How Dentist in Carrum Downs Can Fix Dental Dark Spots, Stains and Dis-colourations

Carrum Downs Dentist
Woman holding cigarettes with yellow teeth isolated on blue background, asian

There is no single person who is born with perfectly white teeth. In fact, the shade of our teeth is determined more by our genetics. Some people’s teeth are a bit darker naturally than others while for some they are a bit brighter. In addition, as we age, the shade of our teeth becomes duller. Unfortunately, there is a majority of people who suffer from tooth discolouration, a condition that changes that natural teeth shade making them appear brown, yellow or spotted. Irrespective of whether the condition is major or minor, tooth discolouration can be a major cause of embarrassment and keeps people from showing off their smile. Fortunately, dentists at Carrum downs dental clinic can help you treat the problem and teach you measures you should apply to prevent future occurrence of the problem.

Dark Spots
Proper brushing, daily flossing and regular visits to the dentist are all necessary for a happy, healthy smile. Unfortunately, even with good dental hygiene, you may still notice a few dark spots on your teeth. Even though these dark spots are not classified as a dental emergency, you should schedule a meeting with your dentist to treat the situation.


What Causes Dental Dark Spots?

– Tobacco

The chances are that you know the dangers of using tobacco not only to your general health but your dental health as well. From heart disease to oral and lung cancer, the risks of chewing and smoking tobacco are overwhelming. Tobacco is one of the primary causes of dark spots on your teeth. The pigment present in tobacco stain the enamel, resulting in severe discoloration and dark spots. Visiting your dentist for regular cleaning can help mitigate the situation but quitting tobacco altogether is the best and most permanent treatment.

– Cavities

The dark spots on your teeth can also, unfortunately, be cavities. Cavities are tiny hole on your teeth that looks like dark spots. These holes forms after there is an excess build-up of plaque on the teeth and gums. As much as regular brushing and flossing can help solve the situation, it is best that you visit a dentist for professional cleaning once after every six months. Dentists in Carrum down have all the necessary equipment to carry out a thorough cleaning on you.

– Supplements

It might be surprising to hear that there are certain supplements that may cause dental dark spots. If you use iron as a supplement, the chances are that you may develop black spots on both your teeth and gums. However, our dentists at Carrum downs can help you remove the black spots using whitening treatment or any other treatment that may deem fit.

– Disease and Conditions

There are some instances that dark spots on both the gum and the teeth can become of concern. First is acute necrotizing periodontal disease, also known as black gum disease. This is mostly due to dead tissue of necrosis. Such a condition is a serious health issue. Its symptoms can include strong pain, bleeding gums, and a foul smell from the mouth. If such a condition is left untreated, it can spread to your cartilage and bone causing a very serious health infection. Visit your dentist immediately you notice such symptoms. The condition can be surgically treated by removing dark tissue.

How to Get Rid of Dark Spots

1. Toothpaste
You should be wise enough to buy a tooth paste that can help you improve the condition of your gums and teeth. It might cost you some few extra coins to get the right one, but it is worth every coin. If you are not sure of what toothpaste is best for you, it is advisable that you seek clarification from your dentist.

2. Toothbrush
Buy a toothbrush that is approved by Australian Dental Association. This should be followed by some few more specifications that include:
– Get a soft to medium bristled toothbrush
– Get a toothbrush that can easily manoeuvre well through your mouth so that you can be able to reach every single spot in your mouth.
– Make sure that the bristles have rounded tips
– Avoid toothbrush that has hard bristles since it will increase dark spots even more
– It is better if you can opt for an electric toothbrush since they are better compared to the regular ones. They have a feature that allows the bristles to move back and forth in the same pack.

3. Use a Mouthwash

It is important to clean your mouth using mouthwash since it helps in cleaning the entire mouth not just the teeth. Mouthwash helps in reducing bad breath and also cleans your tongue. While buying mouthwash, make sure that is meant for teeth and gum and not just for fresh breath. Also, avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol as an ingredient, since they dry the skin out.

Use mouthwash at least once after brushing your teeth. Using it immediately after brushing may lessen some benefits of teeth brushing hence not cabbing dark spots efficiently.

4. Brush Your Teeth before Meals

People are used to brushing their teeth after meals, but according to research, dentists recommend it that you do it before. Brushing your teeth before meals concentrate more on removing the plaque that is formed on every tooth, not the food that you have eaten.

5. Regular Dental Check-ups

Even if you practice proper dental hygiene at home that will help to keep dark spots away, it is important that you schedule a regular visit to the dentist.
Visiting the dentist will help you remove tartar and whiten your teeth. The dentist will also advise you on proper dental hygiene measures that will help keep dark spots away.

Teeth Discolouration

According to a recently conducted survey, the number one problem people have with their smile is discolouration. The chances are that your teeth are not exactly as you would love them to be. There are several ways that your teeth can become discoloured in the course of your daily life. If you would want to achieve a brighter, lighter smile, our dentist in Carrum downs can help.

Types of Teeth Discolouration

Teeth discoloration or staining falls into three main types: Extrinsic and Intrinsic

– Extrinsic Discolouration

Extrinsic stains refer to the stains at the enamel. The enamel
is that hard surface of the tooth that protects the pulp and inner dentin. Enamel gets into contact with everything that you drink or eat. Over a period of time, it can collect and absorb some pigments that are left over from these beverages and food. Berries, red pasta source and curry can have this effect on your teeth, so as some common beverages like coffee, soda, red wine and tea. Another possible cause of extrinsic teeth staining is tobacco whether chewed or smoked. Since this stains are on the surface of the teeth, you can use a recommended toothpaste by your dentist and a toothbrush to remove them. This works by gently brushing the surface of your enamel that allows them to lift the stains as you brush gradually. If
brushing with a toothbrush is not working for you, then it is best that you see a dentist for stain removal. Dentist at Carrum down can effectively remove even the deepest stains on your teeth.

– Intrinsic Discolouration

This type of teeth staining refers to the staining of the dentine. Dentin is the sensitive tissue that lies just below the enamel. Naturally, this layer takes a darker or yellow colour, which can then be well seen if the enamel wears away because of poor dental health. There are quite a number of factors that can result in intrinsic staining. Some of the factors include physical trauma or tetracycline antibiotics during childhood. Intrinsic stains originate from inside the teeth, so it is practically impossible to remove them at home using just toothpaste. Instead, at-home teeth whitening kits or professional treatment by a dentist is the remedy to removing these stains. The active ingredients in this bleaches are what helps to remove the deep stains. However, there are some stubborn intrinsic stains that can only be removed by a dentist with some restorative methods such as capping (crowning) or bonding.

– Age Related Stains

There are so changes that happen to a human body as it ages and the teeth are no exemption. Two specific changes occur in your mouth: the enamel gets thinner, and the dentine gets darker. As these two changes occur, they make your teeth to become visibly discoloured. This type of staining is not caused the discolouration of the enamel, so staining treatment that penetrates into the dentine will not be necessary. Using whitening toothpaste will not help in removing this type of stain, your dentist may recommend an at-home teeth whitening kit with oral bleaches or professional in-office teeth whitening treatment. Due to natural thinning of the enamel, your teeth may not look as white as you may desire after the treatment. If you will still not be happy with the colour of your teeth, you can talk to your dentist to perform more restorative procedures on your teeth. He/she can use restorations like crowns and bonding. These treatments will entirely seal any discolorations originating from the dentin.
When in doubt on what to do, make a point of seeing your dentist for further guidance on what road to take to a brighter smile. Dentists at Carrum downs are well-trained to ensure that your stain removal lasts for a long time.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

To effectively manage tooth stain and discoloration, it is very vital to get to know the causes. They include:

– Tobacco Use

Tar present in the smoke from tobacco product (which includes the smokeless tobacco products) tends to form a yellow- brown stain around the neck of the tooth just above the gum-line.

– Plaque

Improper flossing or brushing to clean out plaque and stain producing substances may cause tooth discoloration.

– Certain foods and drinks

Foods like vegetables that contain a lot of carotenoids can cause tooth discoloration. Drinks like coffee, cola, red wine and tea can cause teeth stains.

– Calculus

Plaque that has not been cleaned for so long may calcify forming calculus around the gum-line. The colour of the calculus varies from grey, yellow, brown or black.

– Medication

Drugs such as the antidepressants, antihistamines and high blood pressure medicines can cause discoloration of teeth. Use of tetracycline antibiotics by pregnant women may discolour the baby’s tooth enamel. Children of age below eight years taking doxycycline and tetracycline antibiotics during permanent tooth development may experience discoloration of the teeth.

– Metallic compounds

Exposure to the metallic compounds such as iodine(black stain), nickel(green), copper(green), iron(black), cadmium(yellow-brown) and other environmental exposure may result to tooth discolour.

– Dental work

Procedures that require materials like the silver amalgam restorations can create a greyish –black cast causing discolouring the teeth.

– Environment

Excess amounts of fluoride from the environmental sources such as high levels of fluoride in drinking water or use of fluoride rinses, applications, toothpaste and oral fluoride supplements excessively.

– Ageing

The outer layer of the enamel wears off as one gets old exposing the dentin’s natural yellow colour. Also, teeth accumulate more tartar and stains as year pass by resulting to discoloration.

– Trauma

An accident or injury that cracks the teeth or tampers with the nerve can lead to discolouring of teeth.

– Genetics

Naturally, some people have brighter teeth than others. The baseline colour of the person’s teeth may be more brown, yellow or grey or lighter than another person’s because of their particular genes.


Diseases that affect dentin and enamel can result to discoloured teeth.

The Spectrum of Staining

Tooth discoloration is influenced highly by the factors
causing it. Factors that can cause tooth discoloration and types of stains they produce include the following:

– Fluoride

Excessive consumption of fluoride during teeth development results to chalky-white or brown patches on the teeth surfaces. Though bleaching can fairly remove the brown patches, white stains cannot be removed. The background of such teeth may be lightened to make the white stains less noticeable. Mostly, bleaching is combined with abrasion techniques or bonded restorations to address the tough white areas.

– Tetracycline Antibiotics

These antibiotics cause stains that are yellow-brown or blue-gray. The stains are often in a horizontal striped pattern. Porcelain veneers are commonly used to treat such stains.

– Foods/Tobacco/Drinks

Frequent taking of tea, cola, coffee and red wine produces stains that are brown, yellow, green or orange. These types of discoloration can be removed by dental cleaning with a professional or home dental care such as flossing, brushing and rinsing after every meal. Eliminating or cutting down on the intake of stain-causing beverages or foods reduces chances of stain formation.

– Genetics

Just like the colour of your eyes, or complexion of your skin, your teeth may be browner, greyer or yellower because of your genes. Little can be done on natural discoloration using teeth whitening treatments. In such cases, use of composites or veneers may be recommended.

– Root Canal Treatments/Trauma

Nerve tissue damage resulting from traumatic events or accidents can cause brown or grey discoloration. Discoloration occurs on the tooth that has been affected directly by the incident. In other instances, the stains may be a sign that the nerve inside the tooth has died. Stains on the nerve-dead tooth may be lightened, but this should be treated to avoid more tooth problems. In cases where the tooth becomes dark after a root canal treatment, your dentist will have to apply some bleaching material into the tooth or place a crown or veneer. If the tooth happens to have cracked, chipped or damaged badly, the dentist may place a veneer or a crown.

– Dental Restorations

Deteriorated dental restorations can result in green, black, brown, gray or yellow stains. White fillings usually form stains as time goes by while the metal fillings experience some translucent tooth structures that are less visible. When this happens, your dentist will recommend some new dental restoration placements.

– Poor Oral Hygiene/Tooth Decay

Poor oral hygiene may result in white, brown, grey, black or yellow stains. Such stains cannot be resolved with teeth whitening products, therefore; your dentists will repair the damage with dental restorations like crowns, veneers or fillings.

– Treatments

There is a wide variety of treatment options for discoloured teeth depending on their causes. Before any treatment is done, some oral health evaluation is done by the dentist. Tooth decay or gum diseases must be treated before any discoloration procedure is considered. Here are some of the treatment options.

– Good Hygiene

Professional dental cleanings and practising proper oral hygiene by flossing and brushing daily help get rid of bacteria and stains. It is advisable to use ultrasonic toothbrushes which effectively remove food remains that are known to cause discoloration.

– Tooth Whitening Procedures

There are four categories of whitening procedures;

1. Consumer-purchased/Over-the-counter for at- home Use:
They are the convenient and affordable type of whitening products which can be used without any dentist supervision. OTC products are readily available in the drugstores, supermarkets, or on the internet. Paint-on liquids, strips and rinse contain low levels of hydrogen peroxide which has some whitening effect while chewing gums, toothpaste and floss do away with superficial stains.

2. in-office Tooth Whitening:
The procedure takes approximately an hour. The dentist applies some bleaching peroxide gel on the enamel which removes the extrinsic and intrinsic stains.
Those with stubborn stains will have to do more visits to the dentists or use at-home whitening procedure recommended by the dentist.

3. Dentist-dispensed At-home bleaching:
Dispensed take-home whitening kits are most preferred for extrinsic tooth discoloration.

4. Composite Bonding, Crowns and Veneers:
Your dentist may consider covering the severely damaged teeth with a porcelain crown, veneer or composite bonding material that have been discoloured by root canal treatment, consumption of tetracycline or excessive fluoride instead of bleaching.

Prevention and Maintenance

There are some certain lifestyle choices that can aid in preventing tooth discolouration and also keep your teeth white. For example, you should avoid taking food and beverages that overexpose your teeth to fluoride. If you a smoker or you love taking lots of coffee, find a way that you can quit or cut back. Also, you should rinse your mouth with clean water or mouthwash every time after having wine, tea or coffee or other foods that cause the teeth to stain.
Intrinsic stains and discolouration that is as a result of nerve damage can be solved by a root canal or removal of the inner part of the teeth known as the pulp before it decays and then eventually darkens.

Additional Considerations

The dentist can recommend bleaching for you if you have yellow, brown or orange teeth. Bleaching can be helpful when it came to some mild cases of tetracycline- fluorosis and induced intrinsic discolouration. Bleaching can be done at home as a home remedy. However, power bleaching that contains 15-40 hydrogen peroxide should be performed by a dentist.

How Carrum Downs Dentist Can Fix Dental Dark Spots, Stains and Discolouration

Dark spots, stains and discolorations can simply be removed by applying a bleaching agent to the affected teeth. The technique used to do this is known as “power bleaching.” Our dentist at Carrum downs will apply a light-activated bleaching gel that teeth to get incredibly whiter after about thirty to forty-five minutes. You will be requested to make some few follow-up treatments.

We can also give you an at-home teeth whitening kit that contains a bleaching gel and a mouth guard. The bleaching gel that is meant for use at home is normally not that strong so that the process will take a bit longer. It can take from two weeks all the way to four weeks. Whitening toothpaste is also a good remedy, but it is not as effective since it only removes some few dark spots, stains and discolouration.

If you have a dark spot due to a recently done root canal, we may apply a bleaching agent to the inside of the tooth.

If the tooth has undergone physical injury and badly damaged or chipped and a bleaching agent is not working, we may recommend covering the discoloured areas. We can do this using a composite bonding that looks just the rest of your teeth. Another effective method we can recommend for you is to get dental veneers. Dental veneers help in covering the outer surface of the teeth. Dark spots, stains and discolorations are mainly cosmetic problems. Contact us if you are unhappy with the way your tooth or teeth look.


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