What Are The Ways To Avoid Dental Emergencies?

Dental Emergency - Carrum Downs Dental
Extreme close up of Young man whitening teeth at dentist. Open human mouth showing teeth with hatchet and mouth mirror.

What are the ways to avoid dental emergencies?

A dental emergency is something severe that needs urgent treatment by a dentist. Overlooking a dental emergency can lead to serious permanent damage and complications to your oral health. It can also result in high treatment expenses the longer you wait. A dental emergency can happen to anyone and at any time when you least expect it. It can happen during an intense soccer game while eating your favourite caramel apple at the fair or even be caused by tooth decay and infection. Whatever the cause of your dental emergency, your teeth will probably need immediate professional assistance. This article is going to discuss more about the ways to avoid these dental emergencies and some of these dental emergencies.

Common Types of Dental Emergencies and How to Deal with them.

– Broken or Fractured Tooth

Your teeth can break or fracture due to trauma, severe tooth decay, clenching your jaw or biting down on a hard object. Your tooth may also fracture if you keep grinding your teeth at night. In some cases, fractured or broken teeth may extend to the sensitive parts of the teeth leading to severe pain. In case you notice a fractured or broken tooth, it is recommended to visit your dentist immediately to prevent further complications and reduce the pain.

It is also important to note that there are three different types of teeth fractures which are managed differently. A tooth fracture can be either minor, moderate or severe and only the dentist can decide on the levels of damage. The proper action in each case involves:

  • For the minor Fracture: Usually, the fracture is smoothened, and the tooth is restored.
  • Moderate Fracture: This category of damage means that the enamel and the dentin covering the tooth is damaged. Damage to the pulp is also included in this category. The tooth can be saved in case the pulp is not severely damaged and if the pulp is damaged more treatment is necessary.
  • Severe Fracture: Normally, this means that the tooth cannot be repaired. However, it is always important to leave it to the dentist to make such a decision. The dentist may find a way out to solve the problem.

However, here are some helpful steps that can be taken at home while you make an appointment with your dentist:

  • Rinse your mouth and the tooth fragment with some warm water.
  • If there is bleeding, apply gauze to the affected area for 1o-15 minutes.
  • Apply a cold compress on your cheek to alleviate the pain and swelling.
  • If there is no way, you can see the dentist immediately, cover the affected area with some dental cement.
  • You can also take a topical pain reliever to lessen the pain.

– Knocked out Tooth or Avulsed Tooth

It happens when someone knocks out a tooth or two out of their mouth. A knocked out tooth is a quite severe case because if it’s not treated as soon as possible, it may lead to permanent damage. Dental implants and bridges are always the only treatment option for a knocked out tooth. If you rush to the dentist immediately after your tooth is knocked out, you could potentially save the tooth. Here are some of the steps to take when you have a knocked out tooth:

  • Pick up the tooth by its crown and rinse it under warm water. Avoid touching the root of the tooth.
  • If possible place the tooth back to its socket and if it is the impossible to place it into the cheek pouch.
  • In case the tooth cannot be tucked in the mouth, put it into a cup of milk or saliva. It is imperative to keep the tooth moist.
  • Contact your dentist immediately.

– A constant and Severe Toothache

The chances are you’ve had many people complain of a toothache, and as much as this is intense pain, most people seem to ignore it or end up addressing the pain other than the actual cause of the pain. Tooth pain can be a signal for something serious happening to your tooth. Some of the causes of a toothache include exposed tooth roots, tooth decay and gum disease. It can be quite challenging to distinguish the source of the pain by yourself; the pain could be caused by chewing muscle spasms or even jaw joint diseases. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit your dentist immediately since toothaches can be quite serious. The dentist will take x-rays to know the exact cause of a toothache, identify the severity of the issue as well as prescribe some antibiotics to kill the bacteria.

– A Lost Dental Filling

A dental filling does not last a lifetime. It is normal for them to become loose and fall out after many years of chewing. It is easy to note when a tooth filling is missing since your tooth will become highly sensitive to hot or cold temperatures and pressure while you eat. In case you lose your tooth filling and are experiencing severe tooth pain, contact your dentist for help immediately to avoid any further damage.

– Injuries to the Jaw

Since your jaw is directly connected to your ability to breath and eat, this emergency is a critical one. Astonishingly so, it is very common to find so many people injuring their jaws as a result of car accidents and sports injuries. This type of dental emergency definitely needs some quick dentist help and attention. Also, it is common for a jaw tobe dislocated when acted on by a strong force.

– Bleeding Mouth

There are countless reasons why your mouth could bleed. When your mouth bleeds while brushing or flossing it could be a sign that there is food remains below your gums, high amount of bacteria present or minor gum inflammation. Your mouth may also bleed if you accidentally bit your lip, tongue or the soft tissues in your mouth. If the bitten area is bleeding in excess, apply an ice pack to reduce the swelling. Also, swish your mouth with some salt-water solution. Ensure to hold gauze on the area for 15-1o minutes to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding persists, contact your dentist on the same day while you keep on applying pressure on the bleeding site as you wait to see your dentist.

– Stuck objects between your Teeth or Under the Gums

In case an object gets stuck between your teeth try to remove it using a dental floss before rushing to the dentist. You can make several knots in your dental floss to assist dislodge the stuck object. If the object still fails to get out, make sure that you make an appointment with your dentist immediately. Avoid using any sharp objects because they can damage the surface of your tooth and cut your gums.

– Loose Permanent Tooth or Tooth out of Alignment

When a permanent tooth has been loosened or dislodged from its socket due to tooth decay or trauma, it can be possible to salvage and save it. If the loose tooth is still attached to the nerves and blood vessels, there is a high possibility that root canal treatment will not be required.

Here are steps to take when you have a loose permanent tooth or your tooth is pushed out of position:

  • Using very little light finger pressure, attempt to reposition your tooth to its normal alignment. However, do not force the tooth.
  • Then bite down to keep your tooth from moving while you seek immediate dental attention.

– Loss of a dental Crown

Your dental crown can also fall out if the natural teeth underneath are seriously affected by tooth decay. When your tooth is severely damaged,and a large cavity is formed, the tooth may change its shape so the dental crown may no longer fit properly. In case you lose your dental crown make sure that you see your dentist as soon as possible.

If your dental crown has fallen out and the dentist cannot be accessed immediately, here are the steps to take:

  • Apply clove oil to the tooth to reduce the pain.
  • Rinse your dental crown and try to fix it back to your tooth with some dental cement.
  • In case you’ve lost the crown, smear some cement on top of the tooth to reduce the discomfort.
  • Also, do not use any kind of glue to try fixing the crown.

– A Swollen Face

Facial swelling may occur when your immune system reacts to an allergen or infection. The inflammation can occur in your gums and cheeks. It is essential to seek medical attention urgently since the inflammation can easily spread toother parts of your jaw, mouth and face.

– Loose Band/ Damaged Wire Brackets/ Braces

Contact your dentist immediately in case you experience any damage to your braces. If a wire from your brackets gets broken, it is recommended to push it into a comfortable position and then make an appointment with your dentist. In case you cannot adjust the wire into a comfortable position cover the end of the wire with orthodontic wax, a cotton ball or a piece of gauze as you wait to see your dentist. Also, avoid cutting the broken wire since you can accidentally swallow it or breathe it into your lungs which can be disastrous. Additionally, if your band becomes loose, save it and book an appointment with your dentist to have it replaced or re-cemented. Also, in case your wire brackets are loose you can temporarily reattach them using an orthodontic wax while you wait to see your dentist.

– A Tooth Abscess

An abscess is an infection that occurs in the space between the gums and teeth or around the root of a tooth. This is a serious infection that can cause damage to the soft tissues of the mouth and surrounding teeth. The infection can also spread to the other parts of the body if it is not treated on time. If you notice a pimple-like swelling on your gums that usually causes a lot of pain, ensure to see your dentist immediately due to the serious oral and overall body health problems that can be caused by an abscess.

Ways to Avoid Dental Emergencies

As much as there is no real way to avoid all dental emergencies, especially those caused by some sort of trauma. There are a few preventative measures that you can take to help prevent a dental emergency before it occurs. Here is a look at some of the ways to avoid dental emergencies.

– Establish oral Health Routines

One of the most effective ways to avoid any dental emergency is by making sure that you have established a proper dental hygiene routine at home. This includes flossing at least once in a day and brushing your teeth twice in a day, even though it is much better to brush after every meal. It is also important to be keen with your flossing to remove that food debris that your toothbrush cannot clean. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly will not only keep oral bacteria away from weakening your tooth enamel but also control the bacteria from weakening your oral health system. Establishing a proper dental hygiene routine at home is important in preventing tooth decay, which can lead to toothaches and other oral problems if it’s left untreated.

– Avoid Using Teeth as Tools

The fact is that we have all used our teeth as tools. We have once in a while opened up a bag of chips or a wrapper with our teeth. The main problem is, this bad habit can possibly result in major oral issues more often than we may think. In case you have some bonding or a tiny crack in your teeth that you did not know existed, you could easily end up cracking or even breaking off your tooth. Not using your teeth as tools is a simple way to avoid any dental emergency.

– Use Protective Mouthguards

Always use a protective mouth guard to protect your teeth if you play a sport where your teeth could come in contact with the sports equipment, hard surfaces or even the other players. Custom made mouth guards from the dentist are much more comfortable and offer superior protection for athletes of all ages than those you can buy from the store. Also, if you suffer from unconscious teeth grinding and jaw clenching, it is important that you consistently wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth from damage results from repeated teeth grinding. These mouth guards provide a physical barrier between your teeth, thus protecting your smiles from damage.

– Add a Good Anti-Bacterial Mouthwash to your oral Hygiene Routine

As much as brushing and flossing your teeth are important, adding a good anti-bacterial mouthwash into your daily oral hygiene will come in as a major bonus. A good anti-bacterial mouthwash will help to kill even more oral bacteria, leaving your mouth fresh and clean. Also, it will help to reduce the high amount of bacteria around and below your gums that can increase the risk of getting gum disease or lead to tooth decay. Additionally, some mouthwashes contain fluoride in them. Fluoride is helpful for your teeth because it helps to strengthen your enamel, thus making them strong and resistant to the cavity-causing plaque. Mouthwashes will not only improve your oral health and help you to avoid dental emergencies such as toothaches, but also help you in treating and preventing oral problems like bad breath.

– Kick out Bad Habits

There are some bad oral habits that you can change to reduce your risks for experiencing a dental emergency. Some of these bad oral habits include the use of tobacco since it increases building up of plaque and tartar that leads to feel free to contact us today severe tooth decay. Chewing on ice is also harmful to your teeth as it can subtly chip away the enamel and lead to teeth sensitivity. Also, eating tough foods, biting down on hard candy, biting your fingernails, pen caps or any hard objects can result in a dental emergency as this can easily crack or chip your tooth.

– Stick to Eating a Healthy Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet can re-mineralise and strengthen your teeth, hence making them less prone to fractures or cracks. Eating foods such as nuts, lean protein, vegetables and dairy products will help your teeth to become strong and healthy, thereby making it possible for them to fight off decay. However, on the other hand, foods that contain high amounts or acid and sugar can result in enamel erosion, teeth sensitivity and increase the risks of tooth decay.

– Receive Regular Dental Check-ups and Professional Cleaning

Another most important dental health routine that you should keenly follow to avoid dental emergencies is to receive regular dental check-ups and professional teeth cleaning. These regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring the health of your whole mouth. During these dental check-ups, the dentist will analyse your entire oral cavity and look for any potential concern or problem that can result in major oral problems that may lead to a dental emergency. Use of diagnostics such as x-rays and physical examinations will help the dentist to check whether your teeth are prone to decay or damage long before the problem actually shows any noticeable signs. And if your teeth are vulnerable to decay or damage, the dentist will provide preventable treatments to strengthen your teeth and prevent any further issues. Professional cleanings are also vital to remove build up plaque and tartar that you are not able to clean out with your regular teeth brushing and flossing. It is also vital to note that going for regular check-ups and cleanings is cheaper than going to the dentist for a dental emergency.

– Prepare a Dental Emergency Kit

Due to the many oral health risks at play, it is important always to be prepared. You can pack your dental emergency kit with some helpful items such as a card with your dentist’s phone number, saline solution, handkerchiefs, gauze and a small container with a lid.

dental crown

What to do in a Dental Emergency

As much as you are now fully aware of the ways to avoid some of the most common types of dental emergencies, there are always some possibilities of unexpected misfortune happening. In case you find yourself with a throbbing toothache or any other kind of traumatic situation, here are two important things to keep in mind.

– Always remain calm

It is important not to panic even though you may be experiencing some momentary shock after a distressing occurrence has happened. This is because in this situation time is of the essence and your next step is crucial to getting the necessary care that you need. Therefore, take a deep breath, try to relax and then move forward.

– Contact your Dentist

After calming yourself down, contact or head out to your dental office and let the staff in the clinic know what you are going through so that they can help you walk through the next steps.

Bottom Line

Do not spend a lot of money on an emergency room visit due to a preventable dental emergency. This will not only cost you, but it will also cost the entire health care system. Maintaining regular dental check-ups and professional cleaning is a great way of achieving the best oral health and preventing dental emergencies. Therefore, our dentists at Carrum Downs Dental Clinic highly recommend that you take a proactive approach and schedule for your initial appointment with us today. Our experienced dentists are happy and glad to help patients who are going through a dental emergency. In most instances, our dentists can see you on the same day that you are experiencing the emergency. We will get started immediately and help you relieve the pain while starting to renew your damaged smile immediately. Feel free to contact us today, if you have any questions or concerns about how to improve your dental health so as to avoid dental emergencies.

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