What To Do with Decayed Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom Tooth Decay

It goes without saying that most people do not have their wisdom teeth because they have had them extracted. However, the few who have their wisdom teeth can actually get tooth decay in their wisdom teeth just like on any other tooth. Wisdom teeth are more susceptible to tooth decay due to their location at the back of the mouth, which makes it difficult to clean them properly. As a result, it is easy for food particles to build up and create a conducive environment for bacteria that can cause tooth decay over time. Just like any other tooth decay, wisdom teeth need prompt treatment before they get worse and cause other complicated dental problems.

What to do if you have a wisdom tooth cavity

Cavities can occur at any time, and that is why it is recommended that you visit a dentist regularly for a check-up to detect any cavities before they become severe. With early detection, cavities can be stopped on their tracks before they become complicated or cause tooth loss. However, if you find yourself developing a cavity, it is best practice to visit a dentist as soon as possible for them to examine its extent and recommend the most suitable treatment. A decayed wisdom tooth can be the beginning of a host of other problems like gum disease and eventually tooth loss. Therefore, the sooner it is treated, the better for you and your oral health. Carrum Downs Dental Clinic is always open if you want to have regular check-ups in order to keep up with your oral health.

Wisdom tooth cavity treatment

The treatment of any kind of tooth decay will differ from patient to patient, depending on the extent of the cavity and other factors. The same applies to wisdom tooth cavities. The treatment differs on a case by case basis. While most dentists always recommend extraction of wisdom teeth because of the problems that they may pose for your oral health, wisdom teeth can still be treated normally and left intact if they do not pose any danger to your oral health.
Depending on the severity of tooth decay, a dentist would normally recommend dental fillings or a root canal treatment. However, with wisdom teeth, most dentists will recommend an extraction, especially if the wisdom tooth is impacted. The location and position of the tooth may also warrant an extraction after examination by a dentist. On rare occasions, some wisdom teeth are fully erupted and do not pose any potential problems in the mouth. In this case, the dentist may recommend having it filled and restored, just like any other tooth decay. A root canal treatment can also be performed on a wisdom tooth if the cavity extends to the nerves. The process of filling and restoration is pretty much the same as any other cavity on other teeth.


Carrum Downs Dental Clinic is the best place to have your wisdom tooth cavity diagnosed and treated by the best dentists in town. We offer exclusive special wisdom teeth treatment options for our patients to ensure that each patient gets exactly what they need during their visits.

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