What Are The Latest Dental Implant Technologies

Dental CT Scanner

What Are The Latest Dental Implant Technologies?

A dental implant is the modern answer to a missing tooth, capable of restoring function and form even to the most damaged smile. Invented back in the 1950’s by an orthopedic surgeon from Sweden, dental implant procedure vastly changed the dental industry and improved cosmetic dentistry. Although much of the concept and functionality remain the same, the procedure has tremendously undergone major advancements. Such advancements include surgical innovations, imaging enhancements and improvement in the implant design.

The procedure was once a very complicated one with low success rate. However, with the advancement of technology, the dental implant procedure has now been simplified and has more than a 95% success rate. This article is going to take a closer look at dental implant and some of its latest technologies.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a more modern tooth replacement option than bridges and dentures. Instead of sitting on top of the gums or connecting to the adjacent teeth, dental implants use a titanium post that acts as the tooth root. They are designed in a way that they integrate with the jaw bone forming a strong and durable anchor for the new teeth. With dental implants, you don’t have to worry about removing your false teeth throughout the day.

One thing most people like about dental implants is how real they look and feel. The connection between the jawbone and the artificial root is so strong, in that the implant becomes a part of your mouth. They function just like natural teeth. You can clean and eat just as you would do with your natural teeth.

Types of Dental Implants

There are two main types of dental implants available. While each type of implant is made of titanium, the location of the implant may influence the style you may require. Here are the two types.
Endosteal Implants

This is the most common type of dental implant. Endosteal means that the implant will be directly rooted on the jaw bone. This is done by drilling a small hole in the jaw bone that the implant will be screwed on for maximum support.

Subperiosteal Implants

This type of dental implant is used in instances where your bone is not strong enough to hold a dental implant. The implant is placed above the bone. As much as this type of implant does not provide the level of support as you would find with endosteal implants, it’s still stronger than bridges and dentures. Once you visit your dentist, he or she will help you determine the most appropriate method for you.

Am I Eligible for Dental Implants?

While dental implants are known for their high success rate, it is important to note that any surgical procedure carries risks. To increase the possibilities of a successful dental implant procedure, your dentist will carry out an initial medical and oral check-up to make sure that you are eligible for the treatment. During this initial consultation, your dentist will assess factors such as your bone density and overall body health.

Since dental implants are fused with the jaw bone to anchor the tooth, adequate bone support is one of the most important factors for their success. Children who are under the age of 15 years do not often qualify for implant dentistry because their bones are not fully developed. Mini implants or bone grafts are often considered when it comes to patients who do not have adequate bone density. Besides the state of your jawbone, suitable candidates’ should have a mouth free of tooth decay and gum disease. Their overall body health should also be thoroughly evaluated to rule out any conditions that may put the patient at higher risk during surgery.

Lastly, smokers will have to refrain from smoking weeks before and after the procedure, since smoking can interfere with the healing process.

Latest Dental Implants Technologies

More than three million people in Australia currently have dental implants, and this number is growing by five hundred thousand each year. Due to the increase in the number of patients who prefer a dental implant as their tooth replacement option of choice, there has been a need for advanced technology in the field. Here are some of the latest dental implant technologies.

Imaging Advancements

Comprehensive examination followed by proper diagnosis remains as one of the most important elements that determine the success of a dental implant procedure. A carpenter does not build a house if he or she does not does have a proper architectural plan. Similarly, a dental surgeon requires a proper plan based on examination and diagnosis before undertaking the dental surgery. Here are some of the imaging technologies that help in planning the dental implant procedure.

– Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

With the advancement of Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scans, the dentist can now be able to properly diagnose the quality and quantity of bone structure before proceeding with the surgery. The device enables the dentist to evaluate the positioning of important structures such as adjacent teeth, mandibular nerves,and nasal sinuses.
In addition to helping the dentist, CBCT scans have become an important component of patient education. Before the emergence of this technology, patients were only told that they could not undertake the procedure due to the quality or quantity of the bone structure. Today, dentists can be able to walk the patient through the entire process and explain it to them.

Dental CT Scanner
– Digital Implant Planning
It is imperative to utilise planning software that can merge digital impressions (STL) and CBCT technology (DICOM). With the advancement of technology, it is now possible to take a single CBCT scan and combine it with a digital impression. This allows the dentist to plan the entire dental implant restoration procedure digitally. The software allows the dentist to design the shape of the final restoration and its mechanical aspects. The dentist will commence with the actual placement of the dental implant after the 3-D position and design of the final restoration is confirmed.

Advancements in Implant Design
The initial design of the dental implant has also undergone a lot of advancements since it was first invented. The design that was used initially did not guarantee the stability of the implant. The success rate was only 94%. There were a lot of issues where screws become loose and damaged implants. The advent of implant design technology has allowed greater stability. It has resulted in the higher success rate of dental implant procedure especially in areas with low bone quality such as the posterior maxilla.Also, implant surfaces have also undergone some changes. Dentists can be able to roughen them uniformly. Roughening helps in creating a larger surface area, which increases the bone-to-implant contact resulting in the higher success rate of osseointegration.

Surgical Innovations

The success of a dental implant procedure begins right from the extraction. Preserving the bone structure during the process is critical. Teeth extraction has remained to be one of the biggest nightmares for a majority of patients, and the process usually leads to bone loss. With the introduction of piezoelectric surgery, the process has become much simpler and preserves the bone structure. Piezoelectric surgery is a surgical process that utilizes 3D ultrasonic micro-vibration to cut the bone tissue. It allows the dental surgeon to tamper with minimal bone structure and minimises trauma to the soft tissue.

Moreover, initially, most patients were locked out from the dental implant procedure due to bone quantity. Today, there are quite a number of surgical methods that a dentist can use to improve the bone quantity. Such methods include bone regeneration, block grafting, ridge lifting and the combination of different procedures. Some of these methods depend on your dental surgeon’s experience.

Additional Dental Implant Technologies

– Osstell System for Dental Implant Stability

This is a cutting-edge technology used during the dental implant process to verify implant stability and integration. It assesses your natural bone structure and assesses if the implant material will be able to integrate with your jaw bone. This device helps in increasing the rate of success of the entire process.

– Cone Beam CT Scanner

The Cone Beam Scanner takes only a few seconds to harmlessly and painlessly scan the entire head. Your dentist receives virtually limitless views of the teeth, face and any other details from any angle in 3D and colour. The fact that the dentist can clearly see the teeth, bone,and nerves more clearly allows for complete treatment planning.

– Digital Intraoral X-ray

Digital radiography is very crucial when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. Digital x-rays help the dentist to obtain images that are highly detailed and very clear. Digital x-ray machine compensates for radiation variances, guarding the patient against over or underexposure. The lesser the number of exposure-related dental x-ray retakes the less you are exposed to radiation.

Panoramic dental X-Ray
– CerecOmnicam

This is a camera used by dentists to capture full, 3D video of the cavity. As the dentist moves the camera over your teeth, a photorealistic image is displayed with great clarity and in full colour. The image allows your dentist to differentiate among different materials that include soft tissue, natural tooth, amalgam, and gold. The camera is also an excellent patient tool.

Dental implant aftercare

Proper dental implant aftercare is an essential factor when it comes to the long-term success of your procedure. Thanks to the dental technology advancements, the incidence of failure in a dental implant procedure are extremely low. Your dentist will avoid any potential complications from arising by carefully planning your surgery and closely managing your healing. To lower the risk of implant failure, it is recommended that you keenly follow the instructions provided by your dentists. Also, here are a few tips for the aftercare of dental implants, including what you need to do the first hour after surgery through to cleaning, care and what you are allowed to eat.

– The first hour

After leaving the dental office, your dental implants will be fitted with gauze pads. Bite down on these gauze pads gently to make sure they do not move out of place. You may take them out after an hour. But if there is excessive bleeding after taking them out, apply another layer of the gauze. Repeat this after every 30 minutes until the bleeding stops. It is common for the bleeding to continue up to 24-48 hours after surgery. Usually, this includes a small bit of blood and a lot of saliva. Keep your gauze pads close and bite down on them until bleeding ceases. It is also normal for swelling to occur after surgery. To reduce the swelling, use an ice pack on the cheek in the area of surgery until it goes down.

– Diet and physical activity

Dental implants can provide you with comfort and stability. However, their effectiveness fully depends on how well they are taken care of after treatment. As soon as you have your dental implants placed, you should stick to fluids rather than your regular diet for the first one week. Ice cream, soups,and scrambled eggs can be perfect choices for the period following your surgery. Ensure always to keep it safe and avoid strenuous physical activity for the first one week after treatment. This is to make sure that your new restoration gets enough time to heal.

– Managing the Pain

You can start by taking your pain medication immediately you feel like your local anaesthetic is wearing off. Make sure that you only take pain medication prescribed by your dentist. This because some pain killers may contain ingredients that may cause negative effects to the healing of your implant.

– Oral Hygiene

It is important to keep your mouth clean after surgery by rinsing it regularly. Mix a quarter teaspoon of salt in 200mls of water and use this to rinse around your mouth slowly. Ensure you do this 2-3 times in a day for the first three days. Continue brushing and flossing your teeth regularly as normal, taking extra care around the implant. This may be a little painful, but maintaining proper hygiene around the implant area will hasten the healing process.

– Diet

It is recommended that you take any nourishing food that can be eaten with comfort. Keep off extremely hot foods and avoid using a straw for first one week after surgery. Avoid chewing any food until your tongue sensation has returned to normalcy. Also, it is best that you avoid foods such as nuts, rice, popcorn and sunflower seeds because they can get stuck in the surgical areas. In addition, it is important not to skip any meals because when you eat regularly, you’ll feel better, gain strength, experience less discomfort and heal much faster.

– Nausea

You may experience nausea and feel like vomiting due to the swallowed blood, anaesthesia, pain medication or discomfort. Usually, Post-operative nausea is self-limiting and drinking some flat cola,or ginger ale can be of great help. However, if nausea persists, substitute your over-the-counter pain medication for another dose. If this does not help, make sure to contact your dentist immediately.

Benefits of dental implants

While placed last on this list, speaking to your dentist is probably the first thing you should do as soon as you realise you have bruxism. Your dentist will be able to use some advanced dental technology to assess if there are any signs of bruxism on your teeth. He/she will do this by assessing if there are any signs of wear and tear on the tooth enamel. If you don’t visit your dentist regularly, you should do so as soon as possible as bruxism may have long-term and irreversible effects.

– Prevents bone loss

When a tooth is knocked off or extracted, the jaw bone starts to deteriorate. This because it lacks stimulation from the pressure that the tooth used to exert. It is estimated that once a tooth has been removed, the jaw bone losses about 25% of its volume. Dental implants act just as natural tooth and prevents bone loss.

– Matches your natural teeth

Dental implants come in different shapes and sizes. The dentist will customise your implants to ensure that they fit perfectly in the gap and match the colour of your natural teeth. A majority of the patients cannot tell the difference between the implant and their natural tooth. They can eat and drink with the implant as well as brush and floss normally.

– Improved periodontal health

When you get your tooth removed or knocked out, bacteria can build up and flourish in the gaps left by the missing teeth. If this is left untreated and allowed to worsen, bacteria can lead to severe forms of gum disease. By replacing the missing teeth with dental implants, you will be able to brush and floss your teeth normally,and the health of your gums will be vastly improved.

– No speech problems

You will not feel any difference in your speech abilities when it comes to the implant-supported restorations. Dental implants perfectly fit with other teeth, hence you will be able to communicate as naturally as with your natural teeth. Unlike with removable dentures, people often seem to have some difficulty when it comes to the pronunciation of certain words.

– Prevents facial sagging and premature aging

Facial sagging and premature aging results from the effects of bone loss due to the missing teeth. This occurs when the face starts to collapse and gradually begin to close the distance between the chin and the nose tip. One may also start experiencing wrinkles around the mouth area and a more pointed chin.

– Keeps adjacent teeth stable

A space from a missing tooth can make the adjacent teeth to move towards the gap crookedly. When the adjacent teeth are pulled out of their position, then your bite, ability to chew and appearance may be affected. This may also interfere with the teeth replacement treatment later. A poor bite may also lead to problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) resulting in pain and headaches.

– Restores bite force

Dental implants allow you to bite with the same amount of force you could use with natural teeth. This is because they are anchored into your jaw bone with a titanium post that replaces the tooth root. Other tooth replacement choice does not restore enough bite force because they are placed on top of your gums and are not anchored in place.

– Easy to care for

Implants are easy to care for because they only require the same care that is needed when caring for natural teeth. You do not need to purchase any special product to clean or to take care of your implants. Dental implants do not require cleansing tablets, adhesive, cups or special flosses. All you need to do is brush and floss the way you would with the natural teeth, go for regular dental check-ups and routine hygienist appointments. Some people tend to think that, because implants are made of inorganic materials they do not need to be cleaned regularly. But like your natural teeth, dental implants still can attract plaque, gum diseases,and infections if not properly taken care of.

– Enhances your overall quality of life

Dental implants allow your smile to appear more natural and your mouth to function properly. This increases your comfort and boosts your confidence when speaking, smiling and eating. If you have your dentures and partials replaced by dental implants, your life will be greatly improved because you will be able to eat all kinds’ of foods plus speak and smile more easily. The implants will also improve your quality of life by eliminating the messy adhesives used to hold your dentures, you never need to take out your dentures again and getting rid of the unsightly metal clasps which are common with partial dentures.

– Lasts a lifetime and cost-effective

Dental implants can last a lifetime,unlike a dental bridge which can only last about ten years or so. A dental implant is made from titanium which integrates with the jaw bone. It is also bio-compatible which means that it is non-toxic and it is not rejected by the body. Also, if you compare the lifetime costs of implants with other restoration costs, dental implants are surprisingly cost-effective because they do not need to be replaced like other restorations.

Bottom Line

With the utilisation of advanced technology, tooth replacement using dental implants is reaching a new level of efficiency and success. By using some digital software and digitising the patient, high predictability and accuracy can be seen. Dentists are now using minimally invasive surgical techniques that are less painful and have minimal discomfort to the patient. Advanced dental implant technology has also helped in reducing the recovery time. Patients can now resume to full functioning of their teeth in just a few days.

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