Which One Is Right For You? Dental Implant vs. Denture?

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Which One Is Right For You? Dental Implant vs. Denture?

According to the Australian Dental Association, almost 70% of adults aged 35 to 44 years in Australia have at least one missing tooth. This may be due to an accident, gum disease, tooth decay or dental fractures. However, there is no need to go through life with missing teeth. It is cannot only lower your self-esteem but can also take a toll on your oral health.

Today, unlike before, there are countless tooth replacement procedures. Dental implants and dentures are among the most common options. If you have a missing tooth and your dentist have mentioned these two methods as the most appropriate tooth replacement method for you- the chances are that you are torn between which one might be the best for you. Although the results might be the same- a beautiful smile, the choice that is right for you depends on several factors.

This article will discuss more about dental implants and dentures, and why one but not the other may be the best option for you.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a false tooth root which is placed surgically into your jaw to hold a bridge or a replacement tooth. One of the key advantages of using a dental implant is that they do not rely on the surrounding teeth for support. They are permanent and stable. Dental implants are a perfect solution to replacing missing teeth because they feel and look like natural teeth. A dental implant typically has three parts:
The implant: This is a screw which serves as a root for your replacement tooth. It is what permanently attaches to your jaw bone.
The abutment: It is a connector that supports and holds your tooth. It is permanent but can also be removed by your dentist.
The crown or prosthetic tooth: This is the part of the tooth that can be seen. Usually, it is made from zirconium or porcelain for good looks and durability.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you are in your perfect health, have enough jaw bone to hold a dental implant, have healthy gums then implants may be the perfect option for you. However, if your jaw bone has not developed normally or shrunk, you will have to get a bone graft to build-up the bone before getting an implant. Bone graft is a technique used by dentists to add new bone to your jaw bone.

What to Expect During Dental Implant Procedure?

This procedure is not where you go into a dental office with a missing tooth,and then you immediately come out with a new replacement tooth. It is a type of procedure that needs outpatient care and is done in several stages.

If the injured or damaged tooth has not fallen off your mouth, your dentist will have first to remove it. You will get numbed, and the tooth will be extracted. Next, if you do not have enough jaw bone to support the implant, your dentist will suggest a bone graft. This means that the dentist will remove some small amount of your bone elsewhere in your body and surgically insert it into your jaw bone. This bone graft is usually removed from your chin or hip.

After you have taken time for your jaw bone to heal (this is if you’ve had a bone graft) your dentist will insert the dental implant into your jaw. The implant is fastened into the jaw bone to provide stability and strength. After placing the implant, you will go through another healing process known as the Osseo-integration. This healing process could take several months.

After the implant has bonded with the bone, the abutment will be attached to the implant. Then after the soft tissues have been given time to heal, your dentist will make a mould of your tooth and jaw bone. Later, the dentist will finally place the crown on top of the abutment.
The whole of this process could take several months so that the mouth gets enough time to heal.

Dental Implant Procedure

– Consultation

Consultation is the first step in the dental implant procedure. Your dentist will have to evaluate your teeth and gums. He/she will examine the density and quantity of the bone to ensure that there is enough bone structure to place the implant. This examination requires CT scans and x-rays to be done.
If your jaw bone or gum tissue is not enough, you will have to get a bone graft to build up these areas.

– The procedure

This procedure is usually done using local anesthesia. However, it is possible for the patient to request for other forms of anesthesia. Once the area has been injected with anesthesia, the dentist will drill a pilot hole where the dental implant is supposed to be placed. This pilot hole directs the titanium screw as it is placed into the jaw. Also, it prevents any damage to the teeth when the implant is put into the bone.

After the pilot hole has been drilled, it will be gently and slowly widened to fit the titanium screw. At this time, the implant will be fastened into position. The gum tissues will then be secured over the implant after it has been screwed in place. Also, a cover screw will be placed over the implant to allow the surrounding area to heal.

Once the surrounding area has been given sufficient time to heal, an abutment will be placed to hold the dental crown in place. A temporary crown will be fixed until the permanent crown is ready to replace it.

– After the procedure

This is a surgical procedure. Therefore, aftercare plays a major role in the success of the implant. It takes about 3-6 months for the dental implant to heal properly and the temporary crown to be put in place. During this healing period, the patient is required to maintain proper oral hygiene. If the patient doesn’t keep his/her mouth hygienic and free of bacteria, the implant may not heal properly, and the procedure may fail. Once the permanent crown is put in place, the patient must maintain good oral hygiene, including regular visits to the dentist. When they follow these instructions diligently the crown should last them 10-15 years.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

– Natural look and comfortable fit
Implants are designed to function, feel and look like your natural teeth. Also, dental implants boost the patient’s confidence to eat, smile and take part in activities without feeling ashamed about their appearance or their dentures falling out.

– High success rate
Dental implants that are well maintained and cared for offer high success rates than other teeth replacement options. Patients who are in good health have high chances for successful dental implants.

– Improved facial and bone features
Dental implants help to preserve natural tooth structures by preventing the need to scrap off adjacent teeth for teeth replacement treatment. They also help in preserving the facial and bone features by reducing bone deterioration which leads to loss of jaw bone.

– Improved ability to eat and chew
Dental implants are fused into your jaw bone just like your natural teeth. As time goes by, the implant integrates with the jaw bone; this helps to reduce bone reabsorption. Replacing missing teeth with implants improves your ability to speak more clearly, eat and chew properly.

– Long-lasting and reliable
If properly taken care and maintained, dental implants can last for more than 15 years.

Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants are classified based on the type of procedure used to place them: Single stage or two-stage.

– Single-Stage Dental implants

This type of procedure involves surgically placing a longer implant into the gum and jaw such that the top of the implant is visible. This allows the dentist to place an abutment and the crown onto the implant several months after healing without having to cut through to expose the implant again.

– Two-Stage implants

This type of dental implant involves the surgical placement of the implant into the jaw bone and stitching back of the gum tissue. After months of healing, minor surgery is done to expose the implant and attach an abutment and temporary crown.

– Endosteal/ Endosseous Dental Implants

These type of implants are introduced into the jaw bone, and usually, they are placed in the same way as the two-stage implants. Endosteal dental implants are mostly used as an alternative to a denture or bridge.

– Subperiosteal implants

Subperiosteal implants are placed into the jaw bone with the implant exposed to hold the dental restoration. These implants are the commonly used type of single-stage dental implant procedure. They are used to hold dentures in patients who do not have sufficient bone height.

Symptoms of a Dental Implant Failure

You need to visit your dentist to have your implant looked at in case you experience any complications or the procedure has failed. As much as this is uncommon, knowing when you need to visit a dentist for a check-up can offer some peace of mind.


While complications are rare and treated easily, they can still emerge. Some of the dental implant complications include:
– Pressure around your implant area, which can lead to falling out of the implant or failure.
– Infection on the area of your implant, an implant fall out or loose implant.
– Nerve or tissue damage which leads to numbness, tingling or pain in your gums, lips, teeth or chin.
– Peri-implantitis, this is where the surrounding gum tissue and bone of your implant become swollen and irritated because of excessive biting force or bacterial infection. If peri-implantitis is left untreated, it can cause you to lose your implant.
– Sinus problems because of the implants touching the sinus cavities. This is common if your implants are placed in your upper jaw.

denture treatment


Dentures are an effective way to replace a bunch of missing teeth. It is undoubtedly a pocket-friendly way to restore your smile if you’re missing most of your teeth. There was a time when dentures were not as popular, and people thought of them as a last resort. They were seen as a failure option for people who could not maintain good oral hygiene. They were uncomfortable, rough, and ill-fitting and were never aesthetically pleasing. Fortunately, things have dramatically changed over the decades. Now it is almost impossible to tell the difference between dentures and natural teeth.

Regardless of if you are getting dentures, you know someone who already has them- you are likely to have some few questions still. These questions can focus on what exactly they are, are their different types, what are they made of, what their advantages are and why you should prefer them over other options. Here are some answers to these questions.

What are Dentures?

Dentures are artificial teeth and gums created by your dentist specifically for your mouth to replace missing natural teeth. They are different from other teeth replacement options since dentures are not permanently attached to your jawbone. This is primarily because dentures are meant to replace a couple of teeth all at once. The only other way to replace a missing tooth is to use some anchor to the jawbone; dentures are the most viable option if you are missing a couple of teeth in a row. That is why in most cases dentures are fitted in mouths that are missing all or most of the natural teeth. A complete set of dentures can be worn during the day and removed at night for cleaning.

Types of Dentures

– Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are used instead of using any other tooth replacement options when the surrounding teeth are not strong enough to hold structures such as dental bridges. They are also used when one or more teeth are missing. Partial dentures are fitted to the gum line where they will sit on and then fastened to prevent them from falling off. However, they are not permanently fastened and can be easily taken out at night or during cleaning.

– Full Dentures

Full dentures/complete dentures are used to replace all your teeth. They are fitted by your dentist over your top or bottom gum line and are held in place by suction or by the help of an oral adhesive. They are also removable at night or during cleaning. Full dentures are a strong option if you are missing all your teeth.

– Immediate Dentures

These are dentures that can be worn immediately out of the dentist office after your teeth have been extracted. Immediate dentures are mostly used to prevent you from staying without teeth during your healing process. Your dentist will make another new set of complete or partial dentures once your jaw has healed. An impression will be taken a couple of weeks before extraction of your teeth so that you can have your immediate dentures once they have been extracted. The only problem with this type of dentures is that they need more adjustment since your gums and bones may shrink during the healing process.

Why Might I need Dentures?

Well, your dentist is likely to recommend dentures for you if you are missing a couple of teeth on both rows. Where you have lost more than three teeth in a row, there is not enough of support where your dentist can be able to replace with fillings or crowns. So, in such a case dentures are usually the only viable option. The choice of whether to use full or partial dentures depends on how many teeth you are missing and where missing teeth are located.

If you’re an aged person, years of wear and tear on your jawbone might have caused your natural teeth to deteriorate. Replacing such teeth with dentures can be a very effective way to reduce pain, eradicate persistent tooth infection and generally live a healthier life as far as oral health is concerned. However, know that your dentist will always do everything possible to save your natural tooth so that dentures will come as a last resort. This means that your dentist will only recommend dentures when there is no other viable option left.

What are the benefits of dentures?

Dentures is a common treatment option for replacing missing teeth. This is because they come with a wide range of advantages. They include:

– Boosted Confidence

You may experience some problems with your self-confidence if you have lost one or more of your teeth. After all, a smile is one of the first things people notice when they first approach you. Losing your teeth can greatly affect your appearance in a major way. It can negatively affect your social life, relationship and career. This is because missing one or more teeth can cause your facial muscles to sag, thus resulting in premature aging of your face significantly. Therefore, missing teeth and facial sag can lead to someone avoiding social events that one used to enjoy once. However, the good news is, dentures can give you an immediate look by filling in the gap left by your missing teeth.

– Restore the function of your teeth

Dentures are intended to function just like your natural teeth. Therefore, it means that they can fully restore the function of your teeth and enable you to bite and chew properly once again. Missing one or more teeth can be so frustrating especially since everyday actions such as chewing that we take granted for can be a major challenge. Dentures make your everyday life easier by implementing natural suction to stay securely and comfortably in your mouth. This means that you can go back to enjoying your favourite foods without having to worry about discomfort. With a little bit of chewing practice, you will be able to eat tough diets such as meat and caramel.

– Versatility

Dentures are available in two major types; they include full or partial dentures. Full dentures are suitable for patients who have lost some or most of their teeth, whereas partial dentures are ideal for filling in gaps of a few missing teeth. Also, implant-supported dentures are a good choice when it comes to patients who want a durable and non-removable denture.

– Improves your speech

When forming words, the tongue pushes against the teeth to help make the right sounds. However, when your missing teeth you may find it challenging to make the right sounds for certain words. Dentures help you to properly pronounce your letters and restore your natural way of speaking.

– Long-lasting

Dentures can last as long as five to ten years if they are cared for exceptionally well before they need to be replaced. This makes them a major investment in a patient’s health and attractiveness of the teeth. Ensure to handle them carefully and brush them daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Rinse or soak them in a denture-safe solution every night when you go to sleep.

– Cost-effective

Dentures are a cost-effective option for teeth replacement treatment, especially when more of the natural teeth are present. There are other alternatives such as dental implants, but most patients’ go for dentures because they are quite affordable.

Bottom Line: Should I get Dental Implants or dentures?

If you have missing teeth and your gums are healthy, dental implants may come in handy. These are replacement teeth that are surgically implanted into the jawbone. With good oral care, they can last for more than a decade without the need of replacing them. Dental implants are a common option for people who have lost a tooth or two. They can also be an alternative to dentures if you have several teeth missing. As long as your jaw and gums are healthy, dental implants can be a perfect tooth replacement option.
On the other hand, dentures come as the most common option among a majority of people. However, they are not ideal for everyone. If they have not been properly secured by adhesive, they can easily slip out while speaking or eating which can be very embarrassing. They can also promote infection if not properly fitted. However, with that said, dentures are an ideal option for people with weak or unhealthy jaw bone and gums.

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