Is Thumb Sucking Bad for My Child’s Teeth?

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Is Thumb Sucking Bad for My Child’s Teeth?

Thumb sucking is a normal habit that children develop at very young age. It is soothing and also enables the child connect and explore their environment. However, if this habit goes beyond 3 years, there are high chances that the child will develop biting problems. Usually, when a child has a normal bite, the upper teeth grow in a way that they overlap with the lower ones. However, it is possible for thumb or finger sucking to interfere with the normal teeth and jaw growth. In some cases, the thumb sucking habit develops open bites, which means that the teeth fails tooverlap when a child bites. Instead, there anopen space is created between the lower and upper teeth. That’s why this habit should be discouraged, though we do not want to intervene too soon.

Benefits of Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking comes with some benefits. However, these benefits vanish after your baby gets at six months of age. Thumb sucking helps anew-bornto develop the jaw and mouth muscles. Also, your child is less likely to develop allergic hypersensitivity and can have fewer allergies. This is due tothe hygiene hypothesis which suggests that decrease in infections resulting from overly disinfected lifestyle is the reason behind the increase in allergies and diseases. Either way, this theory is not strong enough to suggest that thumb sucking is the best way to prevent allergies, especially when you compare the benefits against the consequences.

Consequences of Thumb Sucking

While thumb sucking may seem harmless, its consequences should be taken seriously as they may affect your child’s health in future. Here are the negative effects of thumb sucking:

– Shrinking the airway
– Improper teeth position
– Abnormal tongue rest
– Changing the shape of the face
– Poor swallow patterns
– Narrowing of the jaw or palate
– Speech issues
– Altered breathing patterns

How to Help your Child Stop Thumb Sucking

If your child reaches the age when permanent teeth start developing and they still won’t stop sucking their thumb, here is what you can do:

– Find alternative ways to calm down
Children may be sucking their thumb because they may not have any alternative to calm them down. Encourage interactive activities that keep their hands busy therefore keeping them distracted from sucking their thumbs.

– Educate on proper dental hygiene
It will be easy for your child to stop thumb sucking if they are fully aware of why you are reprimanding them from the habit. This will help them understand that you are not just mad at them for nothing. Educate them on the importance of proper dental hygiene and why thumb sucking can negatively affect their dental health.

– Help them express their feeling using words
Children may be thumb sucking because they are experiencing a hard time expressing their feelings using words. If this is the case, encourage your child to become more expressive through words. Also, have a talk with them and ask questions that will help you understand what they may be going through and things that may be stressing them out.

Bottom Line

Thumb sucking is one of the reasons why it is essential to take your child for regular dental exams, starting from his first birthday. We at Carrum Downs Dental Clinic educate your child on the proper oral hygiene techniques which help in preventing tooth decay and generally monitor their dental growth and development.Please call us to schedule for an appointment, if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s dental health.


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