need to achieve another layer of whiteness.

How to Pick the Right Tooth Whitening Dentist?

If you have decided to go with pola teeth whitening offered by a dental professional, the first step is deciding where you want to undertake the treatment. It is not a good idea to automatically decide to have it from your regular dental specialist. It is best if you can look for a cosmetic dentist who have the necessary expertise when it comes to teeth whitening. There are some few factors you can look before finally deciding to settle on a particular dentist. Here are some of them.

– Certification and Experience

Always look for a dentist who is certified by the Australian Dental Association. This means that the dentist possesses the necessary skills to carry out dental procedures. Also, make sure that the dentist has experience with the pola teeth whitening. Experience means that the dentist has done a lot of successful such procedures in the past. You can carry a little background check on the internet and see what the past patients are saying about the dentist. If you find most patients are happy about his work, then you should consider his services.

– Ask the Your Dentist for Photographs

Ask your dentist to provide for you some of the past photos of his previous patients. A good dentist with the necessary experience should have some photos of their work to show to the patients. Check clear images of the teeth before and after whitening. A good number of patients at first are never sure about teeth whitening. However, most of them agree to the procedure after seeing the photographic evidence of previous patients.

– Look for a Dentist that can Make you Feel Comfortable

Most dental procedures are dreadful and not everyone is willing to take them even after the promise that it will be painless. This is because most patients do not have the true knowledge of what is going to happen during the procedure. Always go for a dentist who can make you feel comfortable and relaxed. Such a dentist will be able to explain to you in a clear way about what is going to happen during the entire pola whitening procedure.

Arrange a consultation with your dentist before the actual day of undertaking the procedure. This initial appointment is very important because it gives you the opportunity of asking any question you might have about the entire procedure and the results. Your dentist will also get an opportunity to take a look at your teeth and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. A trustworthy dentist will never recommend a dental procedure if all indications show that you are not a good candidate. So, if your dentist recommends against the procedure, you should consider the advice and discuss with him about alternatives.

Bottom Line

Teeth whitening has today become an important step of everyone’s grooming process. Everywhere you look from magazines, posters to the television, the importance of having whiter teeth is everywhere. Since everyone wants to have whiter teeth, there so many dubious products that have emerged in the market that promises to whiten your teeth. However, most of these products never live to their promise. Pola whitening is one method of teeth whitening that will never disappoint you. Contact us today and transform your life to the bright side.

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