Tips on how to whiten teeth-and keep them white

Tips on how to whiten teeth-and keep them white

Tips on how to whiten teeth and keep them white

Teeth discolouration can be caused by different factors like age, diet, minerals in water used, smoking or poor oral hygiene. Whitening the teeth is usually associated with healthy teeth but this is not always the case. To protect your teeth and gums from diseases, it is advisable to practise general dental hygiene habits. This will not only improve the state of the mouth but also help keep teeth whiter for longer. Here is how you can work toward whitening your teeth.

Get teeth whitened by a professional

By combining the use of hydrogen peroxide and LED light, professionals can get your teeth seven or eight shades lighter. The hydrogen peroxide loosens the stains while the LED light is used to break them down into tinier pieces. After the session, a client gurgles a solution or mouth wash.

Brush after meals

Brushing teeth as often as possible helps keep the mouth clean and works to prevent stains from settling on the teeth. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid destroying the enamel.

Increase the supply of saliva in the mouth

Saliva is a natural mouth cleanser, so the increased secretion of saliva in the mouth helps prevent gum diseases and other dental issues. You can stimulate the production of saliva by chewing gum and sucking on sugar-free candy. It can also be achieved by eating hard, raw vegetables.

Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps get rid of stubborn stains on teeth, performs the role of a natural antibiotic and also cleanses gums and teeth. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, potassium and magnesium. It also has enzymes that destroy germs and encourage growth of probiotic bacteria. It removes stains caused by smoking (use of nicotine) and drinking coffee or tea.

Change of diet

Avoid consuming anything that may discolour the teeth. This includes drinking red wine, coffee, and tea. Avoid smoking and consume food rich in calcium like yoghurt or plain milk, diet filled with magnesium and potassium like eggs, mushroom, green vegetables, and sweet potatoes. Drink plenty of water.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can help too

Brushing teeth with a paste of two parts baking soda and one part hydrogen peroxide at least once a week has shown to remove plaque from teeth. Gurgle a solution of hydrogen peroxide with water; this not only helps maintain the white appearance of the teeth but also acts as an antibacterial agent, keeping the mouth clean and healthy.

Use whitening toothpaste

Though they are not as effective as most of the other options, whitening toothpastes come in handy when trying to maintain your pearly whites.

Whitening strip

Whitening strips work just as well as other methods used to whiten teeth. When using the strips, brush teeth first (don’t use a fluoride-based toothpaste). Wipe the teeth using a tissue to remove saliva then place the strips on the teeth, making sure they do not touch the gums. Press the strips between the teeth to mould them so as to effectively bleach the whole set of teeth.

Avoid over bleaching as it may destroy the enamel. Hard bristles or over brushing can also cause the same problem.


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