How You Can Use Your Dental Insurance Before This Year

Dental Insurance

How You Can Use Your Dental Insurance Before This Year

The holiday season is finally here, and your calendar is filling up with obligations. But, even if you already have limited time, it might be worthwhile to add a few dental appointments to your schedule. Offer yourself a gift of good oral hygiene while also making the most of your unused dental benefits.

Probably you don’t realise that using your dental insurance benefits before the end of the year can help save you hundreds of dollars! This is because dental insurance benefits reset every year. This means that you will lose all your unused dental insurance benefits after 31st December. So it’s important that you take advantage of your dental insurance plan before the year ends. Here are a few ways how you can use your dental insurance plan before this year.

Routine Check-ups

Most dental insurance plans provide a plan for two different check-ups a year. The routine check-ups are separated at an interval of six months. So, if you haven’t had a routine check-up for the last six months, now it’s high time that you schedule a dentist appointment. Getting a routine check-up ensures that you maintain an excellent smile. It also gives your dentist an opportunity to examine your dental health and ensure that there are no other developing problems. You will also enjoy a professionally cleaned and polished smile. This will have you leaving the dentist’s office feeling more confident and radiant.

Larger Treatments

If at all you need more extensive dental treatment that will require multiple visits to the dentist, the end of the year is the best time to get started. This is especially true if you’ve already met your deductible income and have not yet met your annual maximum. This can help you drastically reduce your out-of-pocket expense once your deductible is paid. Hence, making it an ideal situation for extensive and costly dental treatments.

In the event that you are getting close to your annual maximum, your dentist will help you split the cost between this year and the next one. This will allow you to use the benefits you have remained this year and also take advantage of the renewed benefits after next year. This will help you make the dental cost manageable. There are quite a number of larger treatments on how you can use your dental insurance before this year.

Some of them include:

  • Getting Dental Implants
  • Receiving crowns and bridges
  • Root Canal therapy
  • Toothaches
  • Dental Emergencies

Bottom Line
There are quite a number of ways on how you can use your dental insurance this year that can help you save money instead of waiting until next year as outlined above. Contact your insurer and find out what benefits you have used and what is still available for you this year. If you still do have benefits available before the end of this year, book yourself an appointment with Carrum Downs Dental Clinic. Delaying dental treatment may lead to more extensive and expensive dental treatment in the future. Call us at Carrum Downs Dental Clinic and schedule an appointment now so that cavities and other minor problems can be checked and treated now, rather than turning them into other bigger problems.


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