Single tooth implants can give you back your smile

Dental implant

Single tooth implants can give you back your smile

Your smile is worth a thousand words. This may sound like a cliché,but your facial expression, which is significantly influenced by the state of your teeth speaks a lot about you. Losing a tooth is something that can happen to anyone. It may have already happened to you or someone you know. Whether it’s due to trauma, disease, or extraction, something as small as a missing tooth can have a great impact on the quality of your life.

Missing teeth- even if it’s just one tooth- can affect everything from your self-confidence to your physical wellbeing. Every day activities such as talking or eating may be a bit challenging with missing teeth. It may also make you to develop a sense of self-consciousness that may drive you to stop speaking or smiling in public. The extra space created by a missing tooth can make your other remaining teeth to shift out of place. Moreover, when your jaw bone is left unstimulated and unsupported by the tooth’s roots, you can suffer from bone loss. Your face may also begin to sag making you look older than you actually are. Luckily, if you are missing a single tooth, single tooth implants can give you back your smile. If you are agonizing over how you can give your facial outlook a more vibrant look, then it’s time to learn more about single-tooth implants.


What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a titanium post, which resembles the root of a tooth that’s surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line. This post allows the dentist to mount a replacement bridge or crown into the area. A dental implant does not become lose like it’s the case with dentures. The main aim of the placement is to allow the post it to fuse with the jawbone and the surrounding tissue. Over time as the bone grows further, the implant surface will enhance the stability of the implant.

Single tooth dental implants are used when a patient is missing a single tooth. The procedure can be used to replace any single tooth- molars, canines and incisors. However, a majority of people use the procedure to replace their front teeth because of their aesthetics. For the dentist to consider you for asingle tooth implant, you must have healthy jawbone that can hold the implant. If you have suffered from bone degeneration, you might not have enough tissue to support the implant. The doctor will first need to do a bone grafting procedure before he can proceed with placing the implants. In addition to healthy bone, you also must have healthy gum tissue. Untreated gum disease can result in tissue degeneration and can compromise the procedure.

Who Is Suitable for a Single Tooth Dental Implant?

Single tooth dental implant is suitable for most adults who have good dental and general health. Implants can only be used when the jaw bone has stopped growing so typically they cannot be used on young children. Unhealthy behaviour such as smoking and chewing tobacco can increase the risk of procedure complication. Some dentist will decline patients who are unable to reduce smoking or give it up altogether. However, each person has a different case. Make sure that you speak to your dentist if you have any health condition before commencing the surgery. In some instances, some health problems prevent the use of dental implants.

For you to know if you are suitable for the process, your dentist will conduct aninitial assessment before providing the treatment. He or she will examine the state of the remaining natural teeth and examine if there is any underlying dental condition. You will also be needed to provide your medical history. The dentist will take an X-ray so that he can examining some several factors before approving the treatment for you.

Advantages of a Single Tooth Implant

One of the top priorities of your dental team is to help you retain your natural teeth for your entire lifetime. However, there are situations when this becomes impossible. Teeth may have sustained some serious injury, lost thesupport of healthy gums, or may have fallen out. Irrespective of the reason, you should replace teeth that cannot be saved.

Traditionally, tooth replacement was only achieved through a fixed bridge. A dental bridge is an appliance that a dentist designs and fabricates in a dental lab. A dental bridge has an artificial tooth also known as pontic and two crowns. The artificial tooth is then fixed in the space having its support from the adjacent teeth. Before thedevelopment of dental implants, this was the best method used by dentists to replace a missing tooth. Here are some advantages of using a single tooth implant over a dental bridge:

Preserves Healthy Teeth

One of the most obvious disadvantages of using dental bridges is that two healthy teeth must be compromised to support the bridges. For a crown to be placed, the two adjacent teeth must be shaped by grounding them down. Physically tampering healthy teeth so that they can bear excess force for the crown is not desirable. On the other hand, dental implants are designed to support crowns. This is because implants replicate a natural tooth structure including the missing root. It does not have to rely on any of the surrounding teeth for support.

Preserves the Bone

It may look like a dental implant inserted into the jawbone, would negatively impact an individual oral structure by directly biting and chewing on the bone. On the contrary, this is exactly what the jawbone requires so that it can remain healthy. The implant integrates with the jawbone just like a natural tooth does, thus keeping the bone healthy. Without the force that comes from biting and chewing, there will be no stimulation,and the jawbone will gradually break down.

Dental Implants are Strong and Long-Lasting

When it comes to a dental bridge, as time goes by, the gums start to recede around a bridge. This in return exposes the collar or base of the bridge. Dental bridges can only last for a maximum period of 10 years. This means that you will have to replace them after every ten years. Conversely, implants can last a lifetime. The only thing they might require is some adjustments whenever you feel they are becoming loose.

Gives you a Beautiful Smile

If you choose to invest in a single tooth implant, you are investing in a tooth replacement method designed to look just like your natural teeth. It’s one of the best tooth replacement options when it comes to aesthetics. This is because the final product will look as good if not better than your natural tooth. The single tooth dental implant is a huge advantage for people who choose to use this method since they can retain and maintain their previous smile before they lost their tooth.

Necessity of a Tooth Replacement

If you don’t replace a missing tooth, it can lead to further problems to the remaining natural teeth. They can become crooked or unevenly spaced. In addition to this, it can result to bite and chewing problems. A single tooth replacement option can help you restore your mouth to its original state.

Looks and Feels Natural

When it comes to feeling and appearance, the only difference between natural teeth and dental implants is that implants are not real teeth. They are made in a way that they look, feel and fit exactly like your other natural teeth. It gets the natural feel since it has been fused to your jawbone.

Makes Eating Easier

You may have a hard time eating some of your favourite meals with other tooth replacement options. Implants allow you to have a natural and satisfying chewing experience. You don’t have to employ any special care while eating. Tooth replacement options like traditional dentures can slide while you are eating, making it difficult to chew appropriately. Implants allow you a better bite force.

Single Tooth Dental Implant Procedure

A majority of people are surprised at how relatively easy dental implant procedure is. This is because most people allow their imaginations take the better part of them before undergoing the actual process. The truth of the matter is most patients experience little to no pain and very minimum discomforts later. Most dental implants systems are made of titanium or titanium alloys. This is because titanium is compatible with the human body and it will fuse directly with the jaw bone through a process known as Osseo-integration. If you get to understand the whole tooth implantation process, you will see how simple it is. Here is the single tooth dental implant process.

Before the Surgery

The whole process is a relatively minor procedure. This is especially if the dentist takes proper planning and measures before the surgery. During this stage, your dentist will need to take some X-rays to evaluate the current condition of the bone and gums. It also helps the dentist to determine exactly where to place the implant. Other factors that an X-ray helps the dentist to determine to include the occlusion (bite) and the bone quantity and quality. If you have anxiety about the surgery, let your dentist know ahead of time. While all the dental implants surgery are done under the local anaesthesia, your dentist can employ additional measures to help you reduce anxiety. The dentist can use sedative or pre-anxiety medications. However, before your dentist or prosthodontist begins the procedure, he or she will test the area and make sure that it’s numb and you are not feeling any pain.

During this phase, you will also have an opportunity to ask the dentist all the questions that you might be having the surgery. Your dentist will also discuss with you about other tooth replacement options that at your disposal so that you can be sure you are making the right decision. He or she will also assess the current condition of your oral health and your medical history. After the examination, he or she will be in a position to know if you will require any additional dental surgery so that you can achieve the desired aesthetic and functional results. If you had lost asubstantial amount of bone structure, your dentist might suggest that you undergo grafting procedures. This appointment may take thirty minutes to one hour depending on your case.

During Surgery

During the surgery, one of the most important aspects is site preparation. The dentist will prepare a small hole in the bone. This hole is known as to as an osteotomy. Small incisions into the gum tissue are used so that the bone can be accessed thus creating small ‘flaps’ as they are often called to allow the dentist to visualise the shape and location of the bone.

The dentist will place a guide or surgical template in the mouth where the dental implant will be placed to ensure that it will be placed accurately. A drilling sequence is used to increase the hole that was made initially until the dentist achieves the correct implant size and shape. Sometimes the dentist can place the implants without the incisions or the flaps. However, he or she can only do this if he or she is guaranteed that the osteotomies can be made exactly in the right place. This requires quality bone and very accurate surgical guides.

The dentist will be very careful during the drilling procedure. This is because drilling is very critical in determining the success rate of the implant fusing with the bone. A drilling sequence will progressively be used to ensure that it achieves the right shape for the implant. The dentist will also continually cool the place so that it does not get damaged by over-heating, which can result in bone loss. Mild vibration may also be associated with the drilling process through the dentist knows how he can effectively control it.

The next step now involves placing the implants into the site so that the healing process can commence. The implants are sterile,and it’s of utmost importance that the surfaces remain untouched. They should move from the sterile package directly to the osteotomy site. After the placement, the dentist will take some radiographs to ensure that they have been placed properly. The entire procedure will end with the placement of the flap tissues. This process involves some stitching. In most cases, the dentist will use stitches that will be absorbed by the body,so they don’t require to be removed. However, the dentist will let you know if the stitches will have to be removed at a later date.

After The Surgery

With gentle tissue management and because of the nature of the surgery, discomfort is very minimal,and the surgery has a high success rate. However, every individual’s situation is different. Your dentist will let you know what to expect in your specific situation. He or she will also prescribe for you some painkillers to reduce pain. Anti-biotics may also be prescribed to ensure speedy healing. The surgical phase of tooth dental implant is relatively easy than most people imagine. In fact, the entire process is relatively uneventful.

After the process, you will leave the dentist office with theprovisional dental implant supported bridge. This bridge is temporary,and it’s designed to last only up to six months. This period will allow your jawbone to Osseo-integrate with the implant and also give your dentist time to create a permanent fixed crown or bridge that will fit perfectly. In the meantime, your replacement tooth will look just like normal teeth meaning that you will restore your aesthetics immediately after the procedure.

Aftercare Tips

Manage Bleeding

After the entire procedure, it is crucial that you bite down on the gauze packs provided by the dentist. This will help you in managing your bleeding. You can remove the packs one hour after the procedure. However, if the bleeding persists, place another gauze for an extra 30 minutes.

Refrain from Smoking

Avoid smoking on the specific day of the surgery and if it is possible torefrain from it during the entire healing process. Gently brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush not to interfere with any instrument.

Practice Proper Oral Hygiene

It’s vital that you keep your mouth clean after the procedure by carrying out proper dental hygiene measures. Patients are permitted to rinse their mouth with salt water 24 hours after the surgery. They should do this two to three times a day until they heal.

Take Care Of the Food You Eat

Stick to soft foods and drinks within the first and second day after the surgery. Avoid chewing food until the sensation has returned.

What Can Lead to Bone Loss?

Once you lose a tooth, a considerable amount of bone that surrounded the tooth may disappear. The main reason for thebone loss is due to lack of pressure necessary to stimulate bone growth. This process may be fast during the first few months after losing a tooth. Before dental implants were developed, dentures were among the best solutions after one has lost a tooth or teeth. Most people reported after some time that their dentures did not fit as well as they used to when they were fixed. The most common reason was due to bone loss that occurred over time. Dentures may fail to provide the necessary pressure required for bone development. When you consider dental implants as a replacement method, your dentist must take into consideration the quality of your bone. If you have considerably lost the bone structure, he or she might suggest that you have a bone grafting.

Where Can You Get Extra Bone From?

Your dentist can graft bone from some places,but the most common places are at the back of your teeth, from the chin, or in the lower jaw. Sometimes it can be taken from the shinbone or the hip. When you use your bone to graft another site, you will have to go through the discomfort caused by the donor site as well as the surgical site. Most people say that this is well worth additional discomforts since your bone is better than bone from any other source.

Alternatively, for those who would not like to undergo any additional discomfort, the dentist may get the bone from bovine, porcine, or synthetic materials. Bovine is bone extracted from a cow while porcine is bone extracted from a pig. Synthetic are materials that have been specially prepared to make them suitable for use in the body of a human being. Different oral surgeons will have their way of creating additional bone structure. It’s advisable that you visit a dentist for tooth replacement immediately you lose a tooth to prevent bone loss from occurring.

How Long Will the Implant Last?

Once the dentist has completed the implant procedure,and the titanium root has fused with the jawbone, then it will be your dental hygiene that will determine how long the implant will last. When you poorly take care of it, plaque and calculus, which is very similar to that found in neglected natural teeth will develop. If these deposits remain untreated, they can develop to gum infection, soreness, bleeding and general discomfort. However, if you provide proper dental care to your implants, they can last a lifetime. Provide good dental hygiene to them just as you do to your natural teeth.

Potential Complication

  • Your body rejection of the implant material
  • Infection of the gum and bone around the implant
  • Your implant may fail to adhere to the bone
  • Bone loss around the implant

What is the Success Rate of a Single Tooth Implant?

The success rate mostly varies depending on a patient’s dental and general health. It may also vary depending on the expertise of the prosthodontist who carried out the procedure. However, in general, dental implants have a success rate of 95%. According to a 2014 study, the success rate of dental implant is high when a dental specialist does the procedure.

Bottom Line

The single dental implant is one of the best methods of replacing a single missing tooth. It makes use of the latest technology to make sure that your replacement looks and feel just like your natural teeth. Unlike other tooth replacement options like bridges, implants do not require the support of other adjacent teeth. This means that it does not add any pressure to other natural teeth. By choosing to have a single tooth implant fitted after you lose a tooth, you will be sure that you will get your natural smile back with no much hustle.


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