Tips for Natural Dental Health Care : Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Dental Health Care - Teeth Cleaning

Tips for Natural Dental Health Care – Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Poor dental care can spell doom for your gums and teeth. According to the Australian Dental Association, advanced gum disease or severe periodontitis affects as many as 47 percents of individuals over 30 years in Australia. Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums can cause your once healthy teeth and gums to swell and even bleed. If the swelling and bleeding is left untreated, it can lead to periodontitis. Your gums will start developing pockets and your teeth will pull away from the gums. Plaque will build-up and spread and the connective tissues or bones may break down due to the toxins and the immune response from your body. As a result, you may end up losing your teeth altogether. So, here are dental tips to prevent teeth and gum problems and how to keep them healthy.

– Brush your teeth twice a day

Brushing your teeth after every meal helps to get rid of food debris and plaque that has been trapped between your gums and teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush that can comfortably fit in your mouth. You may also consider using an electric or a battery-powered toothbrush. An electric toothbrush is more efficient than a manual one because it cleans out more plaque and reduces gingivitis. Always swap your toothbrush heads every three months or sooner in case your bristles start to fray.

– Use a tongue scraper

It is not just your teeth and gums that need to be cleaned and looked after; but also your tongue. The dentists recommend that you clean your tongue twice every day because it helps in removing bacteria, reduces bad breath and improves your taste buds.

– Always floss

Most people tend to skip flossing because they think brushing their teeth is enough. But this is a very big misconception that should be discredited immediately. Brushing cannot remove food remains and plaque that have built up on the sides of the backmost molars, and it certainly cannot clean the small gaps between your teeth. With flossing, all these can be done efficiently and your teeth will be cleaned from the front to the back.

– Minimize the intake of foods and drinks that can stain your teeth

Certain foods and drinks such as blueberries, coffee,and wine are most likely to discolour your teeth. Ensure that every time you eat or drink something that may lead to teeth discolouration, you thoroughly rinse out your mouth with water or even antiseptic mouthwash. It is also recommended that you munch on fruits and veggies that are good for your teeth and gums such as carrots, celery, and apples.

Bottom Line

By following these dental tips, you can naturally keep your teeth and gums healthy and reduce any extra costs of dental care. However, if you need any help of a dental professional, feel free to schedule an appointment or contact us today at Carrum Downs Dental Clinic and our dentists will be so glad to help.


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