Guide for Dental Health during Christmas

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Guide for Dental Health during Christmas 2022

It’s that time of year again. You are preparing your house for the big Christmas party, and you have a lot on your plate. The festive seasons of Christmas and New Year’s bring with them a lot of stress and exposure to alcohol, smoking, and teeth-staining agent. The holiday season has always clashed with our health and dental goals- but don’t worry. This article will give you a guide for dental health during Christmas.

  1. Brush and Floss Daily

To keep your dental health in check during the festive season, brush and floss your teeth daily. This will help in removing plaque and bacteria that can cause oral diseases such as gingivitis and cavities. Additionally, being diligent about oral hygiene will help freshen your breath as well as reduce the risk of tooth decay.

  • Avoid Sticky foods

When it comes to keeping your dental health during the holidays, one of the superb things you can do is to avoid sticky foods. For example, avoid eating a lot of candy, jellies, and other sugary treats. Instead, try enjoying holiday snacks like fruit and whole-grain crackers instead.

  • Drink plenty of water

During the Christmas season, many people celebrate with family and friends. It’s also a time of year when celebrations often involve drinking lots of alcohol and other unhealthy beverages. However, drinking plenty of water is important to maintain good dental health during the holiday season. It helps flush out bad bacteria from your gut, keeping your mouth clean and healthy.

To stay hydrated throughout the holidays, make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

  • Stay Away from Sugary and Acidic Drinks

Drinking lots of sugary and acidic drinks can damage your teeth over time. This is because these drinks contain high levels of sodium and acid, which can erode the enamel. Damage to the tooth’s enamel results in decay or even tooth loss. To avoid problems with your teeth during Christmas, try to limit your intake of sweetened beverages and acidic foods. If you do drink sugar-sweetened beverages, make sure that they are diluted with water or other non-sugary liquids. And if you eat food that contains acids, be sure to chew it well and drink plenty of fluids to help quench your thirst and flush out the acids.

  • Use a bottle Opener, not your teeth

When it comes to the festive cheer, nothing beats a good old-fashioned drink — especially if you can enjoy it with your close friends and family. But be careful not to spoil the party by opening the bottle using your teeth and damaging it! This can crack your tooth and cause a lot of pain.

Don’t rely on your teeth to open up a bottle of wine or spirits — use a properly designed opener. These devices can help avoid any potential dental damage, as well as cuts or bruises on your lips or tongue.

  • Eat Plenty of Vegetables

If you’re looking to keep your dental health up during Christmas, try incorporating more vegetables into your diet. Of course, don’t forget the traditional festive meal like turkey and sweet potatoes, but also make sure to include things like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage. Not only will these veggies provide plenty of vitamins and minerals for your body – but they’ll also help keep your teeth healthy!

  • Eat Cheese

Cheese can be a superb addition to your diet during Christmas. It is great for your teeth since it helps neutralize the plaque on the enamel that can result in tooth decay. It also increases saliva in the mouth, which helps in maintaining a normal PH level.

Additionally, cheese is high in calcium and protein, which can help promote healthy teeth and gums. But don’t overdo it – too much cheese can actually cause tooth decay. Stick to one or two slices per meal.

  • Avoid Staining Agents

To keep your teeth healthy and free from staining agents this Christmas, avoid red wine, cola, coffee, or tea. Also, avoid using artificial colouring in any of your festive treats. If you do indulge in these foods and drinks, make sure to brush your teeth immediately after consuming them for the best chance of keeping your pearly whites looking beautiful!

  • Chew Sugarless Gum

Sugarless gum is a popular choice for people who want to limit their intake of sugar. Chewing sugarless gum can help to control your appetite and promote good dental health. Sugarless gum is available in many different flavors, so you are sure that you’ll find one that suits your taste.

When you chew sugarless gum, you are helping to clean your teeth as well as remove plaque from your teeth. It also helps stimulate saliva production, which helps remove food residue and bacteria from your teeth. Sugarless gum can help keep your smile healthy all year round!

  1. Avoid Sweets and Sugary snacks

One of the best ways to maintain dental health during the festive season is by limiting your intake of sweets and sugary snacks. Sweetened teas, candy, chocolate, and artificial sweeteners can all be problematic. Try to limit your consumption of these types of items as much as possible to avoid tooth decay.

Swap out sugary snacks for healthier alternatives. Fruits and vegetables contain various antioxidants that can help protect teeth from damage caused by oxidation, which is a natural process that occurs when food sits on teeth long-term. Choosing healthy snacks like an apple with low-sugar peanut butter or cottage cheese with blueberries can help you stay on track while still enjoying your Christmas goodies!

  1. Visit Your Dentist

A visit to the dentist is not only mandatory for your overall oral health, but it’s also a great way to stay cheerful all season! A regular examination will help ensure that any dental work that needs to be done is done properly and in a timely manner, so you can avoid any problems down the line.

Bottom Line

Looking after your dental health is an essential part of maintaining your overall health. Therefore, spare some time during Christmas and schedule an appointment with us at Carrum Downs Dental Clinic. Our dentist will examine your teeth and provide more tips on how to maintain healthy teeth this Christmas.


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