Things You Need to Know Dental Care for Children

Dental Care for Children

The importance of dental care for children is second to none. It is as important as overall health. Most parents neglect their children dental health saying that their primary teeth will eventually fall out and pave the way for permanent ones. Yes, they will eventually fall out, but until they do, they play an integral role in helping your baby to bite, chew and speak clearly. Dental health for kids should start as soon as their first teeth erupt. For most kids, the first tooth will appear between the ages of four to six months. From that time onwards, proper dental hygiene and regular visits to the dentist will play a vital role in your child’s dental health.

Statistics have it that as many as 30% of children in Australia will have had tooth decay by the time they are three years of age. This can pose a great danger for developing permanent teeth. Cavities and tooth decay, which is one of the leading dental problems among children is completely preventable with proper dental care and regular visits to the dentist. This article will walk you through all you need to know about dental care for children.

When should my Child First visit a Dentist?

Your child should first visit the dentist by her first birthday, but it is also fine to wait until the baby is two. Delaying the visit more than that would put your child at the risk of dealing with dental cavities or plaque build-up. However, other parents assume that since baby teeth will eventually be replaced, there is no point in taking care of them, which is a big mistake. As much as your child’s permanent teeth are not visible, they are gradually developing under the primary teeth. Therefore, it is essential to see a dentist ensure that everything is developing as expected. You may bring your child to your dentist if he treats children, but a pediatric dentist is the best more so for kids who may be anxious and fearful. Pediatric dentists are doctors who have gone through special training in taking care of kids and often have extremely kid-friendly dental offices.

How to prepare for your Child’s First Dentist Visit

Having your child at home means taking your time and teaching them the importance of proper oral hygiene. This also includes creating a good relationship with the dentist. Of course, this begins during that first visit to the dental office. This new experience may be a scary time for your child filled with the unknowns. As a parent, you have the role of helping your child have ample time during the visit and lessen many of their fears in the process. Here are tips on how to prepare your child for their first visit to the dentist.

Tell them what to expect

Your child’s fear may come due to not knowing what to expect. You may get onto the dental office website you are planning to visit and show your child some of the office images to ease anxiety and fear. When booking an appointment with the dentist, ask for a rundown of their schedule so that you can relay that to your child. Also, while brushing your child’s teeth, try and explain that the dentist will also be doing the same thing.

Examine your child at home

Examining your child’s teeth at home will help the child be more comfortable having their teeth checked by a dentist. Always take time to check through your child’s mouth regularly. This may prove to be difficult with an infant but try using the knee to knee technique. This technique involves two adults sitting with their knees touching and the baby’s head is laid on one of the adult’s lap to have a good look. Even if your baby has no teeth at this age, you should gently wipe his or her gums with a warm, wet washcloth after meals. You may also stimulate your child’s mouth with a tiny, soft-bristled toothbrush.

Be a role model

Your child is like a little sponge. He/she soaks up every little detail and emotion from you. Therefore, it is important that you be a good role model of oral hygiene for your child even before visiting the dentist. As your child’s role model, it is essential that you demonstrate to them good oral habits and teach them how to care for their teeth properly. Usually, a child that knows how to take good care of their teeth is less likely to feel anxious about visiting the dentist. Also, be very careful about your feelings and views about visiting the dentist. Many parents tend to have the same fear about going to the dentist just like the children do. Truly, there is absolutely nothing for your child to fear. Therefore, make a point of being conscious of how you express your feelings because they may negatively influence them.

Let your child know that dentists are good guys.

It is important to let your child know that dentists are good people who are responsible for keeping their teeth in good shape. Briefly explain to your child that we only get two sets of teeth that last a lifetime, so it is good to take care of them. Also, explain to your child that brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist are part of that routine of growing big and healthy.

Be honest and Understanding

In case your child needs some dental work, it can be easy and tempting for you to lie on how things are done. Being honest with your child is the best policy. However, it is important that you avoid using words that may be threatening to your child. In case your child happens to have dental visits fear, enquire from them what exactly they are, be attentive and try to understand their feelings. You can then positively answer any of their questions and offer the good experiences you’ve had with the dentist.

Who is a Pediatric dentist?

A pediatric dentist is a type of dentist who has the necessary knowledge and tools to maintain good oral care for children of all ages. A skilled paediatric dentist also knows how vital it is to provide positive experiences for each child to ensure their dedication to keeping teeth healthy. A good paediatric dentist also knows how to encourage a child to maintain proper dental care and visit the dentist regularly.

Benefits of Regularly Taking Your Child to the Paediatric Dentist

Children should visit the dentist at least after every six months. Whether they still have their milk teeth or are growing permanent ones, every stage of a child’s teeth development is very important. A regular visit to the dentist helps the parents to know about the current state of their children teeth and how to improve their state. They are many benefits of taking your child to see a dentist and most of these benefits last into adulthood. Here are some of them:

Helps to Keep the Child Mouth Clean
Regular visits to a paediatric dentist help in keeping the child’s mouth clean. It’s a good idea to start a regular dental regimen once your child has celebrated his first birthday. Visits to the dentist will involve removal of built-up plaque and tartar as well as eliminate stains on the surface of the teeth. Eliminating plaque and tartar helps in preventing bacteria from sticking to the tooth. Some of these bacteria are responsible for causing cavities and tooth decay in the long run. Most young children don’t know how to brush their teeth properly. That’s why these trips to the dentist are essential for getting rid of plaque build-up and debris that they miss out.

A paediatric dentist has the right skills to effectively clean and cares for kids teeth of all ages. Children with milk teeth require different dental needs compared to adults or children who have already developed permanent teeth. A paediatric dentist will be able to take care of children teeth despite their structure.

Ensures Healthy Development of Teeth

Baby teeth are just a starting ground for adult teeth. When a child has healthy teeth, it is easier for adult teeth to come healthily. Neglecting proper dental care for a child may cause his or her tooth to fall out too soon. This may have a negative effect on the growing permanent teeth as they may grow out of position. Such an occurrence will make the permanent teeth to grow in a crooked way. Taking your child to the dentist who has the right knowledge for kids will help prevent such an occurrence. If the tooth falls too early, the dentist will be able to apply proper measures to align the permanent teeth.

Maintaining healthy teeth when a child is growing helps in preventing additional and complicated dental work in future. If the permanent teeth grow in straight and well aligned, the child will be able to avoid the embarrassment of having to grow crooked teeth. It may also save the parents time and money that they will have used to try and rectify such problems.

Prevents Tooth Decay

One of the most important parts of visiting the dentist on a regular basis is that they are able to detect cavities on the surface of the tooth early. It’s common for children to eat unhealthy foods for their teeth and also slack on regular brushing and flossing. It is important to detect cavities on the baby’s teeth early enough since it is quicker and easier to treat. Failure to detect cavities early may lead to tooth decay, further destroying the tooth structure. Damaged teeth may lead to infections and may require advanced dental procedures such as fillings to rectify.

The damage is even more dangerous if it occurs to a child who has already developed permanent teeth. Permanent teeth will remain in the child’s mouth for a lifetime so they should be taken care of diligently. Regular visits to a paediatric dentist will ensure that a child will maintain a healthy and brighter smile throughout his or her life. Regular cleaning and fluoride treatment help in maintaining early permanent teeth in good health. If the new permanent teeth start over in bad health, the condition will only grow worse in future.

Teaches Your Child Ideal Dental Health

Giving your children proper lessons on how to take care of their teeth will provide them with the right knowledge and motivation to carry out proper dental hygiene measures throughout their lives. When parents explain the purpose of dental appointments, children will learn the importance of visiting the dentist regularly. Initially, a dental office is not a place where a child would comfortably want to visit. However, with regular visits, the child will start to appreciate the process and feel more comfortable. Through regular visits, the dentist will be able to teach the child the importance of clean mouth and the right technique of brushing and flossing the teeth.

Children should be in a position to brush their teeth by the age of seven, though they will still need some assistance from the parent until they attain ten years. Flossing is an important part of dental hygiene,but most children will find it difficult. Parents should help their children to floss their teeth until their reach ten years old.

Shows the Importance of Responsibility

Regular visits to the dentist help the child to learn how to be able to keep commitments to important appointments. Regular visits to the dentist are important to keep the mouth healthy, the kind of care children will learn to give to their teeth will teach them how to provide care for their body in general. This will resulting good health habits that will carry on even when the child becomes an adult. If children carry this important trait to their adulthood, they will also be able to pass them on to their children.

Bad dental habits children should avoid

Good habits for children should start early enough in life, and good dental habits are not exceptional. It is important that parents teach their kids the proper way of taking care of their teeth. Regular brushing, flossing and rinsing using mouthwash are all familiar healthy oral habits. But then what about bad dental habits? Getting rid of a bad dental habit is as important as it is to teach the good ones. Here are common bad oral habits that children may develop which should be avoided for healthy teeth.

Sucking on their thumb or fingers

It is surprising how children keep on sucking their thumbs and fingers as they grow. This is a bad habit that may deform your child’s upper and lower arches of their mouth. Also, your child keeps growing they tend to pick up germs on their hand, so it is very unhealthy for them to suck on thumbs and fingers.

Brushing too hard

When your child brushes their teeth too hard with a nylon toothbrush, they can seriously damage their teeth resulting in gum recession. Always teach your child that daily gently brushing their teeth will still remove the food remains and plaque that has been formed.

Grinding teeth

Not only does grinding of teeth cause damage to your child’s teeth but also may lead to jaw problems in future. Consult with your paediatric dentist if your child keeps on grinding their teeth to see if your child can get a mouth guard to protect his teeth from damage.

Chewing hard objects

Hard candy is one of the most common treat parents use to reward their children. But the problem is that your child will try to chew on the candy which may lead to chipping or fracturing of the teeth. Avoid giving your child hard candy or foods including ice.

Swallowing toothpaste

Your child may insist on brushing their teeth by themselves which is a good attitude towards building their self-confidence. However, some little help is still necessary. Swallowing of too much toothpaste may cause fluorosis, which is harmful to your child’s health. Ensure that you always use a pea size amount of toothpaste for your child and discourage them from swallowing each time they brush.

Chewing sugar bubble gum

Sugar from the bubble gum quickly builds up in your child’s mouth creating a breeding ground for bacteria which leads to dental cavities. It is good to ensure your child chews on sugar-free gum.

Dental Care Tips for Children

Start early

Many parents are aware that their child’s first dental visit should be before their first birthday or few months after their first tooth appears. But, what most of these parents do not know is that brushing can start long before baby’s first tooth. Before your child’s teeth appear, you can be wiping the gums with a clean wet cloth to remove food remains, milk or juice. When you wipe your child’s gums, it makes them more familiar with oral hygiene.

Fight baby bottle tooth decay

Avoid putting your baby to sleep with a pacifier or bottle with anything else except water. When you continuously expose your child’s teeth to fluids containing sugars, including formula or breastmilk, you put them at the risk of having tooth decay.


Sealing your child first and second molars may help prevent fissures and pits from harbouring bacteria that causes cavities. The dentists usually roughen the surface of the fissures and pits and place a thin layer of sealant to protect the tooth. Sealants do not stop cavities, but they do prevent one from forming.

Mind the amount of toothpaste

Your child can get overly excited about the full tube of toothpaste. But, if your child ages from 3 to 6 he only needs a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste. If your child is below three years, then they only need a very small amount of toothpaste on their brush.

Add some flavour to the toothpaste

Mint flavoured toothpaste cannot always be appealing to your child. Ensure that you purchase a milder flavoured toothpaste for your child which does not cause a tingling or burning sensation.

Do it together

You will never outgrow a shiny white smile. Always brush your teeth alongside your little one as you get ready for your day. Showing your child how important teeth brushing is important to you will give them the idea of important it is to them. Also, brushing alongside your child will give you the opportunity of examining any dental issues before they get out of hand.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition for your child contributes a lot to dental health than you may think. Substitute vegetables and fruits for healthy snacks over cakes, candy or chips is key for building healthy teeth and strong bones.

Have fun

Make teeth brushing for your child a fun activity to engage in. Allow them to pick a fun shaped toothbrush or one that has his favourite cartoon character on it; this will always make them excited about brushing their teeth. You can also turn up their favourite music and let them listen as they brush. Plus, if that music is at least two minutes long, it will help them hit the recommended amount of time for brushing set by dentists.

Check your water

Ensure the water supply in your home is fluoridated. In case it is not, discuss with your dentist on the supplement options you can take.

Bottom Line

The best way to establish proper dental care habits for your child is set a good example. Children watch their parents and imitate everything they do. Eat the right food and avoid acidic and sugary foods and drinks. Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Make sure that you visit the dentist at least twice a year. Make sure you carry out these good dental hygiene behaviour along with your child. If you live in Carrum Downs, Carrum Downs Dental Group has the best paediatric dentist. Visit us,and we will answer any concerns you may have about your child’s teeth.


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