Here’s How Smoking Effects on Your Oral Health

Smoking Effects on Your Oral Health

With all the available information about how dangerous smoking is, it’s still a surprise that a majority of people still partake in this habit. It has been medically proven to cause heart disease and lung cancer. There are also ways as to how smoking brings lasting damaging effects to your oral health. If one of your resolutions this year was to quit smoking, here are more reasons as to why you should stick to it.

1. Oral Cancers:

Smoking can basically cause any type of oral cancers you can think of. As a matter of fact, smoking causes 90% of all throat, mouth and nose cancers. The longer a person continues using tobacco, the higher the risk of developing oral cancers. It is estimated that more than four thousand people lose their lives to oral cancer every year.

2. Gum Disease:

Smoking affects gum health by breaking down the soft tissue and bone that anchors the teeth in the jaw. As the bone and tissue erode, some pockets are formed around the teeth where plaque and bacteria can accumulate. As a smoker, it’s advisable to visit a dentist if you notice any sign of blood while brushing your teeth. This may be an early sign of gum disease. Prolonged gum disease can lead to tooth loss.

3. Bad Breath:

It is no surprise that people who smoke always have unpleasant breath and it’s not the kind that you can simply get rid of by a quick breath mint. There are so many chemicals that pass through your mouth when you smoke, and most of them end up accumulating in the surfaces of the mouth. This can be embarrassing and can also lead to issues with your self-confidence.

4. Stained Teeth:

A smoker’s mouth isn’t that pretty, all thanks to unattractive yellow stains caused by nicotine and tar. This discolouration can penetrate through the enamel. That means the discolouration can become permanent after years of smoking.

Bottom Line

Clearly, smoking can be harmful to your oral health. The best solution is to stop the habit completely. However, at Carrum Downs Dental Group located near Skye, Sandhurst and Patterson lakes we understand that quitting smoking can be among the hardest things to do. Some people get embarrassed to visit a dentist when they smoke. They don’t want to feel guilty as smokers.

At Carrum Downs Dental Clinic we don’t want to give you a lecture, we only want to do everything on our limit to keep your mouth healthy. We have helped many customers deal with tooth issues and gum diseases caused by smoking; we want to help you too. Visit us today or leave us a note.


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