Which is Right for You, At Home or Professional Teeth Whitening

Which is Right for You, At Home or Professional Teeth Whitening

Which is Right for You, At Home or Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a relatively less costly and minimally invasive procedure, making it one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry in Australia. Although teeth whitening does not give a permanent solution, results are usually almost immediate, and the effects can last for a few months if properly taken care of. When it comes to teeth whitening, a lot has changed over the decade. There has been a lot of advancement in the field that allows consumers to achieve their teeth whitening goal quickly and safely. In fact, people can now achieve teeth whitening results in the comfort of their homes.

In this article, we will explore more different methods of teeth whitening- both at-home and professional teeth whitening methods. We will look at the pros and cons of each method and, you will be in a position to make an informed decision on which teeth whitening method is best for you.

What is Professional Teeth Whitening?

This type of teeth whitening is performed by a trained professional for reliable and safe bleaching results. The result of this method tends to be better because the dentist uses higher concertation bleaching gels such as Britesmile, Zoom, Lummibrite, and Opalescence. The cost and mode of application vary from product to product through the whole process is relatively similar to all the products.

Before the treatment, your dentist will first clean your teeth to clear away any debris and plaque. Also, he or she will perform a thorough dental exam to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy. Pre-treatment photos may be taken so that you can see the difference before and after the treatment. Your dentist will then proceed to expose the teeth using a cheek retractor and then apply the necessary whitening agents.

After the process, your dentist will discuss a few ways you can use to maximise your whitening effects. He or she may suggest some foods that cause teeth discolouration you should avoid. You might also be given a take-home whitening kit to help you maintain whiter teeth for a relatively long time.

What is At-Home Teeth Whitening?

At-home teeth whitening is an alternative to professional whitening. This method typically costs less and offers you the convenience of performing the procedure at home rather than having to schedule a dentist appointment. That said, at-home whitening products have a lower hydrogen peroxide concertation meaning that they will not be able to offer the same type of results you will get from professional teeth whitening. You can purchase products like strips or trays and brush-on whiteners from your local grocery store or online. You can also purchase high concertation bleaching agents from your dentist if you are looking to have at-home better results.

The mode and method of application significantly vary depending on the type of product you are applying. However, the best time to apply any product is after a professional dental cleaning. This can help you achieve better results. Follow the provided instruction carefully to avoid any situation of overdoing it. If you fail to follow the instructions properly, you might find yourself doing more harm than good even with low concertation products.

There are additional products that may aid in at-home teeth whitening including mouthwash, toothpaste and even chewing gum. You can take these products with a grain of salt. They will help you whiten your teeth through their result will be short-lived.

Are You a Candidate For Teeth Whitening?

For professional teeth whitening, it’s fairly open for anyone with healthy teeth and gums. During your initial consultation, your dentist will conduct a thorough dental examination. If you have any underlying problems such as gum disease or tooth decay, the concentrated whitening gel can cause you intense pain. Your dentist will first address any such oral problem before proceeding with a teeth whitening treatment. It is also crucial to note that professional teeth whitening can treat all types of teeth discolouration. Depending on the situation, the dentist may recommend other teeth whitening treatments such as using dental veneers.

At-home teeth whitening is even more wide open when it comes to candidacy since there are no restrictions. Anyone can visit a drug store or online and purchase teeth whitening products and self-administer. However, it’s important to note that if you are suffering from any oral problem, you may cause yourself intense pain and even damage your teeth and gums. No dentist would provide at-home teeth whiteners without first passing through a basic oral examination. For best results, any home whiteners should be applied after passing through dental examination and dental cleaning.

Types of Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening

Mouth Trays and Peroxide

Almost a decade ago, there was only a single option if you visited the dentist to have your teeth whitened. Your dentist would take an impression of your teeth, send them to the lab and after 5 to 10 days the dentist would receive a back impression custom-fitted mouth tray. You would then sit in the dentist’s office for like an hour or two with your mouth trays fitted and with low peroxide concentration pressed against your teeth and gums. You will be required to repeat this for about 3 to 4 dental visits. This simple procedure would require you to pay a huge dental fee since it was the only one available. Also, the chances are that you would experience sensitivity in your teeth and gums since back then nobody knew the effect of overexposure to peroxide. Since then, professional teeth whitening has come a long way, and today there is a myriad of options you can choose from depending on your convenience.

Laser Bleaching

Laser bleaching is one of the most popular teeth whitening methods used today. However, technically, lasers are not used. This method uses halogen, plasma or LED arc light systems. This method is similar to mouth tray and peroxide in the sense that concentrated hydrogen peroxide gel, and carbamide peroxide is applied to your teeth. You will then be required to sit on the dentist’s chair for around an hour with your mouth wide open. The lights will activate the peroxide gel to complete the bleaching process in a very short time. This method is effective though dentists believe that you still need to make 3 to 4 visits for it to be effective.

Pola Tooth Whitening

Pola tooth whitening is a perfect answer for people looking to have whiter teeth in just one treatment. Pola tooth whitening can whiten your teeth up to eight shades. The entire treatment takes just an hour and can be completed while you are in the office. Pola tooth whitening is an incredible solution for anyone looking to have immediate results. This method of teeth whitening can remove all types of discolouration including those that have been caused by tobacco, coloured food, red wine, disease, medical treatments or injury. The treatment is available in a variety of options to suit your lifestyle and specific needs. It is available in the dental clinic for higher whitening strength. You can also have a takeaway home kit for your convenience. There is also an option that allows you to use it on the go for quick touch-ups whenever and wherever.

Pola tooth whitening was first introduced in the market a decade ago, and it has since become one of the leading solutions for teeth whitening. It has grown from what it was originally so that it can accommodate the specific needs of all patients. Pola is a perfect solution for anyone with a busy schedule but looking to have whiter and brighter teeth. The main active ingredient in Pola is hydrogen peroxide. The treatment is activated by light that causes hydrogen peroxide to break down. This in return releases oxygen from the enamel thus removing discolouration on the surface.
At-Home Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Strips

This method is very common among a majority of people. What lures people to this type of at-home teeth whitening is its simplicity. It is easy to apply the method, and no preparation is required. Everyone loves shortcuts, Right? Unfortunately, teeth whitening strips do not work as effectively as it is depicted in advertisements. The reason for this is that during the application, the strips press against the outer part of the teeth. However, your teeth are not entirely flat, they have grooves and recesses, particularly between each tooth. When using whitening strips, it’s easy to leave out areas that are between your teeth. This will make you look like you have some small gaps between your teeth.

Brush-on Whitening Gel

Brush-on is a simple at-home teeth whitening method. All you are supposed to do is brush your teeth with the whitening gel and leave it to dry on your teeth for 10 to 30 minutes. This method is pretty effective though it comes with its shortcomings. For it to be effective, it requires the gel to dry on the surface of the teeth. If the formula becomes wet then it ceases to be effective. This becomes a challenge since it is a possibility that your saliva might come in contact with the formula while you are waiting for it to dry. This will result in you rubbing off some parts of the formula thus your teeth appearing partly white.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste may look just like ordinary toothpaste, but they are specialised to make your teeth whiter. They are expensive compared to ordinary toothpaste and may require your dentist’s prescription for you to use them. To get maximum results from them, you might be required to follow certain instructions from the manual.

What You Should Know About Teeth Whitening

Practicing good dental hygiene habits daily will help to maintain your teeth clean and healthy. But, you may still desire a brighter smile. Over time our teeth tend to lose their youthful sparkle and become more dull, yellowy and stained. That’s why teeth whitening has become one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures today. If you are considering whitening your teeth, here is what you need to know:

Sensitivity after teeth whitening is normal

More than 60% of Australians have naturally sensitive teeth. This is mostly caused by cracked/damaged teeth, thin enamel or genetics. During the procedure, it is very normal for teeth sensitivity to occur. Your teeth become temporarily dehydrated which decreases their ability to insulate the nerve from temperature variations. Sensitivity will disappear 12-36 hours after the whitening process. Your dentist may recommend a post-whitening fluoride treatment to promote rehydration and nourish your teeth.

Results vary

Teeth whitening results depend on how your teeth were like before the procedure. Some people tend to think that teeth whitening erases all the damage they have done to their teeth over their lifetimes. The better you have cared for your teeth, the greater the results. If you have brushed and flossed regularly, kept up on your dental visits and avoided discolouration and damage, the brighter and whiter your teeth will appear after the treatment.

Teeth whitening is not permanent

To help you make the best choice, visit your dentist’s office. Your dentist will inform you about the solutions and all the available products so that you can make an informed decision. It is important to keep in mind that, whatever teeth whitening system you settle on the effects will not last forever. It is only a matter of time, whether that is months or years before your teeth will need another touch-up.

Caps and veneers cannot be whitened

When caps and veneers are installed, they are custom-made to match your surrounding natural teeth. The material may be created to be a darker or lighter colour that cannot be changed. Caps and veneers can neither stain nor whiten. Teeth whitening cannot damage dental work.

Post whitening care is necessary

Post-bleaching and minimising your intake of foods and beverages that can discolour your teeth such as coffee, wine, tea and sodas are very necessary. One should also avoid bad habits such as tobacco usage. Apart from all that, one needs to maintain oral hygiene by flossing and brushing teeth regularly.

Your teeth are like sponges, they absorb.

Your teeth have tiny pores just like a sponge or your skin. Whatever you put into your mouth that has colour will be absorbed into those pores. Dark berries, wine, coffee, tea and smoking are awfully active in discolouring teeth. Over time, the natural colour of your teeth becomes darker because of the stains. Such stains will not fade away unless you actively remove them. Well formulated teeth whitening gels work by getting absorbed into your teeth and gently pushing out stains through the tiny pores.

Teeth whitening is basically a chemical process

Teeth whitening is done using a peroxide group of compounds such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. These compounds when placed in contact with the teeth enamel they release free radical oxygen, which penetrates the outer layers of your teeth oxidizing the stain-producing pigments and thus giving your teeth a brighter look.

Teeth whitening does not damage your teeth

Just like aggressive teeth brushing, any abuse of your teeth can be damaging. However, if used as instructed, the teeth whitening procedure is incredibly safe. The process uses active compounds that temporarily open the pores in your teeth and gently lift stains.

Some people should not whiten their teeth

As much as whitening systems are known to be safe, they may not be for everyone. Some of these people include pregnant or breastfeeding women, an adolescent who still have some of their baby teeth and people suffering from gum disease or with sensitive teeth.

What are the causes of tooth staining?

Eating habits

Consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, sodas, oranges, carrots and deep-coloured beverages and foods result in considerable teeth stains over the years. Additionally, acidic foods such as vinegar and citrus fruits contribute to tooth erosion. As a result, the surface of the tooth becomes weak and transparent and more of the yellowish colour of the dentin shows through.


Some medications can discolour the tooth enamel or alter the colour of the dentin. Children who take antibiotics before developing their permanent teeth are more likely to have yellowish tinted dentine. Antipsychotic drugs, antihistamines such as Benadryl and high blood pressure drugs are also known to cause teeth staining, but the extent of discolouration varies by duration of treatment for the condition and dosage.


Excessive exposure to fluoride either from environmental sources or excessive use can result in teeth staining.

Translucency and thinness

These are genetic traits that become more visible as one gets old. While all teeth show some translucency, those that are thick and opaque have an advantage because they look lighter in colour, show more sparkle and respond to teeth whitening. Teeth that are more transparent and thinner, mostly the front teeth, have less pigment that is necessary for teeth whitening. Transparency is the only condition that cannot be amended by any form of bleaching.


Certain forms of injury or trauma can result in teeth discolouration, especially during childhood as the teeth are still developing.

Certain diseases

Certain conditions such as anaemia can lead to teeth staining. Treatments for some diseases such as neck radiation can result in staining.

Previous dental work

Previous dental work could affect the results of your whitening treatment if you did not whiten your teeth before getting your dental work. When your dentist performed the procedure, he/she coloured the veneer, bridges or crown the same shade as your other teeth were at that time of treatment. Therefore, this means that the maximum effects of whitening on this area will not surpass its original colour. This will result in those teeth being a different shade of white than your natural teeth after the whitening procedure.

Poor dental hygiene

Inadequate flossing, brushing and rinsing with mouthwash to get rid of plaque and stain-producing substances such as tobacco and coffee can lead to teeth discolouration.

Grinding is most frequently caused by stress and can lead to micro-cracking in the teeth causing the biting edges to become dark.

Smoking habits
Nicotine tends to leave brownish deposits on your teeth which slowly soak resulting in intrinsic discolouration.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening is fast

Since the dentist is personally overseeing the process, it is possible to use a stronger solution than the ones present in at-home options. A stronger solution leads to faster results.

It protects Your Gums

If you have sensitive gums, you might find at-home products irritating and cause discomfort to your gums. You might find solutions such as whitening strips that reduce contact with the gums cumbersome.

Comes with Expert Guidance

Your dentist will give you all the necessary information you require before undertaking the procedure. He or she will offer you with expert opinion on the right type of teeth whitening option that will be best for you.

Professional Whitening Last for Longer

Your dentist will give you all the necessary information you need to maintain your whiter teeth for long. However, the larger part of maintaining white teeth falls on your shoulder. Be careful not to eat and drink foods that accelerate teeth discolouration.


You May be Given an At-Home kit

After the procedure, your dentist may provide you with an at-home kit to aid in teeth whitening. This has not much difference with people who choose to use at-home solutions.

Follow-up Appointments

After the procedure, you may be needed to make one or two visits to the dentist for follow-ups.

Benefits of At-Home Teeth Whitening
  • You can see results after 3 to 4 days
  • At-home teeth whitening is less costly than professional teeth whitening.
  • You might experience tooth sensitivity.
  • You may fail to see your desired results.
  • If you use the option too often, you might end up with teeth that look like they are translucent.
  • May take several weeks before you attain the level of whiteness that you are looking for.
Bottom Line

White teeth have long been considered a sign of beauty and health. At-home methods may be a bit cheaper than professional teeth whitening. However, it is important to note that you are giving up the quality of affordability. Contact us at Carrum Downs Dental Clinic, and we will help you decide which teeth whitening option is best for you.


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