Procedure for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Procedure for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the third molars on both the upper and lower jaws. They are located at the very back of the mouth, and they are usually the last to emerge. They are called wisdom teeth since they emerge between the ages of 17 and 21.

Some people keep their wisdom teeth while others choose to have them removed. In some cases, removing wisdom teeth becomes a necessity for others due to several reasons. For example, one can have an impacted wisdom tooth that is causing problems to other teeth in the mouth. In such a case, wisdom teeth removal will be necessary.

Here is the procedure for wisdom teeth removal

Oral Exam

The first step will be an oral exam by your dentist. He will review your dental history as well as do a few scans to determine if you are a good candidate for removal. If you are a good candidate, the dentist will then map out the entire process, including your choice for anaesthesia. If you have any questions about wisdom teeth removal, this is the time to ask. Your dentist will provide you with some detailed instructions that will help you adequately prepare for the procedure.


During the surgery, your dentist will first apply your preferred anaesthesia. The most popular anaesthesia when it comes to wisdom teeth removal is a combination of local anaesthesia and IV sedation. However, there are other methods available depending on factors such as your medical history, anxiety level as well as personal preference. Your dentist will give you more information about the type of anaesthesia available.

Surgical Procedure

After anaesthesia, the surgical process will commence. The dentist will start by making an incision through the gums so that the wisdom teeth can be exposed. The method of extraction will depend on the position of the tooth. It can either be done as a whole or through small segments.

After the removal of the tooth, you will now be required to rest in the dentist’s office until the anaesthesia wears off. In case the procedure was done using IV sedation, you must have a responsible adult who will take you home. The person must be in a position to monitor you until the sedation wears off.

After Surgery

After surgery, the procedure is very important for a quick and safe recovery. The dentist will provide you with a set of instructions that you are supposed to follow during recovery. In most cases, your dentist will advise you not to eat anything for at least the first 24 hours. After that, you can stick to soft foods throughout the recovery process.

It is vital that the surgical area remains clean to prevent infection. Your dentist will also prescribe some medication to control pain throughout the recovery period.

Bottom Line

Wisdom teeth removal is a dental procedure that requires expertise for it to be successful. You can trust Carrum Downs Dental Clinic due to their experienced and well qualified dentist. If you have any issues with your wisdom teeth and you are unsure of whether to extract them or not, visit us at Carrum Downs Dental Group, and we will advise you accordingly. 


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