The Facts vs. the Fake: The True Benefits of Natural Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Natural

The Facts vs. the Fake: The True Benefits of Natural Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening has become an integral part of everyone’s grooming process. Everywhere you look, from the images in the magazine to your Instagram feed to the posters at your local dentist office, the importance of having white and bright teeth is everywhere around you. We all would like to have a white and natural looking smile, though the world we live in is filled with many staining agents. Such agents include soda, coffee, tea and red wine. The good news is achieving white pearly smile is much easier than most people think. However, most people are still a bit hesitant to book an appointment with their dentist for teeth whitening. This is mainly because of the many negative stories they’ve heard from the internet and friends about teeth whitening. They are not sure if they want to take the risk for a whiter smile or not.

To help you to get the facts right about the true benefits of teeth whitening, this article is going to discuss more aboutthe benefits of teeth whitening. It is also going debunk some of the common myths about teeth whitening and set the facts right so you will not be worried or afraid to undertake the procedure.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening also known as bleaching is the process of removing stains and discoloration from the teeth. The outer part of the teeth is known as the enamel. The colour of your natural teeth is created by the scattering and reflection of light off the enamel, combined with the colour of the dentine beneath it. Your enamel has some spores just like a sponge or the skin. Anything you put in your mouth that has colour will be absorbed into these spores. Tea, coffee, red wine, dark berries,and smoking are some foods and drinks that are active in teeth staining.

Teeth whitening process involves the application of a whitening or bleaching agent on the teeth under the supervision of your dentist. During the process, your dentist will assess you to determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment. After verifying that you have all it takes to go through the process, he or she will put gel or a rubber shield on your gums to protect them from the bleaching agent. Your dentist will then use some specially made tray to apply the whitening gel directly on your teeth. Hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is usually the active ingredients in the whitening gel. Oxygen is released in the process and gets into the teeth enamel after the active ingredient is broken, thus making the teeth to appear lighter.

The Facts Vs. the Fake about Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Ruins Your Enamel

A majority of people fear that their quest for pearly white teeth will turn out to be bad news to their enamel. This is a common misconception among most people since they tend to think that the whitening gel will corrode their enamel. The fact about this is that it is not true. Numerous studies have proven that teeth whitening does not damage the enamel. As mentioned earlier, teeth whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the active ingredients. Hydrogen peroxide works by converting into water and oxygen in a chemical reaction. Water and oxygen are safe components in our day to day lives.

The oxygen particles are what travels through the enamel and dialogue any staining particles. Hydrogen peroxide which acts as bleach is not the same as the bleaching agents that we use in our households. Households bleaching agents contain ammonia. Hydrogen peroxide is a type of bleaching agent that has no adverse effects on the body. In fact, the body produces hydrogen peroxide naturally. In addition, the exposure of the whitening bleach to your enamel is regulated in a way that it cannot damage your teeth. That is why it’s important fora professional dentist to do your teeth whitening process.

Teeth Whitening is not Safe

This is not true. Hydrogen peroxide has been used as a cosmetic tooth whitening bleach for close to a century. Most recognized dental bodies around the world recognize it as safe to use so long as all the necessary steps are followed. The manufactures of the product always include some safety precautions of handling the product. Safety versusthe risk of teeth whitening is mainly determined by two main factors. Exposure of the bleaching agent to the lips, mouth and soft tissue and tooth sensitivity. These risks can be minimised by first using professional products and reducing the amount of time the gel is exposed to the teeth and gums.

Just like it is in any other cosmetic procedure, there are always some potential risks involved. Thankfully, when it comes to teeth whitening, any side effects that may occur only lasts for a few days.

Teeth Whitening is Very Painful

Some people have the notion that teeth whitening process is very painful. This is not true. With the advancement of technology, teeth whitening process is entirely painless and safe. Your dentist will take all the necessary measures to protect your gums and lips from the whitening gel. You may only experience some minor discomfort that will subdue with time.

Teeth Whitening Causes Extreme Sensitivity

Teeth whitening is not supposed to hurt or cause any major discomfort. So, if the process is stinging, irritating or burning, you should stop that treatment at once. However, it is common to experience some minor sensitivity,but the sensitivity can be controlled using some special formulas. If you experience any major sensitivity after the treatment, let your dentist know. He or she will give you some special type of mouthwash that helps in reducing teeth sensitivity.

Anyone Can Whiten their Teeth

Almost anyone is a good candidate for teeth whitening treatment. If food and drink or even tobacco have discoloured your teeth, you can achieve white teeth again through teeth whitening. However, there are a few conditions that you should meet to qualify as a good candidate for teeth whitening. Pregnant women are not advised to undertake the process. Also, if your teeth are significantly damaged through tooth decay or any other factor, teeth whitening may not be for you. If you are below the age of 16, teeth whitening is not appropriate for you. If you have gum disease or periodontal disease, your dentist will advise you to first go through the treatment of the gum disease before having your teeth whitened.

All Whitening Products are the Same

Teeth whitening products come in a wide range of variety. However, this does not mean that they work the same way. Different products have different concentration of the active ingredient. Remember that if you are doing the teeth whitening at home, your results will not be as effective as having a dentist do it for you. Dentists have the right equipment to ensure that the results are perfect and know the right products to use for the best outcome.

All Teeth are the Same,and the Results Should be Perfect

Unfortunately, there are some people that have some unrealistic expectation with their teeth whitening treatment and in most cases end up getting disappointed. This is not because professional teeth whitening does not work or only work up to a certain level. However, it is because that some people fail to understand that different people have a unique mineral composition on their teeth. This means that teeth whitening products will produce different results on different people depending on their mineral composition. If your teeth are genetically yellow, you will not be able to achieve as white results as you may wish no matter what product you choose to use. Some people have traces of stains from antibiotics that are not easily removable and in some instances can never be removed.

Some people see the Hollywood stars and imagine that their teeth will be as white as they see on TV. Unfortunately, this may not be possible with teeth whitening alone. Whitening gels have a limit,and once they have attained their limit, your teeth cannot be any whiter. However, if you still want your teeth to appear like the ones you see on TV for Hollywood stars, you can discuss with your dentist about other cosmetic options such as porcelain veneers.

You Need to Visit Your Dentist to Get Teeth Whitening

Today in Australia, you can be able to get teeth whitening products from your local drugstore. However, teeth whitening done by the dentist is more effective than doing it at home. This is because dentist is allowed to use a much stronger bleaching agent. They whitening agents comes with over 16% hydrogen peroxide and up to 35%. Strong bleaching agents carrya high risk of sensitivity and gum trauma. Therefore, dentists use special protective barrier which is applied to your gums before applying the whitening gel. At home bleaching agents only have less concentration of hydrogen peroxide,and in most cases, one might fail to see a significant change after using the products. So, it is always recommended that you have your dentist carry out the teeth whitening treatment for you instead of doing it yourself. Yes, it might attract some few extra coins but trust me, it will be worth every last coin.

Teeth Whitening is Permanent

Some people think that once they go through teeth whitening treatment, their teeth will remain white forever. This is not true. Staining agents such as coffee, soda, marinara sauce and others will still stain your teeth once you get exposed. To make sure that your smile remains white for as long as possible, make sure that you visit your dentist regularly.

Benefits of professional teeth whitening

So many patients walk into the dentist office with stained teeth looking to make their smile whiter. Most of these patients often ask their dentists about whitening strips and whitening toothpaste so that they can carry out the whitening process at home. Yes, at home teeth whitening may work but will not be as effective as professional teeth whitening. Professional teeth whitening comes with lots of benefits including:

It Raises Your Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

A smile is the first thing people use to analyse you and your personality. Professional teeth whitening gets rid of persistent stains and brightens your smile giving you more self-confidence and less cause for embarrassment about a less than attractive smile. After getting a professional whitening treatment, you will not feel the need of smiling with a closed mouth or hiding your teeth behind your hand when talking or laughing. Instead, you will feel confident enough to show your smile. Additionally, having your whitening treatment done by a professional is not only safe but more effective than using those over-the-counter products.

It minimizes the look of wrinkles

A bright and white smile shifts the focus on your face. Once people see your bright teeth, they will naturally zero in on your smile. This will reduce the look of any surrounding wrinkles such as frown lines. Even though this concern may not be on top of your mind, it is an added advantage.

It is designed especially for you

Most teeth whitening treatments, especially strips and trays are sold as one size fit. The fact is that these rarely fit most of the users because each person’s smile is different in size and shape. Poorly fitting strips and trays is the main reason patients experience uneven whitening and sensitivity in their teeth and gums. For the professional whitening, your dentist will paint gel onto each tooth; this provides even coverage of all teeth. When a patient chooses to use the take-home whitening treatment for maintenance or to provide more shades of whiteness to their smile, a tray is custom-made for them by the dentist based on their teeth impressions. These custom-fit trays offer even application of the whitening treatment while protecting your gums and lips from making contact with the gel.

Whitening is the most conservative way to whiten teeth

No teeth preparation is needed, unlike dental treatments such as crowns or veneers. While these treatments will give you whiter teeth, some of your tooth structure is inevitably lost through the etching process in tooth preparation. This is done to ensure that the crown or veneer bonds properly to the tooth. So, with professional whitening, you get the best results in the most conservative way possible.

Quick treatment

Whitening products you buyat your local drugstore can help you get white teeth.However, this may take weeks or even months before you see noticeable results. While with other products you may not ever see your desired results. Professional teeth whitening takes less than an hour and produces whitening of up to ten shades.

Expert information

One of the greatest benefits of professional whitening treatment comes from the knowledge your dentist possesses about teeth discoloration. The dentist will start the procedure by performing an exam of your teeth to identify and determine the cause of the teeth stains. Mostly, the dentist sees extrinsic stains, which are stains that appear on the outside of the teeth due to food and drinks we consume as well as lifestyles choices and other environmental factors. However, other times the dentist may find that a patient has intrinsic stains which emanate from inside of the teeth. Such stains may prove challenging to remove or even fail to respond to professional treatment. Occasionally, your stained teeth may indicate another problem. Teeth that appear darker than usual may signify tooth decay or root canal problem. Your dentist can detect such issues when you come in for a whitening treatment and repair the tooth, rather than hiding the problem with a whitening procedure.

You can thrive in professional situations

If you’ve got a big interview coming your way, a brighter smile can work to your advantage. People who get into interviews with brighter smiles often like to show them off. This will most likely charm the interviewer and create a warmer atmosphere. In addition, smiling makes you feel more confident and in turn, makes the interviewer believe that you are more prepared.

What are the Risks of Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a very safe process. However, there are some few instances when potential risks may appear. Some of them include:

Gum irritation

The whitening gel that may come into contact with the gum tissue, lips or the mouth may result in inflammation or whitening of the gums. The inflammation and the whitening of the gums is transient meaning that it will only last for a short period. The inflammation usually last for only ten to thirty minutes,and the colour change will reverse within two hours.

Sports or Streaks

Due to the calcium deposit that occurs naturally on the teeth, some people may develop white spots and streaks. Usually, this will diminish within 24 hours.

Tooth Sensitivity

The fact that the in-office bleaching gel is very strong, some people may develop teeth sensitivity after the treatment. However, the sensitivity will only last for some few hours for patients with healthy teeth. For those people who had some pre-existing conditions such as teeth sensitivity, cracked tooth open cavities, micro-cracks and leaking fillings, the sensitivity may prolong for a few more hours.


After undertaking teeth whitening procedure, it is natural for the teeth to start losing its glowing white colour over time. The process is gradual and may take time but can be accelerated by continuously exposing your teeth to different staining agents. However, you can delay the process by taking some appropriate measures. Stay away from eating or drinking anything except water within the first one hour after the treatment. Also, avoid taking any staining food or drink within the first 24 hours after the treatment. Typically, teeth whitening is not meant to be permanent and can only last for a maximum of two years if the process was done by a professional dentist. To achieve the pearly white colour you were looking for, you may be required to make a few repeat, secondary or touch-ups treatments.

Maintenance Tips After a Teeth Whitening Procedure

Teeth whitening treatment is a technique that increasingly large number of people opt for due to the aesthetic benefits that come with it. If you have undergone teeth whitening, you would want to preserve its effects for as long as you can. Teeth whitening is a long-term investment,and it’s entirely up to you to maintain your teeth and keep them white for longer. Here are a few recommendations you should take up after the procedure.

Bush Your Teeth Properly

Brushing your teeth properly is one of the most important steps in ensuring that your teeth remain white for longer. You should make it a habit of not only brushing in the morning when you are starting your day or at night before you go to bed but also after every meal. The food and drinks we take on a daily basis can stain our teeth especially if they contain some staining agents. Don’t allow the stains to build up just because of improper dental hygiene.

Avoid Staining Foods and Drinks

Any staining foods and drinks will definitely have a damaging effect on teeth after they have been freshly whitened. Even when consumed a long time after the treatment, these foods and drinks will still leave some stains. The best thing to do is if you cannot stay away from such foods and drinks, make sure not to allow them to stay for long in your mouth. This will help in minimising the staining effect.

Use Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste contains some bleaching agents that can help oxidise the stains on the surface of the teeth. Although the bleaching agent is low, they go a long way in ensuring that stains that causediscolourationdo not easily build-up on your teeth. The toothpaste will help in removing superficial stains from the surface of your teeth. So even if you take red wine or coffee and brush your teeth afterwards, the paste will assist you to remove the stains.

Maintain Regular Visits to the Dentist

Just like plaque, tartar plays a huge role in your smile’s appearance. It also possess a high risk for other factors like tooth decay which causes a more severe form of internal tooth discolouration. To keep your teeth free from plaque and internal discolouration, you need to schedule regular visits to your dentist for cleanings and check-ups.

Bottom Line

As it’s true with many health-related issues, preventions are better than cure. You can prevent tooth discolouration and staining by brushing and flossing on a regular basis, limiting the consumption of foods and drinks that stain and regular visits to your dentist.

However, if your teeth are already discoloured, it’s a good idea to speak with your dentist for teeth whitening now that you know the facts about the treatment. Most in-office teeth whitening procedures only last for about an hour so you will not have to wait for long to achieve amazing results.

Don’t rely on rumours and myths to make an informed decision about teeth whitening. Remember the facts and benefits that comes along with it when you decide to make your smile brighter.


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