When Should You Have A Tooth Extracted?

tooth extraction
Tooth extraction

For the record, as dentists, tooth extraction is normally the last option. There are several reasons for this, but the key reason is to allow a patient to have the maximum level of function possible. Teeth were put in your mouth for a purpose. And the purpose is to function in a way that is painless and efficient. For some people, even the idea of getting their teeth extracted can be a terrifying one. We understand that teeth are not meant to be extracted. However, there is some good news. Tooth extraction is something a skilled dentist is familiar with, and it is something they regularly do, should it be the best treatment option. Here are some of the common reasons a tooth may need to be removed.

Overcrowding or Impaction

Impacted teeth are those teeth that have grown or shifted into the wrong position making them useless. Overcrowded teeth are those teeth that are too large to fit within the mouth comfortably. Overcrowded teeth often prevent other teeth from erupting. Therefore, they are removed to give more space for the remaining teeth. In other instances, the dentist may remove a few teeth before fitting braces on a patient’s teeth to ensure there’s enough space for the essential teeth to move in place.

Trauma or decay

When your tooth gets damaged by decay or trauma, your dentist will often try to fix it, usually with a crown or a filling. Dental fillings are used to repair damaged teeth and return them to their normal function. Also, they help to prevent further decay. Crowns are used when the tooth structure is compromised. They cover the entire tooth from the gum line to the surface of the tooth. However, there are other cases when a tooth is damaged beyond repair,and that makes extraction a necessity.


When a decayed tooth is not treated early enough, the decay can spread to the pulp. This is dangerous because once the tooth pulp is infected, the infection can spread to other teeth. Usually, the dentist will recommend the root canal treatment to treat the infection. However, in some cases, the tooth is badly damaged and root canal therapy will not prove effective. For this reason, tooth removal is the only option. Some patients may also require their teeth removed if there is any potential risk of getting an infection. For instance, those undergoing chemotherapy will have a weaker immune system, and thus are less able to fight dental infections in case they have a broken or cracked tooth.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss. Gum disease occurs when the gums pull away from the teeth, thus creating pockets that later become infected. The connective tissues and the bone that keeps the teeth in position begin breaking down from the bacterial toxins. And if left untreated, the gums, bones and tissues will be destroyed, making the teeth weak thus requiring extraction.


If you, your partner or your children are experiencing gum pain, it may be as a result of impacted or infected teeth that need to be removed. Contact Carrum Downs Dental Clinic to learn if your symptoms match the signs that you have a tooth that needs to be extracted. Book an appointment today to see a dentist!


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