Teeth can last a lifetime, provided they are well taken care of. The best time to start taking care of them is as soon as they begin to appear. Parents should do this by establishing the right dental hygiene for their children right from the start. By doing this, they will be giving their children’s teeth a chance to remain strong and healthy forever. Tooth decay is one of the most common dental problems among children in Australia. As a parent, it may be troubling to know that your child will not have his or her teeth intact by the time they are five. That’s why parents need to adopt measures that aim at improving their children oral hygiene.
This article is going to walk you through on how to preserve strong dental health for your children.
- Start Early and Encourage Good Dental Habits
- Be in the Know About Baby Teeth
- Everyday Baby Habits can lead to Teeth Problems
- Act as Your Child’s Oral Care Advocate
- Make Brushing and Flossing Fun
- Understand About Fluoride Treatment and Other Dental Care Terms for Children
- Teach Your Children about Good Nutrition
- Find a Paediatric Dentist that you and Your Kids Love
- Importance of Taking your Child to the Dentist
Children dental care should start when the child is still of a tender age. According to Australian Dental Association, the first visit to the dentist should happen between the period when the first tooth erupts and not later than the first birthday. Even just tiny baby teeth can get a cavity. During the first dental visit to the dentist with your child, take advantage of this appointment. Ask the dentist on all you need to know when it comes to providing proper dental care to your child.
Start committing your children to brushing and flossing as soon as they are old enough to understand the importance of good oral hygiene. Australian Dental Association breaks down children’s dental habits as they should occur by age. At the age of six and younger, the child is not yet conversant with proper dental habits. Introduce them to brushing, allow them to do it for themselves but be sure to jump in whenever necessary. Between the age of 7 and 12, children between this age brackets know how to brush on their own,but they may not want to. As much as they are almost becoming teenagers, you should jump in to ensure that the job is properly done. Encourage them to brush and floss on a daily basis.
The other age bracket is between the age of 13 and 18. According to Australian Dental Association, this is a very critical time for dental care. Children are more likely to develop cavities between this age brackets because they may not have developed it while as kids and this may make them slack off with their dental hygiene. Don’t let your teenage child let go of good oral care otherwise; they may carry the bad habit to adulthood.
Primary teeth also known as baby teeth appear when the child is between six months and one year old. Most children will develop a whole set of twenty primary teeth by the time they are three years old. When the teeth first come in, your baby’s gums may become tender and swollen. Rubbing your child’s gums using a wet gauze during this period may bring a soothing effect. However, if the baby appears to be in pain, make sure you contact your pediatric dentist immediately.
Some parents have this belief that they don’t have to provide proper dental care to their children because their teeth will eventually fall out. This could be further from the truth. Children teeth are vulnerable to dental cavities as soon as they erupt from the gums. In fact, the Australian Dental Association recommends that parents should wipe their children’s gums with a wet washcloth when they are just a few days old.
ADA states that tooth decay among young children is currently on the rise and misuse of feeding cups and bottles may be to blame. The feeding cups also known as Sippy cups are meant to help the child transition from using feeding bottles to drinking beverages to using normal cups. However, parents tend to use them for convenience too often. When they are used to extend the period of time to take sugary beverages, they expose the child to the high risk of tooth decay. Parents should learn to use Sippy cups to only give their children water during meal times.
The same applies to feeding bottles. Experts say that feeding bottles should only be used for breast milk and formula milk and not for beverages such as juice. Another major culprit for tooth decay is pacifiers. The ADA warns that pacifiers that have been dipped in honey, juice or sugar may lead to tooth decay. Another detrimental dental habit for children especially after permanent teeth has grown thumb sucking. It can alter the roof of the mouth and make the child develop problems such as teeth alignment. Normally, children should stop sucking they thumbs between the age of 2 and 4. In the event that you notice you notice any changes with the alignment of your baby’s teeth, consult your dentist immediately.
In most cases, children cannot properly express what they are feeling. Parents must act as their children advocates during visits to the dentist to ensure that they receive proper dental care despite fear of the dentist. If your child expresses fear of visiting the dentist, know that you are not alone. ADA says that almost 20 percent of school-age children are afraid of visiting the dentist. From a child’s point of view, a trip to visit the dentist may be scary. Lying on a dentist chair in an unfamiliar room with strange, cold, metallic instruments poking their mouth may not be the best experience.
While preparing to visit the dentist, don’t mention scary words such as ‘pain’, ‘hurt’ or ‘shot’. At the same time make sure that you are not projecting your own fears of visiting the dentist to your child. Maintain a positive attitude to the child and keep calm so that he or she can feel at ease.
No matter how much time you might have taken talking to the dentist before the dental appointment, children are children. Tantrums and fussing happen, and your child dentist has seen it all. Let your child’s pediatric dentist guide you on the best way to handle your child when dental fear and anxiety get the best of them. They may advise you to be close to your child and hold their hand during the dental procedure. The worst thing you can do is fail to visit the dentist because you think that your child will not corporate. Discuss visiting the dentist with your child and make sure that they see it as an experience worth undertaking. You can even play being dentist and your child being patient at home before the actual appointment.
It is recommended that parents should brush with their children until they attain the age of eight and they should floss with them until they are ten. However, this may feel likevery tedious work. So the only way to ensure that this happens and instil proper dental care habits to the child is to make it fun.
Instead of just setting a timer and brush for two minutes every day, you can make the experience fun by listening to your child’s favorite music while doing it. Other tips include telling interesting stories about teeth brushing and flossing to your child and watching TV shows that feature characters who are brushing their teeth. You can also let your child pick his or her toothbrush as well as fluoride toothpaste. Such activities will make children want to brush and floss their teeth more.
However, as much as it is important to make the activity fun, it is also important to remain firm. Don’t fail to follow your daily teeth brushing and flossing routine just because your family is out for a vacation. Be firm and stick to the routine.
There have been concerns surrounding the role of fluoride toothpaste among children and drinking fluoridated water. However, fluoride is one of the safest and best ways to prevent cavities among both children and adults. Australian Dental Association explains that fluoride protects the tooth enamel by making it stronger and resistant to the action of acid produced by bacteria present in the mouth. This helps in reducing the risk of developing cavities and can also reverse early signs of tooth decay.
Fluoridating drinking water has been said to be one of the best achievement for the government. Water is one of the best and most affordable beverage to give your children. It is important to know that water naturally contains some percentage of fluoride in it. Experts say that drinking fluoridated water complements the work that has been done by using fluoride toothpaste.
Another dental care term that parents should familiarize themselves with is a sealant. A slant is a thin protective coating made of plastic and other materials that help in covering the chewing surface of the molars or the back teeth. Sealants help in stopping cavities formation on the back teeth that are difficult to brush.
Parents should also be conversant with a condition known as malocclusion or bad bite. This condition mostly occurs when the child is between the age of 6 and 12 just when the child has started developing permanent teeth. It occurs when the teeth are out of alignment, crooked or when the jaws don’t fit properly. If this condition goes untreated, it may impact on how the Childs peaks and eat. It can also affect proper development of the jaws and leaves protruding teeth at risk of fractures or chips.
The number one rule when it comes to good nutrition for healthy teeth remains limiting on sugar intake. This can be quite difficult for children especially during the holidays such as Halloween and Easter. Parents are encouraged to have their children brush and floss their teeth soon after taking sugary foods and drinks. However, the best remedy remains abstaining from them altogether. It is also important for parents to focus on foods that strengthen the teeth and makes them healthy. Here are some of the recommended foods for that can help preserve strong teeth for children.
- Dairy Products
Dairy products such as cheese, milk, and yoghurt are rich in calcium. Calcium is a mineral that strengthens not only the bones but also the teeth by strengthening the enamel. Moreover, some dairy products help in saliva production which plays an important role when it comes to protecting teeth against bacteria. Include dairy products in your children’s meals and also as a healthy snack. Dairy products help in lowering the PH in the mouth and thus reducing the action of acid produced by bacteria. This helps in preventing tooth decay and cavities.
- Protein
Protein is vital for healthy teeth and gums. You can add some proteins such as chicken or beef in your kids’ diet. The phosphorous present in animal protein is beneficial for oral health. If your child doesn’t like meat, you can include an egg in the diet. Also, if he or she is a vegetarian, you can let them have foods such as beans and nuts.
- Vitamin C
Make sure that your children take foods that are rich in vitamin C. Such foods includes kiwi fruits, citrus fruits, melons, potatoes and strawberries. Vitamin C helps in reducing the number of bacteria in the mouth thus preventing gum disease and maintaining healthy gums. However, you should exercise some degree of caution when it comes to citrus fruits. The acid present in them can damage teeth enamel. To minimize their effects, make sure that your children drink a lot of water after having the fruits.
One of the most important tips for ensuring that your child maintains strong and healthy teeth is finding the best dentist. Usually, this goes hand in hand with finding a dentistry practice that has all kinds of dental specialists including paediatrics. Visiting an experienced pediatric dentist helps in fostering good dental hygiene habits to your child.
It is easy to get overwhelmed by options when looking for a dentist for your child. Narrowing it down to the best pediatric dentist in your location can take some time and the willingness to ask questions. However, if you clearly know what you are looking for, you can find a dentist who is perfect not only for your kid but the whole family. Here are some of the factors to consider when choosing a children’s dentist.
- Check their credentials
A well-trained dentist who specialises in children should undergo a minimum of two additional years of training in treating dental problems in children. A good pediatric dentist should be well knowledgeable about the dental habits affecting children and how to effectively treat them.
- Convenience
You may find a dentist who is perfect in every way, but if their dental office is only open when you are at work or is on the other side of the island, then they are not a good choice for you. Choose a dentist whose office hours are favoured you and your family.
- Atmosphere
Your child may want to visit a dental office that offers a friendly and inviting atmosphere. Toys to play with, colourful waiting room and happy welcoming staff all make a huge difference to a child. In some dental offices, they go a step further by giving their little patients gift bags containing toothpaste and a fun toothbrush after each visit. Thisvisitsthe dentist an exciting experience thereby making a child feel more comfortable going on a regular basis.
- Willingness to educate
Not only should gooddental care for your child’s teeth, but also be willing to educate both you and your child on all matters pertaining proper oral care at home.
- Gather recommendations
Gather recommendations from your friends and family with children whom they trust. You may ask your child’s doctor for some referrals. You may also want to visit the website for the Australian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry to research n children’s dentists in your area.
- The importance of consultation
A caring and considerate pediatric dentist will often offer a preliminary consultation. This visit will not be intended for treatment,but it will be giving your child an opportunity to meet and interact with the dentist. In other times, gender can be a factor to be considered. For instance, your son may feel more comfortable with a male dentist.
When it comes to your kids, there is nothing more important than taking proper care of their health early. From the moment a child is born, we are constantly keeping in check their health and providing them with a comprehensive health plan that extends years into their future. Unfortunately, this is not always the same as a child’s oral health. Many parents tend to assume their children’s first dental visits until their permanent teeth start to come in, which is a very serious mistake. Just like it is essential to get an early start on taking care of your child’s overall health, it is equally important to get an early start on their oral health too. Here are a few benefits of taking your child to the dentist:
- The Routine Check-up
When a child starts visiting a dental office, it is often to get the child into the habit of getting routine dental check-ups. Routine dental check-ups enable the dentists to monitor how well a child is taking care of their oral health from one visit to another. The most common frequency of a routine check-up will be twice a year on average. Routine check-ups are also a good opportunity for the dentists to educate and review helpful oral hygiene tips with children such as proper flossing and brushing, which are vital in maintaining a child’s oral health. The dentist may also find the need for discussing dietary factors and strategies which are important in improving your child’s state of oral health.
- It Instills Good Habits
Parents should not take it for granted that their child understands the importance of proper teeth brushing and flossing. A pediatric dentist helps educate your child on the consequences of bad oral habits and the rewards of the good ones. In addition, if your child sucks their thumb or does anything that might endanger their oral health, a dentist will be able to give suggestions on how to help them stop. Regular visits to the dentist is a good oral habit. When it is your family’s norm to go in for check-ups and cleanings twice yearly, that is something that your child may pick and carry with them into the future.
- Primary Teeth are Important
When a child starts to grow some teeth, it is very important for the parents to ensure that they keep these primary teeth intact. As much as these teeth will eventually fall out, until then, the primary teeth are integral in helping your child to speak correctly and eat properly.
- It Helps your Child Develop a Positive View of Dentistry
Many adults have dentophobia, but you may save your child from that fate if you are keen to ensure that they receive compassionate and preventive care from an early age. This will enable them to enjoy their dental visits and keep looking forward to that clean mouth which comes after a regular dental appointment.
- It Saves your Child from Pain and Suffering
Primary teeth serve as placeholders for adult teeth. If these teeth fall out too early, the ones that follow may come in crooked, and this may lead to the need for orthodontic treatment. It also saves your child from decay, which can occur as soon as teeth appear.
A majority of people don’t understand how important children teeth are. They are instrumental in chewing and biting which affects child’s nutrition. Children who have their teeth extracted early due to cavities and tooth decay have troubles eating fruits and healthy vegetables. These are an important food for your child’s health. Baby teeth also hold space for permanent teeth. If there are extracted too early, the chances are that permanent teeth will grow crooked. Ensure that you practice proper dental hygiene on your child. Also, make sure that you take him or her to visit the dentist on a regular basis.