If you need a good enough reason to pour yourself a glass of wine, then look no further, the study reveals that there is an amazing disinfectant found in wine that kills bad mouth germs.
A recent research study has shown that drinking wine comes with a number of health benefits. Scientists discovered that there is a disinfectant in both white and red wine that kills germs that cause sore throats and dental plaque.
A study was conducted in 1988 to check the antibacterial properties found in wine, milk, beer, water, and carbonated drinks. The beverages were infused with bacteria that are infectious such as E.coli, Shigella, and Salmonella. The results after two days showed that the least amount of live bacteria was in the wine, which means that among the studied beverages, wine is an effective disinfectant.
The researchers who performed this recent study had this theory in mind. In their quest to determine how and why wine had the least amount of bacteria, they found that it fights bad mouth germs specifically those that cause sore throats and dental plaque.
The study that was conducted in Italy and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry revealed that organic compounds found in both white and red wines were responsible for the antibacterial properties. The previous study had concluded that the alcohol concentration and acidity in wine were what made it an effective disinfectant. However, recent studies show that there is an effective antimicrobial agent found in both white and red wine that affects the growth of bacteria, particularly those responsible for sore throat and tooth decay. The study revealed that wine prevents the spread and increase of streptococci, a bacteria responsible for tooth decay, cavities and sore throats.
Streptococci is a type of bacteria that leads to the formation of dental plaque. Dental plaque can cause periodontal disease and cavities if left unchecked. This bacteria causes red inflammation and burning in the throat, referred to as strep throat.
According to the study, the organic compounds present in the wine helped kill streptococci. Foods and fruits such as tea, mushrooms, and tea have also been known to kill the bacteria in other studies. However, wine contains antimicrobial properties that potentially kill bacterial strains responsible for sore throat and dental plaque. During the test, the scientist isolated strains of streptococci and exposed them to locally purchased wine. They made the wine alcohol free to test if the remaining compounds exhibited antibacterial behaviour. After neutralizing the wine’s acidity, the researchers separated the other chemical compounds such as lactic, tartaric acids, succinic, and malic from one another. They found that the chemical compounds killed over 95% of the bad mouth bacteria that causes dental plaque and sore throats.
The study indicated that even consuming small amounts of wine can help you prevent streptococci-related issues. The antimicrobial agent found in the wine is effective even in small amounts in the mouth of humans.
So, anytime you feel your throat tickling, drink up more of this good stuff instead of taking medications.
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